elementary / wingpanel

Stylish top panel that holds indicators and spawns an application launcher
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Mouse wheel scroll when hovering wingpanel switches workspaces #524

Open JPLeBreton opened 3 months ago

JPLeBreton commented 3 months ago


Switching workspaces has long been a great power user feature, but isn't currently super well-exposed. Keyboard-heavy navigators can bind shortcuts to switch workspaces, but if your hand is already on the mouse, this proposal would frequently be more convenient. Binding screen corner actions to workspace switching has the usual potential downsides, whereas currently mousewheel does nothing when the cursor is over the wingpanel.


When hovering the mouse over the wingpanel, mousewheel up and down navigate to higher and lower number workspaces, respectively. That's about it, really.

This behavior wouldn't even need to be on by default to still be useful a certain % of users who might appreciate it.

Prior Art (Optional)

Numerous Gnome Shell extensions over the years have provided this feature, eg https://github.com/sunwxg/gnome-shell-extension-panelScroll