elementary / gala

Gala Window Manager for elementary OS and Pantheon
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Different keyboard layouts for individual windows #180

Open liminspace opened 6 years ago

liminspace commented 6 years ago

Hi there! It's very important to have different layouts for each windows if you use more than one layout. But it is impossible in Elementary OS. Is there some solution how to fix it? Thanks.

ps: Elementary OS can be the first candidate to move from Ubuntu with Unity, but it must have at least base functionality like above.

peteruithoven commented 6 years ago

Could you explain why it's important? This sounds very subjective when you don't add some basic reasoning.

liminspace commented 6 years ago

At least because it is not comfortable when you use several programs and must change layout every time changing window. After Ubuntu, Windows, MacOS or other OS, Elementary OS is very uncomfortable for its woody layouts. If you use more that one layout you must understand me without additional explanation.

peteruithoven commented 6 years ago

If you use more that one layout you must understand me without additional explanation.

Clearly I don't, which is why I'm asking this. Why are people using multiple layouts? I don't represent elementary OS, but I'd like to see some reasoning and clarification on the importance of this feature request.

liminspace commented 6 years ago

Imagine you have a messenger, an email client, several terminals and a code editor. You use some A language in messenger, B in email client and C in terminals and the code editor. If OS doesn't support multi-window layouts, you must every time change the layout to write text in the right language and check if current layout is correct. If OS supports this feature, you can just change window without thinking about layout and spending time for checking and switching it.

oleg104 commented 6 years ago

This option is very important for all people who are from not english-speaking country like me and Ihor. We always have at least two input languages. Most of us has three input languages/loyouts. We use different languages for Internet browsing, messaging, programming. Please add option "Different keyboard layouts for individual windows" to Elementary OS. I saw that this option was present earlier like here https://goo.gl/images/75qiGc

slava-konashkov commented 6 years ago

I do agree that this option is very important! Can you show the way to return this option?

brutaltea commented 5 years ago

Any updates?

liminspace commented 5 years ago

I just moved to Ubuntu 18.04. After some tuning it is quite comfortable and stable.

gasinvein commented 5 years ago

Lack of this feature is probably a showstopper for anybody whose native language isn't english.

MegOBonus commented 5 years ago

Any updates?

peteruithoven commented 5 years ago

Please stop asking for updates or point out how important this is. Maybe add a bounty or try to put in some time instead?

axelprox commented 5 years ago

Maybe someone already solve this? Or AppCenter has app to deal with it?

endorama commented 4 years ago

Hello, I would love to see this supported! Switching back and forth from different layout is a pity, and I really love the polished touch Elementary has. Thus I'm willing to help, but I'm new to Vala and Gala (and GTK programming in general).

@peteruithoven do you think this is something a "newcomer" can tackle? I'm fairly experienced in other languages, but I mainly coded cli tools and web (both frontend and backend) apps.
If yes I'll gladly have a try.

Dirli commented 4 years ago

Hello, I would love to see this supported! Switching back and forth from different layout is a pity, and I really love the polished touch Elementary has. Thus I'm willing to help, but I'm new to Vala and Gala (and GTK programming in general).

@peteruithoven do you think this is something a "newcomer" can tackle? I'm fairly experienced in other languages, but I mainly coded cli tools and web (both frontend and backend) apps. If yes I'll gladly have a try.

You can try this https://github.com/Dirli/gala-layoutpw-plugin and this patch is for on/off (0.3.1) https://github.com/Dirli/gpde/blob/master/pantheon-base/switchboard-plug-keyboard/files/2.3.5-layout_pw_switch.patch

ochornolutskyi commented 4 years ago

Здравствуйте, я хотел бы видеть это поддерживается! Жаль, что переключаться с другой компоновки на другую - мне очень нравится, что элементарное прикосновение есть у Elementary. Таким образом, я готов помочь, но я новичок в Vala и Gala (и в программировании GTK в целом). @peteruithoven Как вы думаете, это то, что новичок может решить? Я довольно опытен в других языках, но я в основном программировал инструменты для работы с клиентами и веб-приложения (как веб-, так и серверные). Если да, я с удовольствием попробую.

Вы можете попробовать этот https://github.com/Dirli/gala-layoutpw-plugin, и этот патч для включения / выключения (0.3.1) https://github.com/Dirli/gpde/blob/master/pantheon- основание / распределительный щит-модуль клавиатуры / файлы / 2.3.5-layout_pw_switch.patch

I tried to install your plugin but it doesn't work for me. Installed according to the installation instructions. Maybe I did something wrong?

Dirli commented 4 years ago

Здравствуйте, я хотел бы видеть это поддерживается! Жаль, что переключаться с другой компоновки на другую - мне очень нравится, что элементарное прикосновение есть у Elementary. Таким образом, я готов помочь, но я новичок в Vala и Gala (и в программировании GTK в целом). @peteruithoven Как вы думаете, это то, что новичок может решить? Я довольно опытен в других языках, но я в основном программировал инструменты для работы с клиентами и веб-приложения (как веб-, так и серверные). Если да, я с удовольствием попробую.

Вы можете попробовать этот https://github.com/Dirli/gala-layoutpw-plugin, и этот патч для включения / выключения (0.3.1) https://github.com/Dirli/gpde/blob/master/pantheon- основание / распределительный щит-модуль клавиатуры / файлы / 2.3.5-layout_pw_switch.patch

I tried to install your plugin but it doesn't work for me. Installed according to the installation instructions. Maybe I did something wrong?

Use 0.3.0 version. 0,3,1 is disabled by default and must be enabled. patch: https://github.com/Dirli/gpde/blob/master/pantheon-base/switchboard-plug-keyboard/files/2.3.5-layout_pw_switch.patch

saintzyo commented 4 years ago

+1 for this feature request. All "adult" OSs have this feature and even more: per app, per window for each app. This is like adding another input language. it's the only thing that stops me from migrating from Ubuntu to Elementary. And the slogan "User Friendly. And Keyboard Friendly." sounds a little bit defective.

ochornolutskyi commented 4 years ago

+1 for this feature request. All "adult" OSs have this feature and even more: per app, per window for each app. This is like adding another input language. it's the only thing that stops me from migrating from Ubuntu to Elementary. And the slogan "User Friendly. And Keyboard Friendly." sounds a little bit defective.

Hello, my friend. Sorry for my Ukrainian English, but this plugin "https://github.com/Dirli/gala-layoutpw-plugin" really works for me. After installing it plugin as recommended, please, install dconf-editor. Then you must change "per window" on "true" for "/org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/per-window" if you use GTK. Or try to run in console "dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/per-window true". It works for me after rebooting and I am so happy.

saintzyo commented 4 years ago

+1 for this feature request. All "adult" OSs have this feature and even more: per app, per window for each app. This is like adding another input language. it's the only thing that stops me from migrating from Ubuntu to Elementary. And the slogan "User Friendly. And Keyboard Friendly." sounds a little bit defective.

Hello, my friend. Sorry for my Ukrainian English, but this plugin "https://github.com/Dirli/gala-layoutpw-plugin" really works for me. After installing it plugin as recommended, please, install dconf-editor. Then you must change "per window" on "true" for "/org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/per-window" if you use GTK. Or try to run in console "dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/input-sources/per-window true". It works for me after rebooting and I am so happy.

Yup, it maybe works. But, I want to have this feature out from the box. I don't want to take any extra steps. And if Elementary is positioning herself as "The fast, open, and privacy-respecting replacement for Windows and macOS", so where is this?) Don't worry, I'm also from Ukraine!)

adovbos commented 4 years ago

+1 for this feature. And +1 to Ukrainian users)))

mrduke243 commented 4 years ago


I am trying the above, I seem to be having an issue with the instructions shown for the plug in or probably i am doing something wrong, I've installed the dependencies needed:


Then i am supposed to write this command:

' meson build --prefix=/usr //debian,ubuntu --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu '

Here is my outcome: ' usage: meson [-h] {setup,configure,install,introspect,init,test,wrap,subprojects,help} ... meson: error: unrecognized arguments: //debian,ubuntu '

Now, to my understanding - meson cannot be used with " build ", also my arguments are wrong - i tried filling in ' elementary ' instead of ' debian, ubuntu ' - I am still getting the same outcome though. (only difference is that i get that ' elementary ' is an invalid argument.

Could someone help or point to me what i am doing wrong here?


adovbos commented 4 years ago

Just delete //Debian, Ubuntu... "//" Usually means " this is comment"

On Tue, Apr 14, 2020, 11:40 PM mrduke243 notifications@github.com wrote:


I am trying the above, I seem to be having an issue with the instructions shown for the plug in or probably i am doing something wrong, I've installed the dependencies needed:

[image: image] https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/63676079/79271538-a66d2e00-7ea8-11ea-9ff5-20b69a99f9a4.png

Then i am supposed to write this command:

' meson build --prefix=/usr //debian,ubuntu --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu '

Here is my outcome: ' usage: meson [-h] {setup,configure,install,introspect,init,test,wrap,subprojects,help} ... meson: error: unrecognized arguments: //debian,ubuntu '

Now, to my understanding - meson cannot be used with " build ", also my arguments are wrong - i tried filling in ' elementary ' instead of ' debian, ubuntu ' - I am still getting the same outcome though. (only difference is that i get that ' elementary ' is an invalid argument.

