elementary / dock

A quick app launcher and window switcher for Pantheon and elementary OS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Dock shows two icons on flatpak apps (EOS 6 Beta) #105

Closed KarkanAlzwayed closed 3 years ago

KarkanAlzwayed commented 3 years ago

I have installed apps through PPAs (I know they are not recommended on EOS, but just for the sake of testing), .deb packages and app images and they all opened normal with one icon in the dock. But when I installed kdenlive from flathub .org and opened it, I got two icons of the app, one is clean and sharp and the other is different and even blurry/low res. I am aware of issue #51, but I think this one is a little different since I am seeing a whole different icon, and not a square. If it is the same issue, then please ignore and close this one. Thanks. See attached screenshot. Screenshot from 2021-05-16 23-29-49@2x

Blast-City commented 3 years ago


I think that #51 doesn't show another Spotify icon because it's unable to get a lower resolution one so it just shows a cogwheel (generic icon). What happen when you click each of the icons? Does the left one starts a new instance and the right one minimize the current window?

KarkanAlzwayed commented 3 years ago

@Blast-City I should've clarified more. It only shows one icon when the app isn't open, but when I open the app, it shows the second different icon rather than just a red dot on the dock that indicates that the app is open.

Blast-City commented 3 years ago


I know. On your picture the running indicator only shows on the right icon.

I think you should close this one since it clearly seems to be a duplicate of #51.

KarkanAlzwayed commented 3 years ago

@Blast-City The issue seems to have been fixed, I think. Or it's gone because I have enabled the flathub remote repo and installed the GL extension following 32 when I was trying to fix web. flatpak remote-add --system --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo and flatpak install -y flathub org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.default//20.08 I don't know to be honest. It's getting a bit confusing with the beta. lol

KarkanAlzwayed commented 3 years ago

@Blast-City Will close. Thanks