elementary / switchboard-plug-onlineaccounts

Switchboard Online Accounts Plug
GNU General Public License v3.0
23 stars 16 forks source link

Unable to send message #271

Open wout opened 1 year ago

wout commented 1 year ago

What Happened?

I'm trying to send out an email using my FastMail account, and I'm getting this error:


Steps to Reproduce

  1. Write email
  2. Hit send

Expected Behavior

The email should be sent out. I'm not sure why OAuth is at all necessary at that point.

OS Version

7.x (Horus)

Software Version

Latest release (I have run all updates)

Log Output

No response

Hardware Info

         eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee            wout@Framey 
      eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee         ----------- 
    eeeee  eeeeeeeeeeee   eeeee       OS: elementary OS 7 Horus x86_64 
  eeee   eeeee       eee     eeee     Host: Laptop (12th Gen Intel Core) A8 
 eeee   eeee          eee     eeee    Kernel: 6.2.0-32-generic 
eee    eee            eee       eee   Uptime: 1 day, 12 hours, 52 mins 
eee   eee            eee        eee   Packages: 1958 (dpkg), 69 (flatpak) 
ee    eee           eeee       eeee   Shell: bash 5.1.16 
ee    eee         eeeee      eeeeee   Resolution: 3000x2000, 3840x2160 
ee    eee       eeeee      eeeee ee   DE: Pantheon 
eee   eeee   eeeeee      eeeee  eee   WM: Mutter(Gala) 
eee    eeeeeeeeee     eeeeee    eee   Theme: io.elementary.stylesheet.mint [GTK3] 
 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee    eeeee    Icons: elementary [GTK3] 
  eeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeee      eeee     Terminal: io.elementary.t 
    eeeee                 eeeee       CPU: 12th Gen Intel i7-1280P (20) @ 4.700GHz 
      eeeeeee         eeeeeee         GPU: Intel Alder Lake-P 
         eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee            Memory: 13956MiB / 64003MiB 
wout commented 1 year ago

Here are some new findings. I've deleted the mail account and added it again through evolution. This time, sending mail does work, but the old account is still listed in Mail (it never disappeared after deleting it in Online Accounts):


The one at the top was added through evolution and works. The one at the bottom doesn't and has an empty inbox. All the other folders still have content. Of course, this is another issue, so let me know if you want me to open another one.

leolost2605 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your report and the investigation! Regarding the old account still being listed, this might be fixed by a log out or killall io.elementary.mail. I'd be happy to know whether this actually helped though :) The main issue seems to be caused by how the account was added judging from your further findings. I'll do some investigation and for now transfer this to the Online Accounts settings.

wout commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your report and the investigation!

You're welcome! 🙂️ I've I'm creating too many issues; please let me know. Since I don't have time to help on the dev side, I want to contribute in this way by reporting on all issues I come across in my day-to-day use of elementary.

this might be fixed by a log out or killall io.elementary.mail

In the meantime did a reboot, and the issue has been resolved. So, killing the process would probably have solved the issue too. Thanks!

Let me know if I you want me to do some more testing.