elementary / mail

Mail app designed for elementary OS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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PGP Support #82

Open joelbduncan opened 6 years ago

joelbduncan commented 6 years ago

Would be great to see full PGP support in Mail. There was already work done to support this in Geary by @emersion https://github.com/emersion/geary/tree/pgp

keeferrourke commented 6 years ago

Is anyone working on this?

mIcHyAmRaNe commented 6 years ago

emerson confirmed me that he don't intend to work on PGP integration in pantheon-mail anymore :(

pvermeil commented 6 years ago

+1 Your UI is greater than other mail clients but lack of encryption is an issue

ancarda commented 6 years ago


I would really love this feature in Geary. Is anyone working on this, or is it stalled?

If stalled, I would pick this up, but unfortunately, I have very little experience with the relevant technologies; Vala, GTK, graphical Linux development, and anything needed to implement crypto related code. I think it would take me weeks or even months to get up to speed with these, so I would like to make a proposal.

So if the work is stalled, what would be required for it to continue? If monetary compensation (e.g. through BountySource or PayPal) could be helpful here, how much would be enough?

Or if money is not the problem, could something else help instead?

If, however, no current mail contributor is willing or able to pick up work on this even for pay, how would you, the current maintainers, or you, @danrabbit in particular, feel about me finding a contractor (e.g. on Elance, someone who already knows PGP, GTK, and/or Vala) to write a pull request, which a Geary maintainer could oversee and eventually merge?

ancarda commented 6 years ago

Hi @vitaminless,

I’ve just seen that you set a goal of $1,000 on https://www.bountysource.com/issues/991629-transparent-encryption-and-signing-with-gpg. Does this mean if the BountySource reaches $1,000 that you would start to work on this issue?

eljefuri commented 5 years ago

Critically important functionality in 2018. @ancarda @vitaminless I will put up that $1000 bounty happily if the developer can accept cryptocurrency. Unfortunately Bountysource cannot mix crypto and fiat bounties in a single issue yet, so I would need to send it directly.

eljefuri commented 5 years ago

By the way I STRONGLY recommend consulting with Patrick Brunschwig from Enigmail before designing your implementation. There are a lot of "gotchas" with PGP integration, and some important new standards (p=p, Autocrypt) to consider. For what it's worth, I would throw additional money into the above bounty to get Patrick directly involved. I would also ask that the team building this start using PGP themselves in a serious way to understand the UX complexities involved in things like key exchange.

ghost commented 1 year ago

Any way we can sponsor this issue?