elementary / mail

Mail app designed for elementary OS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Perform tone analysis before sending an email #232

Open marioguerriero opened 6 years ago

marioguerriero commented 6 years ago

Mail could perform tone analysis on email content before the email is sent. An example of this feature would be:

There already exist several implementations of this kind of systems (IBM Tone Analyzer) and there exist several datasets which could suit this problem (Politeness, Emotion Detection in Text datasets)

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jlnr commented 6 years ago

Somewhat related, I often could've needed a warning when I sent a mail saying "here's the file" with 0 attachments. I know there's at least one plugin for Apple Mail that does this.

Maybe warnings like this could be implemented through some kind of generic check?

marioguerriero commented 6 years ago

It would be great to have it. By the way those kind of warnings are much easier to implement. I suppose that a simple matching for some keywords would be enough. Of course this approach would not be very flexible but I doubt there is any other feasible way of implementing it.

There are already several implementations of this feature e.g. in Thunderbird. Maybe we could have a look at how they do it.

However I believe that you could report a separate bug it as the two features are technically unrelated.

SamMakesCode commented 6 years ago

I think the suggestion to detect if there ought to be a file attached is great. Thunderbird also does this.

It's not my call, but I don't know that we should be reminding people to be polite. Goes beyond the scope of a mail client in my opinion.