elementary / wingpanel-indicator-a11y

Wingpanel Universal Access Indicator
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Add a screenshot in the readme #26

Closed ryonakano closed 4 years ago

ryonakano commented 4 years ago

What it says on the tin ;-)

cassidyjames commented 4 years ago

@gsanaluiza no, specifically: someone needs to take a screenshot of this indicator in elementary OS and then add it to the README.

ryonakano commented 4 years ago

Also, we may want to add it by the markdown style: ![Alt Attribute](path/to/screenshot.png).

So the consequence of the README.md looks like this (this is only the top part though):

# Wingpanel Universal Access Indicator
[![Translation status](https://l10n.elementary.io/widgets/wingpanel/-/indicator-a11y/svg-badge.svg)](https://l10n.elementary.io/engage/wingpanel/?utm_source=widget)


## Building and Installation
…(some lines follow)
bumper314 commented 4 years ago

Note for anyone looking for an easy Hacktoberfest, this code isn't part of the current OS yet, you'll need to build it yourself to take the screenshot.

Ideally, follow the conventions of other wingpanel repos, such as wingpanel-indicator-sound, wingpanel-indicator-datetime, etc.

See also: https://github.com/elementary/wingpanel-indicator-keyboard/issues/53

bumper314 commented 4 years ago

OK, I took a stab at this, but it's challenging to match the convention of the other winpanel-indicator repos.

1) You can't take screenshots on the lock screen, so I had to do this in a VM. This also means I can't take a nice "window" screenshot with transparency, so the screenshot will have the lockscreen background.

2) The lockscreen doesn't honor the HiDPI display setting. It also doesn't seem to honor the specified resolution, so for whatever reason, 1440x900 was the only resolution I could take a screenshot at.

So here are my results, which would we like like to use?

a) Closely matching the existing convention of a 750px wide crop: a11y-wingpanel

b) Or show the whole lock screen for context: screenshot

ryonakano commented 4 years ago

@bumper314 I guess making the indicator shown in the session by setting org.gnome.desktop.a11y always-show-universal-access-status true allows you to take a "window" screenshot of it with transparency.

bumper314 commented 4 years ago

@ryonakano Good call. The wingpanel shows a lot more interesting stuff in session. The [-] and [+] buttons aren't HiDPI though, so I'll create a bug for that.