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✅ 🚀 Elementor v3.5.0 Beta 6 Release 🚀 #16840

Closed DorShahar closed 2 years ago

DorShahar commented 2 years ago


Cover for post

Hi Elementor Beta Testers,

We are incredibly excited to introduce our new beta version, Elementor v3.5, which is all about increasing your design capabilities and improving your workflow.

The new design features will allow you to elevate the appearance of your website and achieve visual effects that previously would have required additional coding or 3rd party plugins.

With the workflow improvements, you will be able to shave off significant time from your project’s turnaround by improving productivity and eliminating redundant tasks.

Try out Elementor v3.5 Beta and let us know what you think about our newest additions, including:

Before you test, please make sure you are using:

Enhancing Styling Capabilities

Group 1088045

Meet CSS Transform - Animate any Element

CSS Transform

Would you like to rotate any element on your page on any axis, or enlarge an element upon hover to achieve highly engaging and trendy effects, but you don’t know CSS? No problem! From now on, you can rotate, scale, skew, offset and flip any element on your page, within Elementor, without requiring a single line of code, that way - you gain complete control over your designs and achieve capabilities that weren’t available before.

To take your element design to the next level, you can pair CSS Transform with our Pro feature - Motion Effects, to create incredible designs, without a single line of CSS or an extra plugin.

Following is a list of CSS transformations available:

Here’s how it works:

  1. Create a new page, edit it with Elementor, and drag & drop any widget
  2. Go to Advanced > Transform
  3. Play around with the different options and make sure everything works as expected
  4. If you are a Pro user: a. Make sure you updated to Elementor Pro 3.5.0 b. Apply scrolling effects to this widget via Advanced > Motion Effects > Scrolling effects c. Play around with the different options and make sure everything works as expected with motion effect as well

Text Stroke

Text Stroke is a styling property that allows you to add a text stroke (outline) to any heading you wish to.

Adding Text Stroke allows you to highlight specific elements on the page by giving them an outline. With this styling option, you can set the font to transparent, and use text stroke to create an outline, or you can choose a color for the text, and a separate color for the outline to make your design stand out.

Text stroke will be available for the following widgets: Icon Box, Tabs, Accordion, and Text Path. It will also be available for the following Pro widgets in the upcoming Elementor Pro v3.6: Posts, Animated Headline, Price List, Price Table, Flip Box, Call to Action, Testimonial Carousel, and Countdown.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Create a new Page, edit it with Elementor and drag & drop Heading widget
  2. Go to the widget’s panel, and under Style > Title click on Text Stroke control
  3. Play around with the different options and make sure everything works as expected
  4. This feature is also supported in the Icon Box widget, Tabs widget, Accordion widget, and Text path widget
  5. Make sure everything works as expected both on Frontend and in the Editor

Word Spacing Control

Similar to Letter Spacing, the new Word Spacing control in the typography group control allows you to set the distance between one word and another. Doing so enables you to increase your design customization of textual elements, including but not limited to headings, text editors, buttons, and more.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Under any widget that contains text, go to “Style” tab
  2. Click the Pencil “edit” icon of the Typography control
  3. Change the space between words using the “Word spacing” control
  4. Use this setting in a Global Font
  5. Make sure everything works as expected both on Frontend and in the Editor

Improving Workflow and Productivity

Main Workflow

Meet Favorite Widgets - Save Precious Time and Pin your Favorite Widgets

Mark widgets as favorites

As you tend to generate an affinity towards specific widgets and use them often, we’ve created a dedicated ‘Favorites’ section in the Editor Panel for you to pin your favorite widgets to. While we always encourage you to incorporate new widgets in your websites, when they are appropriate, pinning widgets to your ‘Favorites’ section will allow you to work faster by personalizing the Editor to you.

Once you mark widgets as your favorite, they will appear in a dedicated ‘Favorites’ section. Widgets added to this section will appear in alphabetical order.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Edit a page with Elementor
  2. Open the widgets panel
  3. Right click on any widget
  4. Click “Add to Favorites”
  5. The widget will now appear at the top of the panel under a dedicated “Favorites” section
  6. Go to a different page or post in your site and make sure the settings has been saved for your user
  7. Switch user and see that the settings are relevant only for your user

Multi-Select - Work Faster and Impact Several Elements at Once

Multi Select

As you build out your websites, you may notice that the style of some sections, columns or widgets repeat themselves throughout the page, or that you would like to copy, or delete a number of them simultaneously. To improve your workflow and allow you to scale your website creation, you can leverage multi-select to impact multiple elements at once; including: copy, delete, duplicate, paste, paste style, and reset style.

For example, by clicking ctrl (or CMD in Mac) while clicking a number of widgets, columns or sections in the editor or the navigator, you can delete them instantly, instead of deleting them one by one. Another example is when you have a number of similar elements, such as button widgets in a column, and you want to make them all in one row, you can style one of them to be in-line, and instantly copy that style to all the other buttons, at once.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Edit a page using Elementor
  2. Select any page element
  3. Press the ctrl key (CMD key on mac)
  4. Select additional page elements in the live preview and / or the navigator panel
  5. Supported actions will apply for the entire selection

Drag from Desktop - Improve your Workflow by Dragging Media Files Directly into the Editor

Drag from Desktop

Skip the: “upload to media library,” drag in a widget ,and select the media file steps, and simply drag media files from your desktop directly onto the page. You can drag one or several media files to the editor, and have them all appear in one section, making your workflow easier, and more efficient.

Dragging a media file onto the page will automatically add the media files to the media library, and create the correlating widget on the page (a dragged image will automatically place an image widget in the section, and a video will automatically place a video widget in the section).

In addition to media files, you’ll be able to easily drag any saved templates files (.json) onto your website.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Edit a page with Elementor
  2. Drag one or multiple images from your desktop into the screen
  3. Repeat the same step for videos and exported Elementor template files (.json)
  4. The assets will be uploaded to the media library and added to the page as the corresponding widgets

Tweak: Improved Experiments UI

The improved Experiments user interface makes it easier for you to understand the maturity and status of each experiment. The top section of experiments displays those that are ongoing, and displays their status - alpha or beta, whereas the bottom section displays those that are more stable.

With the new interface, you can also activate and deactivate all experiments in a single-click.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to the WP Dashboard > Elementor > Settings > Experiments tab
  2. Activate some experiments
  3. Click on Deactivate all experiments button. Make sure all the experiments are in Inactive status
  4. Go to the Editor and make sure there isn’t an experiment in an active state (for example no Additional Custom Breakpoints, no Color Sampler, etc’)
  5. Go back to WP dashboard and make sure there isn’t an experiment in an active state (for example no Import Export template)
  6. Go back to the Experiments tab and click on Activate all experiments. Make sure all the experiments are in the Active status
  7. Repeat steps (4) and (5) and this time make sure the experiments are working properly

Eicons library is now supported in the inline SVG experiment

This new experiment achieves faster page load by changing the loading mechanism of eicons into inline SVG. Keeping up with our commitment to simplifying the process and making constant performance improvement so your website can load rapidly, with this experiment turned on, we reduce CSS and Woff size on each page load by up to 111KB. Read more about how Elementor improved asset loading.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Make sure the Inline Font Icons experiment is Inactive in Settings > Experiments
  2. Create a new page, Drag & Drop an Image widget, and choose any image.
  3. Under the Content tab, set Link to Media file and Lightbox to Yes.
  4. Preview the page, click on the image to launch the Lightbox. Make sure it works.
  5. In developers tool, under the network tab, look for “eicons” files. Make sure they appear.
  6. Go back to the Experiments tab, and activate Inline Font Icons experiment
  7. Reload the page you recently created.
  8. In the developers tool, make sure all assets related to font Awesome and eicons were not loaded
  9. Make sure everything is working as expected with various widgets that contain icons both on Frontend and Editor.

More Improvements

Make an Impact: Share Feedback Before Features Are Released

We’re always looking to get to know Elementor customers on a deeper level. If you’re interested in meeting with our team and sharing your insights, feedback, and feature requests you’re welcome to sign up for some quality time with us here. Or download Elementor’s Dev Edition. Talk soon!

How to Install the Beta Version

Notes For bugs and remarks, please reply with a comment on this issue here on GitHub. Please keep this related to the current beta only! For any other issue or feature request, feel free to open a new issue. Designated time for release: December 15, 2021 (Estimated)

Many thanks for your support and help! Cheers, Elementor Team

79ho3ein commented 2 years ago

excellent. It would be great if the transform feature worked for sections and columns as well. Currently only works on widgets. Overall everything is great. Great job

There seems to be a problem using the inner section widget :


rodolphebertozzo commented 2 years ago

Please see : https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/16793

DorShahar commented 2 years ago

Hi @rodolphebertozzo - thank you for reporting, we will investigate this on

@79ho3ein - thank you for your feedback. There is no plan to apply transformation for columns and sections since they are the main blocks for the page layout, and other elements are relative to them.

As for the inner section: we will investigate.

fabigrafo commented 2 years ago

Hi! Yes, that's all very nice.

CSS transform and text stroke are very useful for the design, but the other things are probably not that important in my eyes and especially not at this point in time. But still nice that Elementor is being improved in small steps in some places.

There is a video from Elementor that I think was released in the summer with an announcement of features that should appear in 2021. Will we actually see all of the announced features in Elementor in 2021? I think time is getting scarcer, especially considering the beta lead time and only one milestone is removed from the list in this version.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-07 um 23 05 54

What can already be seen in Dev or Beta Edition is marked in bold and what is already included in the official release is ticked off. There is still a lot (important) missing.


You also posted this picture on Twitter. Is that a serious picture and if so, when is this new surface planned for? I have to say, I like the (supposedly) new interface very much, it leaves some problems that have been solved a bit cumbersome so far, such as the left editor column, which can be very annoying when you are working on the design, and the responsive bar does not always have to be faded in and out with great effort.

Thank you in advance for your feedback and wish you a good start to the week.

DorShahar commented 2 years ago

Hi @fabianenzensperger Thank you for your comment. You marked that performance as an unchecked checkbox. Well, we are constantly improving our performance. You can see in the following blog posts and Beta posts how we improved our infrastructure:

  1. Additional Custom Breakpoint - the reason it took a while to develop it since we didn't compromise in performance, and we improved up to 23% in page load time and we reduce the widgets and controls data load by about a third (from 900KB to 600KB).
  2. Improved Assets loading experiment - load only the assets that are in use on the page.
  3. Improved CSS Loading experiment - in v3.3.0 we added a new experiment that saved 120KB in Core and 225KB in Pro
  4. Optimize DOM experiment - we are constantly improving our DOM structure

We encourage you to activate the experience and improve your page performance. In addition, we do not stop improving our page performance in general, and focusing on performance in every single feature that we are releasing.


Michaelgimii commented 2 years ago

hi @DorShahar, Will neew editor ui be released in 2021?

DorShahar commented 2 years ago

Hi all The new UI is under development and it's only a POC at the moment. Please keep this thread only for issues related to the beta.


rodolphebertozzo commented 2 years ago

Hi @DorShahar, Wasn't the new element container planned for this version normally?

fabigrafo commented 2 years ago

Hi all The new UI is under development and it's only a POC at the moment. Please keep this thread only for issues related to the beta.


Hi @DorShahar,

OK, thanks for the info and sorry that I mentioned it above. If you need help in this regard, I am happy to offer it via a different communication channel. But from now on it's only about this beta, sorry. 😁


fabigrafo commented 2 years ago

Hi @fabianenzensperger Thank you for your comment. You marked that performance as an unchecked checkbox. Well, we are constantly improving our performance. You can see in the following blog posts and Beta posts how we improved our infrastructure:

  1. Additional Custom Breakpoint - the reason it took a while to develop it since we didn't compromise in performance, and we improved up to 23% in page load time and we reduce the widgets and controls data load by about a third (from 900KB to 600KB).
  2. Improved Assets loading experiment - load only the assets that are in use on the page.
  3. Improved CSS Loading experiment - in v3.3.0 we added a new experiment that saved 120KB in Core and 225KB in Pro
  4. Optimize DOM experiment - we are constantly improving our DOM structure

We encourage you to activate the experience and improve your page performance. In addition, we do not stop improving our page performance in general, and focusing on performance in every single feature that we are releasing.


Hey @DorShahar,

you are definitely right and the performance is actually noticeable! I am aware of these things, I just didn't tick it off because there were always improvements over the year and one or the other thing has not yet been completed or there could be further improvements right now with regard to "Div / Container Widget", "Flexbox Container" and "Nested Elements".

