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Image carousel / media carousel ability to add rows #10805

Open MichaelVozzo opened 4 years ago

MichaelVozzo commented 4 years ago


What problem is your feature request going to solve? Please describe. Our graphic designer loves to show logos in two columns. When we have lots of logos we want to make sure they are a carousel for the mobile experience. Thus we tend to go for a two row carousel.

Describe the solution you'd like Swiper JS already has the ability to add multiple rows. Can you build this into the Elementor elements it would save me time of trying to configure this to work.

Describe alternatives you've considered We could use two carousel together (on top of each other) but I figured it might be better not to load another instance of the carousel unnecessarily, especially since Swiper JS has parameters to be modified to two rows.

Additional context It's available to see here called the 'Multi row slide layout' - https://swiperjs.com/demos/

fonkey commented 1 year ago
