elementary / wingpanel

Stylish top panel that holds indicators and spawns an application launcher
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Additional indicators for microphone / camera / location use #439

Closed ovz93br43v7 closed 2 years ago

ovz93br43v7 commented 2 years ago


I think it would be very useful to see whether the microphone / camera / location is accessed by any app as an indicator.


Extend the indicators so that a camera / microphone / location symbol is shown when any app is accessing the camera / microphone / location.

Prior Art (Optional)

On Android 12 there is an tiny green bubble in the top right corner and when you pull down the top menu a green microphone / camera / location symbol is shown. (--> https://therecord.media/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/camera-indicators.png)

cassidyjames commented 2 years ago

Microphone access is already implemented in the sound indicator; the other proposals are already covered by the privacy indicator which has not yet been included in elementary OS, but could be in the future.