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Three finger swipes for multitasking view leave right-click and two-finger context-click unusable, crash "Gestures" section of Mouse & Touchpad settings #513

Open ernstki opened 1 year ago

ernstki commented 1 year ago

What Happened?

Still trying to hammer down exactly how to repeat this, but in three-finger swiping up/down to activate multitasking view, I routinely end up in a situation where right-clicking or two-finger context-clicking causes multitasking view to trigger, and blocks the normal context click action.

Also, the "Gestures" sidebar entry in the "Mouse & Touchpad" settings panel has also mysteriously disappeared, and did not reappear after a reboot. I thought maybe it had something to do with my installing Touché from Flathub, but that's been uninstalled, still no "Gestures" in the Settings app, or in search in the Applications menu.

On a whim, I also tried sudo systemctl restart touchegg, to avoid logging out and back in; no luck. Logging out and back in again seems to be the only way to fix this, once it happens. Or just live with the fact that I can't right-click with either mouse or trackpad for the rest of the login session.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. swipe up/down to activate/deactivate multitasking view
  2. repeat Step 1 an indeterminate number of times until Step 3 happens (?)
  3. attempt to right click or two-finger context click anywhere on the screen
  4. multitasking view is triggered, right-click doesn't work, or only registers sometimes

Expected Behavior

Three-finger swipes only activate and deactivate multitasking view, and the right click or two-finger context click functions as normal. The "Gestures" section of the settings remains visible and accessible.

OS Version

6.1 (Jólnir)

Software Version

Latest release (I have run all updates)

Log Output

I cannot find any relevant output in journalctl or journalctl -u io.elementary.switchboard; suggestions for where else to look for possible error messages would be welcome!

Hardware Info

Mid-2011 MacBook Air using the built-in trackpad and a Magic Mouse (the old kind with AA batteries).