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Social preview image is too minimal #3686

Open danirabbit opened 3 days ago

danirabbit commented 3 days ago


The social preview image only shows our logo on a solid background. This is far too minimal and doesn’t tell much of a story of what our website or elementary OS is


We should come up with a new social preview image that shows elementary OS running on a computer, maybe a few different computers like a desktop, laptop, and tablet like the StarLite? Something that gives an idea this has something to do with computers at least

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1280px commented 2 days ago

Why not just a picture of 1200x768 (or alike, for UI elements to be legible) desktop with some windows open? Should be pretty self-explanatory that it is an OS

danirabbit commented 1 day ago

@1280px I think social preview images might get cropped for different aspect ratios in different social media platforms so it probably needs bleed area

Also for example corners are often rounded off so large parts of the desktop could be cut off and then it's just unclear if you're advertising or app or what this is