element-plus / theme-chalk-preview

Preview and download custom Element Plus theme-chalk.
13 stars 7 forks source link

[Bug Report] theme preview website download theme js error #15

Open ElsaOOo opened 2 years ago

ElsaOOo commented 2 years ago

Element Plus version


OS/Browsers version

macOs 11.6 / chrome 94

Vue version


Reproduction Link



Steps to reproduce

click download theme button , there is js error in console 点击下载主题,控制台报js error

What is Expected?

can download theme 可以正常下载自定义颜色的主题

What is actually happening?

can not download theme 不可以正常下载自定义颜色的主题

element-bot commented 2 years ago

Translation of this issue:

Element Plus version


OS/Browsers version

macOs 11.6 / chrome 94

Vue version


Reproduction Link

https://element-plus.github.io/theme-chalk-preview/#/zh -CN

! image

Steps to reproduce

click download theme button , there is js error in console Click the download topic and the console will report JS error

What is Expected?

can download theme

You can download custom color themes normally

What is actually happening?

can not download theme Themes with custom colors cannot be downloaded normally

Greasen commented 2 years ago
