elementary / switchboard-plug-locale

Switchboard Locale Plug
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Horus daily - Region always reverts to United States after setting it to something else #183

Open vjr opened 1 year ago

vjr commented 1 year ago

What Happened?

Trying to set the region to something other than United States (India in my case) and it reverts to US after reopening the plug.

Looks like Account service always returns language as en_US here: https://github.com/elementary/switchboard-plug-locale/blob/master/src/LocaleManager.vala#L120

This is on elementary 7 daily.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Change region to something other than United States.
  2. Click the Set Language and/or Set System Language buttons.
  3. Close and reopen the plug and observe the issue.
  4. Even restarting via session indicator or running reboot in the terminal and returning to the plug results in this issue.

Expected Behavior

Region of choice should be set and stuck to.

OS Version

Early Access

Software Version

Latest release (I have run all updates)

Log Output

No response

Hardware Info

No response

nicekiwi commented 2 months ago

I get the same issue in 7.1 Stable.

danirabbit commented 2 months ago

Language and region selection was recently rewritten. This may have been resolved. Jeremy and I were both testing against English US/UK. Is there a specified language and region configuration that you’re testing with?

vjr commented 2 months ago

I was testing with English UK lang and India region.

danirabbit commented 2 months ago

Just tried this in OS 8 daily. I was logged into English US with US formats and then I switched to English UK with India formats. Logged out, logged in and it seems to stick:

Screenshot from 2024-04-23 17 43 59

danirabbit commented 2 months ago

Marking as incomplete since this is probably fixed in daily, but don't want to close it prematurely in case someone can provide different reproduction steps

vjr commented 2 months ago

Thank you! I will try the latest daily probably over the weekend and update here.