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alternative au ''mirroring'' #175

Closed minitachinita closed 8 years ago

minitachinita commented 8 years ago

au lieu de continuer à travailler sur le ''mirroring'', on pourrait se mettre à implanter le ''drop down menu'' ??

qu'est-ce que t'en penses?

minitachinita commented 8 years ago

drop down for leg options Each leg options change the price.

Ex : you get in MARITIME 3 seat

You can choose these legs options

Natural : price abc$ Walnut : price def$ Black metal : price ghi$ Brass Chrome

AKRFranko commented 8 years ago

Makes sense.

AKRFranko commented 8 years ago

After discussions between @minitachinita and myself we came to a solution.

Fixed by putting same product in 2 categories and adding special attributes to point to alternate images. Stock count is taken from single product but images taken from both.