elementary / Reddit-CSS

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Images are blurry on HiDPI/retina displays #5

Closed aroman closed 9 years ago

roryjs commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately, Reddit does not support SVG's or media queries so this is a little tricky. What images in particular are blurry? Is the default Reddit theme also blurry?

aroman commented 9 years ago

the "e" logo is basically the only thing. but i'm not sure why you'd need SVG or media queries — why not just stick a double-resolution image there and set the dimensions to scale-down to the original (1x) dimensions? that's usually how I do it, although i've never worked with reddit themes before.

roryjs commented 9 years ago

Well SVGs are great because you don't need to worry about resolution and media queries allow you to have different image sizes for different screen res, but you're right - because we don't have any large images, I've just upped the res of most images.

Fixed ef31c66