elementary / fileroller

FileRoller packaged for elementary OS
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File-roller can't extract an archive in NTFS partitions #41

Open andreas-xavier opened 1 year ago

andreas-xavier commented 1 year ago

What Happened?

In elementary OS 7 when I try to extract a compressed file (.zip, .tar.gz etc.) in a ntfs partition I got this message (in Italian, my system language): Estrazione non eseguita. Permessi non sufficienti per estrarre archivi nella cartella «nome_cartella» that should be: Extraction not performed. You don’t have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder «folder_name»

Of course I do have read/write/execute privileges on the entire partition. Nothing particular in my /etc/fstab: UUID=[partition_uuid] /media/user/DATA ntfs defaults,uid=1000 0 0 (in my case the ntfs partition is on an internal drive)

In fact the extraction works fine with other programs (ex: PeaZip) or if I use a simple terminal command: unzip archive.zip

As temporary workaround, I solved using the file-roller package in Ubuntu repositories:

sudo apt purge org.gnome.fileroller
flatpak remove org.gnome.FileRoller
sudo apt install file-roller

The package from jammy's repo seems to be OK.

I suspect this could be related to the fact that file-roller flatpak maybe has no access to /media or /mnt directory (see #10 ).

Note for Log Output: Sorry, in cases like this I launch the program via terminal so I can see what's wrong in the output. But if I run flatpak run org.gnome.FileRoller the gui seems not able to even select and open the ntfs partition. So I just wrote the packages details.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Save an archive in a ntfs partition.
  2. Open the file manager, then double click on the archive file or right click on it and select the option to open with file-roller.
  3. When the window of file roller is ready, simply drag and drop a file/folder to save it in the ntfs partition via file manager.
  4. A popup windows should appear with the message: «_Extraction not performed. You don’t have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder «foldername»»

Expected Behavior

The extracted file and/or folder should be correctly saved on the ntfs partition.

OS Version

7.x (Horus)

Software Version

Latest release (I have run all updates)

Log Output

apt policy  org.gnome.fileroller         
  Tabella versione:
     3.40.0-0+pkg5~ubuntu7.1 500

flatpak list
Name                                       Application ID                            Version      Branch           Origin           Installation
File Roller                                org.gnome.FileRoller                      43.0         stable           appcenter        system

Hardware Info

No response

tetebueno commented 2 months ago

I have an ext4 mount configured in fstab and can't make it work either. Also, when trying to achieve this with the mentioned workaround I can't see the "compress" option in the Files context menu.

ryonakano commented 2 months ago

I guess this would be because we're only grant access to ~/ and /tmp for our FileRoller?
