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Blueish tint sistem-wide after fresh installation of Version 7 (22.04) #199

Open roky146 opened 1 year ago

roky146 commented 1 year ago

A blueish tint appeared after a fresh installation of Version 7 of ElementaryOS across all screens in the sistem. only the mouse cursor appears to have its normal color. i saw another post with the same problem from other guy in the stack exchange page of ElementaryOS. So, to know that this problem is not only ocurring to me. (sorry for my english)

ill post a screenshot from the same device and a picture taken by my phone.

Captura de pantalla de 2023-02-25 05 01 04

roky146 commented 1 year ago

In the screenshot the problem does not appear, but looking at my screen, it look like this: Colors in Windows are just fine. Only in elementary is I have this problem ( coming from 6.1)

20230225_005912_NIKITA-1 7-ADRI-V6 0-ALL

jlnr commented 10 months ago

While I haven't encountered this issue, it looks like this is an issue with Nouveau, the default driver for Nvidia cards in elementary OS 7.0. Example of a related issue report for Ubuntu: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1404516/screen-turns-yellow-even-using-the-live-option-ubuntu-22-04

The elementary OS installer will hopefully allow installation of the proprietary Nvidia driver soon (remaining bug: https://github.com/elementary/os/issues/686), which should fix this issue.

I assume that you don't have this broken installation anymore, but sudo apt install nvidia-driver-535 from the terminal should theoretically fix it.