[x] Not too distracting if a non-maximized window is open
[x] No text or logos
[x] No people
[x] At least 3200×1800 px
[x] I've updated debian/copyright with:
[x] The name of the wallpaper and/or its original author
[x] A link to where it can be downloaded
[x] Included under the respective license section (or created a new one if appropriate)
[x] I've added the artist metadata using exiftool
Why it should be included:
I think it looks like a good candidate as a shipped wallpaper for a new release, it doesn't have pesky specks mudding the photo as to make Wingpanel force itself to be with a bg, and it has a lovely contrast between the wingpanel part and the dock part of the desktop.
Why it should be included:
I think it looks like a good candidate as a shipped wallpaper for a new release, it doesn't have pesky specks mudding the photo as to make Wingpanel force itself to be with a bg, and it has a lovely contrast between the wingpanel part and the dock part of the desktop.
Screenshot(s) of it in Pantheon on elementary OS: