elementary / wingpanel

Stylish top panel that holds indicators and spawns an application launcher
GNU General Public License v3.0
137 stars 44 forks source link

2 monitors #311

Closed carelloqwerty closed 4 years ago

carelloqwerty commented 4 years ago

Since the last update, I have troubles with pop-up windows. I'm using the extra monitor to the left of my laptop. The main screen is mounted on the laptop(right monitor). In this case all the pop-up windows open to the side of the additional monitor - to the left. If I drag the program window onto the secondary monitor(left monitor), all pop-up windows open correctly. But if I set left monitor as main, then all pop-up windows, no matter where curent window is, open correctly. But I don't want the left monitor to be the main monitor.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) edit: I've found this problem only with PhpShtorm, it might be java problem, not shure yet

carelloqwerty commented 4 years ago

after updating PhpShtorm to 2020 version from 2018 problem has gone. Seems this update has conflicts with old java inside PhpShtorm