elementary / greeter

Login and Lock Screen greeter for elementary OS and Pantheon, using LightDM
GNU General Public License v3.0
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No Splash Screen while Elementary is loading #554

Closed abodedis closed 2 years ago

abodedis commented 2 years ago

What Happened

No Splash screen while the OS is loading.

Expected Behavior

A splash screen should correctly display while the OS loads.

Steps to Reproduce

Occurs on startup. After POST, there is just a black screen for 20-30 seconds while the OS loads.


Platform Information

OS: elementary OS 6 Odin x86_64 Kernel: 5.11.0-27-generic Packages: 1699 (dpkg), 20 (flatpak) Shell: bash 5.0.17 Resolution: 3840x2160 DE: Pantheon WM: Mutter(Gala) Theme: io.elementary.stylesheet.blueberry [GTK3] Icons: elementary [GTK3] Terminal: io.elementary.t CPU: Intel Xeon W3680 (12) @ 3.326GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 1030 Memory: 1370MiB / 24047MiB

abodedis commented 2 years ago

Clarification: On an older system with BIOS and no manufacturers logo (see platform above), screen may be blank throughout loading of OS.

Suggest to check system to see if manufacturer's logo is available, if not, display the elementary OS logo in supported monitor resolution.

stradicat commented 2 years ago

I'm also affected by this, and the lack of a splash screen, which looks like plymouth malfunctioning, has the side effect of exposing the boot log to the screen in framebuffer mode when logging off the user session back to the greeter, or rebooting/shutting down.

This doesn't happen in the equivalent Ubuntu and Kubuntu installations, as I've tried over the past couple of days.

Hardware: Lenovo ThinkPad T410s (2013) CPU: Intel i5 540-M Dual graphics (Optimus): Intel HD Graphics (Ironlake) + NVIDIA NVS3100M (512Mb, nouveau driver)

nothingneko commented 2 years ago

I don't believe this is an issue with the greeter. Try running update-alternatives --config default.plymouth as root to switch the theme (It may have gotten changed)

stradicat commented 2 years ago

I don't believe this is an issue with the greeter. Try running update-alternatives --config default.plymouth as root to switch the theme (It may have gotten changed)

I had done this previously, but I'll try again tonight.


Based on my shell history, I had already tried and failed. Tried again, failed again.

However, I followed an advice on editing /usr/share/plymouth/themes/elementary/elementary.plymouth and changing every instance of UseFirmwareBackground to false, then running update-initramfs -u -k all, and rebooting.

At least a spinner icon shows up. Not the elementary OS logo, though.

4jNsY6fCVqZv commented 2 years ago

Is this really a Greeter issue? Or rather a Plymouth issue? https://github.com/elementary/plymouth-theme/issues/17

stradicat commented 2 years ago

After having found that other issue, I've concluded that it's a plymouth issue and not a greeter problem, as initially suspected.

4jNsY6fCVqZv commented 2 years ago

Perhaps this issue can be closed as duplicate or out of scope (for Greeter) if the elementary team can provide feedback on this issue?

stradicat commented 2 years ago

It's definitely a duplicate of the same problem, so it can be closed.

davidmhewitt commented 2 years ago

This is definitely not a greeter issue, the linked elementary/plymouth-theme#17 issue is the correct place for this and there are additional details there. So I'm closing this as a duplicate.