elementary / photos

Photo viewer and organizer designed for elementary OS
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Photos processes sometimes don't end after closing when opening images in Files #750

Open nevillepark opened 9 months ago

nevillepark commented 9 months ago

What Happened?

Sometimes when I'm previewing an image in Photos by clicking on it in Files and then closing the Photos window, the io.elementary.photos process won't end and starts eating up all the CPU. Normally, it ends on its own after a few seconds, but sometimes it does not and has to be killed manually. Since it opens a new process for every Photos window opened and closed, this can cause my computer to freeze up.

I'm not sure how

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open Files
  2. Preview an image file in Photos by clicking it, then close the Photos window
  3. Use a system monitor program like htop to see Photos processes not closing and using up CPU.

Photos processes in htop

Expected Behavior

Photos processes should end when I close the window.

OS Version

7.x (Horus)

Software Version

Latest release (I have run all updates)

Log Output

No response

Hardware Info

No response

jeremypw commented 9 months ago

I tried it a few times and could not reproduce. Can you try to determine under what conditions this can occur? e.g. what type/size of image file, what operations you carry out in the photo viewer etc. You may get more information if you can launch the viewer with the terminal command io.elementary.photos -D <path to image> instead of Files.

nevillepark commented 9 months ago

Thanks, I'll try that!

Claudio-code commented 8 months ago

Does the bug continue to occur? I tested it here and I was also unable to reproduce the behavior, if you can send the photo that causes this behavior so we can reproduce the bug and fix it.

nevillepark commented 8 months ago

Hi, I got a tiny bit sidetracked with figuring out how to make a script to automate opening a bunch of files in a row. Give me a few more days?