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login after locking screen results in empty workspace #170

Open jhmenke opened 5 years ago

jhmenke commented 5 years ago

after having locked the screen, sometimes (probably in 20 % of cases), i have to login twice, my first login is ignored, and then the login screen is shown again. logging back in for the second time results in completely empty screens (my custom xrandr command is disregarded and all screens are turned on, which is not normally the case). there is no dock nor can the applications menu be opened with function + space as usual. no open programs are shown anymore. the only solution is to push the power button until the machine turns off completely and then reboot.

processes which were running in the locked session seem to remain active though, i suspect a new session is opened in this cases.

this may be related to #148 but i would not know how to restart lightdm when i cannot open a terminal.

peteruithoven commented 5 years ago

Could you list what you've customized? Does this happen when you don't run this custom xrandr command?

I ran into a similar effect, getting the login screen again, because of a unrelated reason, but maybe you can use some of the links and check some of the logs I checked back then: https://elementaryos.stackexchange.com/questions/17580/cant-login-in-a-login-loop

jhmenke commented 5 years ago

I ran into a similar effect, getting the login screen again, because of a unrelated reason, but maybe you can use some of the links and check some of the logs I checked back then: https://elementaryos.stackexchange.com/questions/17580/cant-login-in-a-login-loop

Thanks for the links. The solution there did not apply to me because i do not have the mentioned plugin installed (tried removing it). I also read through the related threads but nothing is similar enough to my issue. Btw, my colleague has the same problem (using the same laptop and EOS version).

Could you list what you've customized? Does this happen when you don't run this custom xrandr command?

I did not customize anything other than running the following xrandr:

xrandr --dpi 276 --fb 3840x2400 --output eDP-1 --off --output DP-1 --scale 1x1 --panning 1920x1200 --mode 1920x1200 --primary --output DP-2 --scale 1x1 --panning 1920x1200+1920+0 --mode 1920x1200 --pos 1920x0

Also i have the SSD encrypted (with the elementary installer). Sometimes the screen also stays completely dark after i unlock the drive (Setup successful message appears), then i have to reboot my laptop completely.

I rarely use it without the xrandr active, so i cannot tell you if that is the cause of the issue right now. I will try to locate the cause more clearly.

carniz commented 5 years ago

I use the Dell TB16 dock together with my Precision 5510, and I have a similar sounding issue: once the display is turned off (after inactivity) and the session is locked, I need to first turn off the external monitor before unlocking the session - otherwise it gets into this weird state where the external monitor doesn't wake up properly leaving me with only the built-in screen showing a stale view of my desktop which can't be interacted with. When docked the external monitor is marked as primary display, and in the weird state the external monitor is still the primary display which means that the built in display (which then is the only display being lit) has no wingpanel or dock. Very annoying, and the only workaround is to make sure I turn off the external monitor using its power button before unlocking the session. On a really bad day the only solution is to reboot the system.