Could someone help or point to me what i am doing wrong here?



mrduke243 commented 4 years ago

Command : ' meson build --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu '

I believe i am missing something here, i also tried removing, i am getting this message though:

ERROR: Neither directory contains a build file meson.build.

Note: I downloaded the plug in and extracted on my Downloads folder so probably it's a matter of 'wrong' directory?

ochornolutskyi commented 4 years ago

Command : ' meson build --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu '

I believe i am missing something here, i also tried removing, i am getting this message though:

ERROR: Neither directory contains a build file meson.build.

Note: I downloaded the plug in and extracted on my Downloads folder so probably it's a matter of 'wrong' directory?

please make sure you go into the plugin folder in the terminal. like this: cd ~/your_folders_name/gala-layoutpw-plugin/ and then try installing it one more time

mrduke243 commented 4 years ago

Thanks, that worked while I was logged in. I restarted my laptop and now I cannot go past the password logo in screen.

It accepts the pw, and when asks for it again.. Non stop?

Any thoughts, apart from clean re install?

adovbos commented 4 years ago

Thanks, that worked while I was logged in. I restarted my laptop and now I cannot go past the password logo in screen.

It accepts the pw, and when asks for it again.. Non stop?

Any thoughts, apart from clean re install?

sounds more like wingpanel or pantheon error. Try to go on other tty using ctrl+alt+f1-12 and login there, and see sys logs for errors, or remove this plugin using uninstall command

ochornolutskyi commented 4 years ago

Thanks, that worked while I was logged in. I restarted my laptop and now I cannot go past the password logo in screen.

It accepts the pw, and when asks for it again.. Non stop?

Any thoughts, apart from clean re install?

I don't know some things in this plugin, I am not the creator of it. I think the plugin works non stop. it's ok for me because my password includes only figures. I think you can use the live cd or do some things that @adovbos tell above, and remove the plugin from: cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gala/plugins/ and then sudo rm libgala-layoutpw.so. Did you try to change your layout on lockdown screen?

mrduke243 commented 4 years ago

Doesn't work sadly.

Thanks though, will clean install instead. It's faster since I just installed a while ago

jeremypw commented 4 years ago

I had a similar problem a while back and I just logged in using a terminal (press e.g. <Ctrl><Alt>F5 at the log in screen) and updated the system. You could also create a new user for yourself from the terminal if that does not fix it. I am always building and installing proposed branches so I assumed that had messed something up so I did not report it as in issue at the time.

mrduke243 commented 4 years ago

I tried updating, I didn't fix the issue...

I found a "solution" though, since I'm the only user of my laptop I just removed the pw log in so it doesn't mess up my log in credentials.

It's not a solution per se, but for the sake of using this 😅

Dirli commented 4 years ago

It is very strange that you are trying to find a solution to the problem here, and not from the author of this plugin)))

PS Yes, there was an error in the master branch (or rather not mindfulness). Everything is fixed (including the description).

mrduke243 commented 4 years ago

I saw the post and figured it was worth a try to ask in case someone has a similar problem, usually it's the fastest way to go 😁

ghost commented 4 years ago

Two years later and no option for different layouts in apps? Are you serious?

jeremypw commented 4 years ago

@Dirli: Have you thought about submitting a PR to elementary incorporating your plugin into the master branch?

Dirli commented 4 years ago

@jeremypw Yes, that would be a good idea. But the position of the main developers is that they are not interested in what they do not need. I'm afraid it will be a waste of time, or the PR will hang for years. So I'll leave it at that. If someone does this, no problem.

megatux commented 4 years ago

I also would like to see this plugin merged, unless there are good reasons not to do it, like UX complexity, code quality, open issues, etc.

Sorry not to know who are the "main developers" on this thread. Could you list the reasons for not to apply this solution or the steps needed for move forward with it?

jeremypw commented 4 years ago

I don't work on Gala. I am not sure there is an "official" maintainer but people recently making substantive commits include @tintou, @donadigo and @davidmhewitt .

A1Gard commented 4 years ago

@Dirli Thanks for your lib it's worked perfectly. But I think better is easier approach.


iamwavecut commented 1 year ago