That should again ensure performance, I think. 🤗

rodolphebertozzo commented 2 years ago

Hi! Yes, that's all very nice.

CSS transform and text stroke are very useful for the design, but the other things are probably not that important in my eyes and especially not at this point in time. But still nice that Elementor is being improved in small steps in some places.

There is a video from Elementor that I think was released in the summer with an announcement of features that should appear in 2021. Will we actually see all of the announced features in Elementor in 2021? I think time is getting scarcer, especially considering the beta lead time and only one milestone is removed from the list in this version.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-07 um 23 05 54

What can already be seen in Dev or Beta Edition is marked in bold and what is already included in the official release is ticked off. There is still a lot (important) missing.


You also posted this picture on Twitter. Is that a serious picture and if so, when is this new surface planned for? I have to say, I like the (supposedly) new interface very much, it leaves some problems that have been solved a bit cumbersome so far, such as the left editor column, which can be very annoying when you are working on the design, and the responsive bar does not always have to be faded in and out with great effort.

Thank you in advance for your feedback and wish you a good start to the week.

Hi @fabien, I agree with your state of mind! Indeed, having thought about it for a long time, the classic editor is not bad in itself, but not clean enough and with too many cumbersome elements, and to come to a new editor with what seems to be a floating bar to manage the options of each element and a floating window that opens when you want to add the elements (and I refer to what I see on the picture) seems to me to be something extraordinary and magical. @DorShahar, @shilo-ey, In any case, you have all my support for the wonderful work you are doing, and I will continue more than ever, maybe less in beta but directly in the development versions to test as soon as possible each of your features and to give you my feedbacks.

momo-fr commented 2 years ago

Hi, the rotate feature is difficult to use as there is no adjustment of the point of rotation (which should be in the center of the element). The element would disappear in the layout very often (eg with the title widget).

black-eye commented 2 years ago

Hi @DorShahar, based on the post here: https://developers.elementor.com/v3-5-planned-deprecations/ it seems that Elementor 3.5 has introduced some fundamental changes in managing the widgets and controls (registering, unregistering, etc.). Many methods related to creating the new widgets are now softly deprecated since 3.5.

The problem is, that the developers docs still doesn't reflect this change (see: https://developers.elementor.com/add-custom-functionality/#Registering_New_Widgets). The new method register() is also nowhere to be found there (nor the explanation on how to use it).

Could you please clarify us these new changes and how do they affect creating custom widgets and controls? Thanks.

mediumstudio commented 2 years ago

wow - thanks to everyone for their hard work! Elementor is a phenomenal tool.

79ho3ein commented 2 years ago

In connection with Multi-Select ... If I select elements to delete directly without activating the navigation panel, I feel there is interference. Once it works right, once it does not work right! But I do not experience this problem in paste style and it always works properly. There is only difficulty in selecting to delete elements. Friends, please try this


fabigrafo commented 2 years ago

Hi @DorShahar and @shilo-ey,

Thoughts on text stroke and border

In the (for example) design and prototype tool "Sketch" and also in the Affintity / Adobe programs there is the following function:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-09 um 00 26 40

Namely, the possibility of displaying the frame or the text stroke (which is nothing more than a frame) "inside", "center" and "outside". I think something like that should be adjustable with this function, because most of the time the text stroke or the frame in Elementor looks very curious and this is probably due to the standard alignment "center" that Elementor uses.

I would like some feedback on that. Because this could also be integrated into Elementor for all types of border or stroke.

Suggestion to favorites

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-09 um 00 36 34

And in addition to the favorites function, I also notice that this group, like the search function, should be pinned to the top. So adhesive, so that you don't have to scroll back up to find your favorite widget. Good idea?

fabigrafo commented 2 years ago

CSS Transform problem in Editor

Transform a button in the editor is a little bit buggy. In Front end it looks "good" (of chourse not, because it's a test with weird combination of tranforms 😅).


Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-09 um 00 44 25


Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-09 um 00 46 43

Maybe you should test the individual behavior of the various widgets again, because I haven't checked all of them. 👀

Kishorchandth commented 2 years ago


  1. After enabling Font-Awesome Inline eicons (Hamburger menu icon) were inline properly but Close Icon was not rendering. Close Icon is not rendering

  2. Tweak: Improved Experiments UI is great but when experiments get bigger we have to scroll more. I would request save changes to be sticky to the top or bottom.

ramiy commented 2 years ago

Hi @DorShahar, based on the post here: https://developers.elementor.com/v3-5-planned-deprecations/ it seems that Elementor 3.5 has introduced some fundamental changes in managing the widgets and controls (registering, unregistering, etc.). Many methods related to creating the new widgets are now softly deprecated since 3.5.

The problem is, that the developers docs still doesn't reflect this change (see: https://developers.elementor.com/add-custom-functionality/#Registering_New_Widgets). The new method register() is also nowhere to be found there (nor the explanation on how to use it).

Could you please clarify us these new changes and how do they affect creating custom widgets and controls? Thanks.

We are planning to release the new developers docs before the final release of Elementor 3.5. You will find there all the changes, with new tutorials. Meanwhile, check the deprecations post in the developers blog.

Also, keep in mind that deprecated methods won't break your code. Soft deprecation last 4 major version, then you have another 4 major version of hard deprecation. Only after 8 version we delete the old code. Theoretically, you can use the old methods until Elementor 4.3.0.

DorShahar commented 2 years ago

Hi @momo-fr, thanks for reaching out. Can you share a video that explains why it is difficult to use?

Hi @79ho3ein , thank you for your feedback. However, I couldn't reproduce the scenario in your video. If someone else experiencing this, please reach out.

@fabianenzensperger , as for your comments:

  1. Text stroke & border : we will think about this. However, we cannot implement suggestion like this during the Beta phase.
  2. Pined the search bar: nice suggestion! we will discuss it.
  3. Transform (skew) - I wasn't able to reproduce it on my end. If anyone else experiencing this, please reach out with a video.

Hi @Kishorchandth , thank you for checking our beta.

  1. We are aware of the bug with the close button in the Nav menu widget , and we will fix it in the next beta.
  2. At the moment we will not change the location of the button. By using the buttons of Activate and Deactivate all experiments you don't need to click on the "save" button

Thanks again to everyone.

momo-fr commented 2 years ago

@DorShahar, see here, if we can select the origin point of the element (in my case top/left) we can rotate title correctly in editor i think.

Another point seems to me to be missing for drag & drop function in the editor: being able to drag a plain text file (.txt).

DorShahar commented 2 years ago

@momo-fr - thank you for the video. There is no bug. You can control the anchor point using the relevant controls, as you can see below


As for D&D a .txt file - what is the use case? How do you see this implemented (for example the text should be added to the page as a Text editor widget? Heading widget? A button to download this txt file? )


momo-fr commented 2 years ago

Thank you @DorShahar, I have missing this settings. For drag&drop txt file in Editor widget I think.

fabigrafo commented 2 years ago

Hi @momo-fr, thanks for reaching out. Can you share a video that explains why it is difficult to use?

Hi @79ho3ein , thank you for your feedback. However, I couldn't reproduce the scenario in your video. If someone else experiencing this, please reach out.

@fabianenzensperger , as for your comments:

  1. Text stroke & border : we will think about this. However, we cannot implement suggestion like this during the Beta phase.
  2. Pined the search bar: nice suggestion! we will discuss it.
  3. Transform (skew) - I wasn't able to reproduce it on my end. If anyone else experiencing this, please reach out with a video.

Hi @Kishorchandth , thank you for checking our beta.

  1. We are aware of the bug with the close button in the Nav menu widget , and we will fix it in the next beta.
  2. At the moment we will not change the location of the button. By using the buttons of Activate and Deactivate all experiments you don't need to click on the "save" button

Thanks again to everyone.

@DorShahar Thanks for the answers. Should I open a thread with this feature request or have you already made a note of it?

DorShahar commented 2 years ago

@fabianenzensperger - please open and connect to this issue, so it will be easier for us to track. Thanks again

79ho3ein commented 2 years ago

I think it would be great if the Drag from Desktop feature also supports the lottie widget. Dragging the json file into the editor, adds the Lottie widget.

fabigrafo commented 2 years ago

Hi @DorShahar, Wasn't the new element container planned for this version normally?

I know this is offtopic now. Although, is that it at all? The 3.5 update is not that exciting, cool, but not too exciting, so you can add a little spice here.. 🧂

But the latest dev-beta (3.6.0-dev2) finally has the flexbox container!! And I'll tell you, it's an absolute dream and so much fun. I think this is the next level. Finally with a sensible (responsive) column layout and the possibility for much more complex layouts. Simply world class. 😍😍😍

Really thank you, thank you, thank you, I'm really excited as soon as this is in the official beta. Maybe already in 3.6.0.. 👀

sf-steve commented 2 years ago

Hi @DorShahar, Wasn't the new element container planned for this version normally?

I know this is offtopic now. Although, is that it at all? The 3.5 update is not that exciting, cool, but not too exciting, so you can add a little spice here.. 🧂

But the latest dev-beta (3.6.0-dev2) finally has the flexbox container!! And I'll tell you, it's an absolute dream and so much fun. I think this is the next level. Finally with a sensible (responsive) column layout and the possibility for much more complex layouts. Simply world class. 😍😍😍

Really thank you, thank you, thank you, I'm really excited as soon as this is in the official beta. Maybe already in 3.6.0.. 👀

@fabianenzensperger Is there a changelog somewhere for the dev edition? We write a lot of custom widgets, and we try to keep an eye on depreciations etc to make sure our code doesnt break, but i have never worked out how to keep track of upcoming features in dev.

fabigrafo commented 2 years ago

Hi @DorShahar, Wasn't the new element container planned for this version normally?

I know this is offtopic now. Although, is that it at all? The 3.5 update is not that exciting, cool, but not too exciting, so you can add a little spice here.. 🧂 But the latest dev-beta (3.6.0-dev2) finally has the flexbox container!! And I'll tell you, it's an absolute dream and so much fun. I think this is the next level. Finally with a sensible (responsive) column layout and the possibility for much more complex layouts. Simply world class. 😍😍😍 Really thank you, thank you, thank you, I'm really excited as soon as this is in the official beta. Maybe already in 3.6.0.. 👀

@fabianenzensperger Is there a changelog somewhere for the dev edition? We write a lot of custom widgets, and we try to keep an eye on depreciations etc to make sure our code doesnt break, but i have never worked out how to keep track of upcoming features in dev.

I think you have to ask the two guys: @shilo-ey @DorShahar

shilo-ey commented 2 years ago

Hi @DorShahar, Wasn't the new element container planned for this version normally?

I know this is offtopic now. Although, is that it at all? The 3.5 update is not that exciting, cool, but not too exciting, so you can add a little spice here.. 🧂 But the latest dev-beta (3.6.0-dev2) finally has the flexbox container!! And I'll tell you, it's an absolute dream and so much fun. I think this is the next level. Finally with a sensible (responsive) column layout and the possibility for much more complex layouts. Simply world class. 😍😍😍 Really thank you, thank you, thank you, I'm really excited as soon as this is in the official beta. Maybe already in 3.6.0.. 👀

@fabianenzensperger Is there a changelog somewhere for the dev edition? We write a lot of custom widgets, and we try to keep an eye on depreciations etc to make sure our code doesnt break, but i have never worked out how to keep track of upcoming features in dev.

You can use this for Elementor changelogs: https://github.com/elementor/elementor/tags or directly from the version's plugin file (dev-changelog.md)

As for the Pro's changelog - we will soon publish a page for showcasing the Pro dev changelog

Either way, I encourage you to follow our deprecations post in the dev blog


kangarko commented 2 years ago

@shilo-ey I am unable to edit my header, cannot click any elements, this appeared in the console:


webdevs-pro commented 2 years ago

@shilo-ey Old bug with copy/paste styles when widget has custom repeater control in advanced tab still not fixed. For example Crocoblocks JetEnjine Dynamic Visibility feature adds repeater in advanced tab.

You can see errors on screenshot after paste style image

shilo-ey commented 2 years ago

@webdevs-pro Thank you, This is not the bug that was fixed. we implemented a fix for the multiple repeaters issue in the same tab. Have you looked for if this existing issue has already been reported?

Please keep this thread to the beta scope solely.


DorShahar commented 2 years ago

Hey all, We just released a new beta version, please update your version to Elementor v3.5.0 Beta 2. The new version includes the following:

Please keep this related to the Current beta Only! any other Issue Report or Feature Request feel free to open a new issue.

