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Odin installer goes black after 'try or install elementary' #546

Open cameralibre opened 2 years ago

cameralibre commented 2 years ago

Hardware: Dell XPS 9370 ISO: elementaryos-6.0-stable.20210823.iso

I had been affected by the 'Odin iso fails to boot on lots of Dell hardware' issue but with the updated iso, the installation medium was finally accessible in the BIOS 🥳

However, when I get to the try or install elementary OS screen, and either hit Enter, or wait for the booting in... countdown to finish, the screen goes blank. The keyboard is backlit, the fans are whirring away like they're doing something, but there's no operating system being booted, no matter how long I wait or which keys I mash at random.

The iso checksum is valid, and the issue is the same across different installation media and I've since tested and installed Solus, then Ubuntu 20.04.03 LTS without any issues so it doesn't appear to be with my hardware, or something I'm doing wrong..?

cameralibre commented 2 years ago

oh boy, a few hours with ubuntu and I'm really missing elementary 🙃️

davidmhewitt commented 2 years ago

To help debug this, could you:

If it stops or freezes, attach a photo of the screen to this issue

carniz commented 2 years ago

I have this issue as well. I'm on slightly different hardware (Dell Precision 5510), but I get the exact same behavior (i.e. screen goes black after the "try or install elementary os" screen.)

I've already tried removing the quiet splash options, but the screen still goes black after "try or install".

I suspect it's due to the hybrid graphics of the 5510 (Intel + Nvidia), and I've tried adding nomodeset and nouveau.modeset=0 (separately, in combination with removing quiet splash) without success :(

cameralibre commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your help! I did as suggested and had the same experience as @carniz, still getting a black screen.

catbaba1 commented 2 years ago

I had the same issue, which happens on some Linux kernels when using certain Intel onboard graphics chips. Try adding nomodeset after quiet splash and that should enable you to proceed.

cameralibre commented 2 years ago

Sadly it doesn't. Same deal, still a black screen with any combination of quiet splash nomodeset or nouveau.modeset=0 or none of the above

HayashiEsme commented 2 years ago

This is also happening to me on my MSI Prestige 14, which has an Intel iGPU and an Nvidia dGPU. I had issues installing Ubuntu, Pop and now Odin 6 for what is likely the same reason. I heard that Debian 10-based ISOs have this issue in general. Disabling nouveau or nomemset isn't working for any of these distros either

If I had to guess, there's likely something in the kernel that's made booting impossible, someone reported that an old version of Pop!_OS 20.04's ISO eliminated the blank screen issue https://github.com/pop-os/pop/issues/1112

EDIT: Have a look at #324 to see if this is a duplicate issue for you. Switching to legacy boot instead of UEFI solved this for me

tomazb commented 2 years ago

Getting out of memory on boot during the first menu. This is UEFI based Precision 5510.

Using elementaryos-6.0-stable.20211005

zhoro commented 2 years ago

Still a black screen on XPS 9550 without quiet splash, with nomodeset or nouveau.modeset=0. Using elementaryos-6.0-stable.20211005.iso

After changing terminal_output gfxterm to termial_output console in grub.conf OS booted successfully.

carniz commented 2 years ago

@tomazb I had that as well until I did a BIOS/firmware upgrade. I am now on 1.16.1 and I no longer get the out of memory error, but I still get a black screen after 'try or install' with elementaryos-6.0-stable.20211005.iso.

@zhoro Where/how did you change that?

zhoro commented 2 years ago

@zhoro Where/how did you change that?

@tomazb on the USB flash drive with Elementary OS. Full path is /boot/grub/grub.cfg

carniz commented 2 years ago

I finally found a solution that solved the issue for me:

  1. Create a bootable USB drive with Unetbootin (this will make the files on the drive editable)
  2. Edit boot/grub/grub.cfg, changing set gfxmode=auto to set gfxmode=800x600

It seems as the common denominator is the resolution of a HiDPI (4K) monitor, and that the installer for some reason doesn't work on such monitors.

npenin commented 2 years ago

I was not able to update the bootable USB drive with Unetbootin. Is there any other solution like changing some grub parameters at USB boot time ?

melsabagh commented 3 months ago

Updating the ISO isn't necessary. You can set the resolution via Grub:

  1. Boot from USB.
  2. Press c at the "Try or install elementary OS" screen. This should drop to a Grub shell.
  3. Type in the following commands (hit enter after each command; some commands may take a bit of time to finish):

    terminal_output console
    set gfxmode=800x600
    terminal_output gfxterm
    linux /casper/vmlinuz boot=casper maybe-ubiquity
    initrd /casper/initrd.lz

You should then see the installer booting and eventually be presented with the installation wizard.