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🐞 Bug report: ACF wisywig field breaks inserted elementor template with tabs #18168

Open tjlabais opened 2 years ago

tjlabais commented 2 years ago



Note to moderator: This is not a support request but a bug report. The last time I reported, you answered for me to seek tech support and you closed a legitimate bug report.

BUG Report: There is a problem in displaying the elementor tabs in an elementor template which is inserted into a wysiwyg type ACF custom field using shortcode.

Steps to reproduce

  1. create a CPT (custom post type)
  2. create a wysiwyg type ACF field for the CPT above
  3. create an elementor section template with tabs widget inside
  4. create a new CPT post and insert elementor section template above in the wysiwyg type ACF field using shortcode
  5. create an archive page to display the CPT above
  6. create a single post of the CPT above to display the ACF field. When designing this page insert a text editor widget and click on dynamic tags. Select ACF field and choose the appropriate (field) key as specified in step 2
  7. preview the archive page and select the CPT you created to display the contents. You will see the broken tabs layout where the CSS code have the missing tags

Temporary solution to correct the problem: Option 1: In step 6 instead of selecting ACF field after clicking on dynamic tags, you select "Post Custom Field" and insert the appropriate (field) key. This will display the tabs correctly in the single post CPT screen.

Option 2: In step 2, use a Text type ACF field instead of wysiwyg, and the tabs will display correctly.

EDIT (03-17-2022) Option 3: If the section template with tabs shortcode appears in both the CPT description and ACF wysiwyg field, the tabs displays normally. OR if you put another section template with tabs using shortcode in the the CPT description, the section template with tabs in the ACF field, will also display correctly.

Isolating the problem

System Info

== Server Environment == Operating System: Linux Software: LiteSpeed MySQL version: MariaDB Server v10.5.12 PHP Version: 7.4.26 PHP Max Input Vars: 5000 PHP Max Post Size: 512M GD Installed: Yes ZIP Installed: Yes Write Permissions: All right Elementor Library: Connected

== WordPress Environment == Version: 5.9.2 Site URL: Home URL: WP Multisite: No Max Upload Size: 512 MB Memory limit: 512M Permalink Structure: /%postname%/ Language: en-US Timezone: 8 Admin Email: Debug Mode: Inactive

== Theme == Name: Hello Elementor Version: 2.5.0 Author: Elementor Team Child Theme: No

== User == Role: administrator WP Profile lang: en_US User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.51 Safari/537.36

== Active Plugins == Advanced Custom Fields Version: 5.12 Author: Delicious Brains

Contact Form 7
    Version: 5.5.6
    Author: Takayuki Miyoshi

    Version: 3.5.6
    Author: Elementor.com

Elementor Pro
    Version: 3.6.4
    Author: Elementor.com

Filester - File Manager Pro
    Version: 1.7.4
    Author: Ninja Team

== Must-Use Plugins ==

== Elementor Experiments == Optimized DOM Output: Active by default Improved Asset Loading: Active by default Improved CSS Loading: Active by default Inline Font Icons: Inactive by default Accessibility Improvements: Active by default Import Export Template Kit: Active by default Additional Custom Breakpoints: Active by default Hide native WordPress widgets from search results: Active by default Default to New Theme Builder: Active by default Hello Theme Header & Footer: Active by default Landing Pages: Active by default Color Sampler: Active by default Favorite Widgets: Active by default Admin Top Bar: Active by default Page Transitions: Active by default Form Submissions: Active by default Scroll Snap: Active by default

== Log ==

== Elementor - Compatibility Tag ==

Elementor Pro: Compatible

== Elementor Pro - Compatibility Tag ==

tjlabais commented 2 years ago

I have submitted a ticket to ACF for them to check out if its an ACF conflict. They have confirmed it is not an ACF plugin conflict.

tjlabais commented 2 years ago

As of Elementor v.3.6.0 and Elementor Pro v.3.6.4, the bug has not been resolved yet. I have built a WP instance for this purpose and the bug can be seen here:


tjlabais commented 2 years ago

As of Elementor v3.6.2 and Elementor Pro v3.6.4, the bug has not been resolved yet.

tjlabais commented 2 years ago

As of Elementor v3.6.3 and Elementor Pro v3.6.4, the bug has not been resolved yet.

tjlabais commented 2 years ago

As of Elementor v3.6.5 and Elementor Pro v3.7, the bug has not been resolved yet.