Thanks again to everyone!

rodolphebertozzo commented 2 years ago

Hi, can you review please ? ;) : https://github.com/elementor/elementor/pull/16905

jazir555 commented 2 years ago



When are you guys going to finally add background image size selection? This is one of the most highly requested features on github, and we cannot get a response from you guys. How hard is it to add a dropdown menu for this? It already exists for the image widget, can you not just insert the code that already exists for image size selection for background images? Can you please address this already? This is a massive performance issue.

I'm posting this here because otherwise you guys simply won't give this issue any attention. It has been requested for years. You have clearly had a more performance focused mindset lately, yet you are completely ignoring one of the easiest ways to fix performance issues in Elementor. This issue cannot be hard to fix as the code for image selection already exists. This is probably one of the simplest performance issues to fix out of any that need to be addressed.

acal commented 2 years ago



When are you guys going to finally add background image size selection? This is one of the most highly requested features on github, and we cannot get a response from you guys. How hard is it to add a dropdown menu for this? It already exists for the image widget, can you not just insert the code that already exists for image size selection for background images? Can you please address this already? This is a massive performance issue.

I'm posting this here because otherwise you guys simply won't give this issue any attention. It has been requested for years. You have clearly had a more performance focused mindset lately, yet you are completely ignoring one of the easiest ways to fix performance issues in Elementor. This issue cannot be hard to fix as the code for image selection already exists. This is probably one of the simplest performance issues to fix out of any that need to be addressed.


jazir555 commented 2 years ago

@avivu @shilo-ey

fabigrafo commented 2 years ago



When are you guys going to finally add background image size selection? This is one of the most highly requested features on github, and we cannot get a response from you guys. How hard is it to add a dropdown menu for this? It already exists for the image widget, can you not just insert the code that already exists for image size selection for background images? Can you please address this already? This is a massive performance issue.

I'm posting this here because otherwise you guys simply won't give this issue any attention. It has been requested for years. You have clearly had a more performance focused mindset lately, yet you are completely ignoring one of the easiest ways to fix performance issues in Elementor. This issue cannot be hard to fix as the code for image selection already exists. This is probably one of the simplest performance issues to fix out of any that need to be addressed.

That sounds interesting, but usually an extra plug-in is required for this, which changes the file size in KB as well as in the dimensions when uploading. I don't know how Elementor could implement that, let alone whether it falls within Elementor's area of responsibility to control it. If I have not understood it, please explain it to me.

acal commented 2 years ago



When are you guys going to finally add background image size selection? This is one of the most highly requested features on github, and we cannot get a response from you guys. How hard is it to add a dropdown menu for this? It already exists for the image widget, can you not just insert the code that already exists for image size selection for background images? Can you please address this already? This is a massive performance issue. I'm posting this here because otherwise you guys simply won't give this issue any attention. It has been requested for years. You have clearly had a more performance focused mindset lately, yet you are completely ignoring one of the easiest ways to fix performance issues in Elementor. This issue cannot be hard to fix as the code for image selection already exists. This is probably one of the simplest performance issues to fix out of any that need to be addressed.

That sounds interesting, but usually an extra plug-in is required for this, which changes the file size in KB as well as in the dimensions when uploading. I don't know how Elementor could implement that, let alone whether it falls within Elementor's area of responsibility to control it. If I have not understood it, please explain it to me.

@fabianenzensperger perhaps I'm not informed enough but... since the image widget allows you to choose from one of the WordPress-generated thumbnail sizes per responsive break, then why can't Elementor's background image css controls use the same? I don't know of a plugin that extends this part of Elementor (please refer if you do)... but why is a plugin capable of this and not Elementor itself?

sf-steve commented 2 years ago

That sounds interesting, but usually an extra plug-in is required for this, which changes the file size in KB as well as in the dimensions when uploading. I don't know how Elementor could implement that, let alone whether it falls within Elementor's area of responsibility to control it. If I have not understood it, please explain it to me.

For foreground images, you can select the image dimensions, either a predefined (core or theme/plugin) thumbnail size, eg medium, or custom. This will then use the cropped image. This allows a user to upload 1 large (1920x1080 200kb) image, to use as a full height hero background for example, and then select a small (400x200 40kb) crop somewhere else as a thumbnail.

