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Long fsck instead of GRUB menu after fresh install of stable EOS 6.1 Jolnir #134

Open pridumkuvatyj opened 2 years ago

pridumkuvatyj commented 2 years ago

What Happened?

Every boot of my laptop lasts about 1min. The system is installed on an SSD and the EOS 5. Hera was booting up in a few seconds. Here in OS 6.1 I have a cursor at the beginning, then after ~30sec I see a `/dev/sda2: clean, / files, /* blocksmessage(seems like it'sfsck) and then goes the rest of the boot log(Plymouth doesn't work ATM, it's another issue). It's a dual-boot setup: EOS 6.1(previously EOS 5.1.7) + Windows 10 on a single SSD. Also a 1TB HDD is installed, but removing it from the laptop doesn't solve the issue at all. This happens on **every** boot, the shutdown process every time is normal with no troubles. Also I don't see the GRUB menu at all. Seems like it's not working at all, because I triedboot-repair's automatic repair(always fails in the end) and changing GRUB config by myself using the GRUB Customizer(tried to change the timeout and added an optionfsck.mode=skipto theGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT`) - no effect. Maybe there's some EFI issue?

Here's a video: https://youtu.be/5CLIbXU5IRI

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Installed EOS 6.1 stable from a bootable USB.
  2. Reboot after installation and every subsequent power up/reboot.

Expected Behavior

Skip fsck as there are no problem, show the GRUB menu.

OS Version

6.x (Odin)

Software Version

Latest release (I have run all updates)

Log Output

No log as it happens before logs are being written to the disk(or I don't know where to get such logs).

Hardware Info

Lenovo Y580, the OS is installed to an SSD.