elementary / builds

Frontend to elementary OS Builds
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Patreon linked to GitHub doesn't count as sponsorship #176

Open cyrneko opened 4 months ago

cyrneko commented 4 months ago

What Happened?

I've pledged to Elementary over Patreon, making sure to link it with my GitHub account. Builds.elementary.io does not recognise this, even after @danirabbit manually added me to the whitelist.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Support via Patreon
  2. Link GH and Patreon
  3. Try logging in on builds.elementary.io

Expected Behavior

It should recognise that I am indeed sponsoring Elementary and allow me through.

OS Version

Other Linux

Software Version

Latest release (I have run all updates)

Log Output

Not Relevant

Hardware Info

Not Relevant

danirabbit commented 4 months ago

@lewisgoddard This should theoretically just work with Patreon right? Possibly closing #54? But it's weird that he still can't log in even after I added his username manually to the allow list. Any idea for debugging steps?

cyrneko commented 4 months ago

Because it is relevant:

At this point I have tried on a completely different device and fresh Firefox install

darltrash commented 4 months ago

any updates on this?

lewisgoddard commented 3 months ago

I have absolutely no idea for the allowlisting, that is a simple check in server/auth-callback.js, line 95.

Do we know anyone who is subscribed to the Patreon?

It might be something to do with the check that they are paying at least $1 a month.

I would like to know the output of this GitHub GraphQL query (they can be tested @ https://docs.github.com/en/graphql/overview/explorer)

  viewer {
    organizations(last: 100) {
      nodes {
    sponsorshipsAsSponsor(last: 100) {
      nodes {
        tier {
        sponsorable {
          ... on User {
          ... on Organization {