Background image in elementor lack this feature, so the large image is always used, even if its only covering a small area

jazir555 commented 2 years ago



When are you guys going to finally add background image size selection? This is one of the most highly requested features on github, and we cannot get a response from you guys. How hard is it to add a dropdown menu for this? It already exists for the image widget, can you not just insert the code that already exists for image size selection for background images? Can you please address this already? This is a massive performance issue. I'm posting this here because otherwise you guys simply won't give this issue any attention. It has been requested for years. You have clearly had a more performance focused mindset lately, yet you are completely ignoring one of the easiest ways to fix performance issues in Elementor. This issue cannot be hard to fix as the code for image selection already exists. This is probably one of the simplest performance issues to fix out of any that need to be addressed.

That sounds interesting, but usually an extra plug-in is required for this, which changes the file size in KB as well as in the dimensions when uploading. I don't know how Elementor could implement that, let alone whether it falls within Elementor's area of responsibility to control it. If I have not understood it, please explain it to me.

Its already implemented for the image widget. They basically just need to copy paste the code for background images. Its the exact same feature that is already implemented. Wordpress automatically creates multiple scaled image sizes(such as medium, medium large, large, etc) that are selectable via a dropdown for the image widget. This shouldn't require any additional plugins as the feature already exists in Elementor for the image widget. It should be incredibly easy to implement for background images.

kangarko commented 2 years ago

@DorShahar @shilo-ey I am still unable to edit my header on the latest beta, did you miss my comment?


DorShahar commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone

  1. As for #6778 - this task is important to us. We are allocating our resources to handle and improve more areas in the product: a. See my performance comment in this thread b. The Container that we release to dev-edition that all of you mentioned c. The Woo widgets improvement in Elemnentor Pro 3.5.0 d. Import-Export improvements and error catching e. bug fixes.

    We will optimize and put our efforts into this issue as well. Please be patient.

    Please keep this thread for beta issues.

  2. @kangarko - sorry for that. I will pass it on to the dev & QA team.


kangarko commented 2 years ago

@DorShahar urgent: the beta3 from/releases you just uploaded broke shortcodes and internal URLs: https://i.imgur.com/Y2XQozT.png --> they are simply not generated for the <a> element. Downgrading to beta2 fixed the problem.

On the bright side, beta3 fixes the header not being editable.

DorShahar commented 2 years ago

Hey all, We just released a new beta version, please update your version to Elementor v3.5.0 Beta 3. The new version includes the following:

Thank you

kangarko commented 2 years ago

@DorShahar the new beta 3 has a major bug I reported above

kangarko commented 2 years ago

Another problem, my internal error reporting mechanism sent this to me while saving popup:

Error: Call to undefined method Elementor\Core\Kits\Documents\Kit::save_display_settings_data()

#0 [internal function]: ElementorPro\Modules\Popup\Module->save_display_settings(Array, Object(Elementor\Core\Common\Modules\Ajax\Module))
#1 /data/a/d/ad84617b-c5b5-4005-b483-a6f3c86c02d6/mineacademy.org/sub/app/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/common/modules/ajax/module.php(171): call_user_func(Array, Array, Object(Elementor\Core\Common\Modules\Ajax\Module))
#2 /data/a/d/ad84617b-c5b5-4005-b483-a6f3c86c02d6/mineacademy.org/sub/app/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(309): Elementor\Core\Common\Modules\Ajax\Module->handle_ajax_request('')
#3 /data/a/d/ad84617b-c5b5-4005-b483-a6f3c86c02d6/mineacademy.org/sub/app/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(337): WP_Hook->apply_filters('', Array)
#4 /data/a/d/ad84617b-c5b5-4005-b483-a6f3c86c02d6/mineacademy.org/sub/app/wp-includes/plugin.php(470): WP_Hook->do_action(Array)
#5 /data/a/d/ad84617b-c5b5-4005-b483-a6f3c86c02d6/mineacademy.org/sub/app/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php(187): do_action('wp_ajax_element...')
#6 {main}

Viewing page: https://app.mineacademy.org/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
DorShahar commented 2 years ago

@kangarko , could you please send the Popup template?

kangarko commented 2 years ago

Seems like it does not happen again, I had to rollback to beta2 due to the bugs mentioned above.

There is another error though:


Template is here:
