elementary / wingpanel

Stylish top panel that holds indicators and spawns an application launcher
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Wingpanel indicators opening on hover #402

Closed andrea-scape closed 2 years ago

andrea-scape commented 2 years ago

Hi, i'm using elementary OS 5.1.7 and when i click on an indicator the menu for that idicator closes if i move the cursor on another idicator. es if i click on the wifi indicator and move my mouse slightly automatically the sound or notification menu appears.

I don't expect this behavior when i click on something. For example in windows if you click on a system tray icon and you move your mouse the menu you opened remains open until you click somewhere else.

Is this "corrected" on elementary OS 6?

Thanks in advance

danirabbit commented 2 years ago

This is intentional behavior and it's called "scrubbing". You'll notice the same behavior on menubars. This feature makes it easier to quickly move between menus in the case of a mis-click

Closing as "Design conflict" since this is an intentional feature