elementary / greeter

Login and Lock Screen greeter for elementary OS and Pantheon, using LightDM
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Remembering that numpad were enabled #511

Open youngLights14 opened 3 years ago

youngLights14 commented 3 years ago


Every time when my laptop locks I have to re-enable numpad.


I think that elementary os should remember that I had numpad enabled the last time I used lock screen. I would even say that elementary os should remember that numpad was enabled before shuting down PC, so num pad can be used, without the need to enable it, when os is booted, until it is manually disabled by the user.

Prior Art

If I am not mistaken this is how it works on Windows.

peteruithoven commented 2 years ago

Which OS version was this? I think since version 6 it has been remembering the numpad state for me.