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✅ ✨ Elementor Pro v3.7 Beta 4 Release ✨ #18431

Closed avivu closed 2 years ago

avivu commented 2 years ago





Hi Elementor Beta Testers 👋

We are incredibly excited to introduce our new Beta version, Elementor Pro 3.7. This version will take your collaborative efforts to the next level, and also includes enhancements that will allow you to work more efficiently in creating rich content websites and customizing more of your online stores.

Try out Elementor Pro 3.7 Beta and let us know what you think about our newest additions, including:

Before testing this version, please make sure you are using:

Introducing Notes - Work Collaboratively with Clients and Colleagues Directly Within Elementor


Improve collaboration and communicate effectively with your clients and colleagues by pinning Notes to specific elements in the Editor, or in the frontend. Previously, gathering feedback and working together would have been a challenge - using multiple communication channels, or setting multiple meetings. With Notes, collaborative work is brought directly into the Elementor Editor.

There are many benefits to using Notes to improve communication and provide contextual feedback, below are four examples of how you can use Notes:

Collaborate with Others

Use a Note to collaborate with other stakeholders, including designers, clients, developers, SEO managers, and more by mentioning them in a Note. Mentioned stakeholders will receive an email notification with a direct link to the Note upon any relevant update. Notes in the Editor also have a visual indication that lists the users who have seen it.

Leave Yourself Reminders

Place Notes on elements that you want to review or address later, making it easier to leave yourself contextual reminders that you can make sense of, even days later.

Get a High-Level Status Check

Leverage the filters on the Notes Panel to view the Notes left on a page, the entire website, distinguish between those that have been resolved, and identify Notes that were assigned to you.

Deliver a Website to Your Client with Notes

Use Notes to leave your clients comments or dedicated instructions on how to make changes to their website on their own.

How to Test It:

  1. Before using Notes for the first time, make sure that:
    • You are logged into the website as an Editor
    • Go to the Experiments screen and ensure the ‘Notes’ experiment is active. This experiment should be turned on by default, but if you’d like to, you can deactivate it at any time.
  2. Below are three different ways to access Notes on your websites
    • In the editor, while in focus mode on the canvas of an Elementor page, hit Shift+C on your keyboard
    • From the hamburger menu in the Editor Panel, click on ‘Notes’.
    • In the site’s Front end, as a logged in user (with permissions to access Notes), click the Notes icon in the top admin bar, or click Shift+C on your keyboard to enter and exit Notes mode.
  3. Create a new Note
    • While in Notes mode, hover over any Elementor element, and create a new note by clicking it.
    • A new note can be edited, deleted or resolved by the user who created it, or by a site Admin.
  4. Loop other users into the discussion:
    • Mention any of the site users by typing “@” and selecting a user from the list.
    • Mentioned users will receive an email, informing them about the mention. Users can disable email notifications from Notes, by checking the respective checkbox in their user profile.
    • For the mentioned user to access Notes and join the discussion, make sure they are an Admin level user. If they are not, you can provide them access to Notes, regardless of their role, by checking the respective checkbox in the user’s profile.

Sell Items on Your Website With the New Stripe Button Widget


With the new Stripe Button widget you can integrate your Elementor website with your Stripe account, enabling you to sell a single item or several items, and accept payments seamlessly, without creating an entire online store.

Using the Stripe Button widget, you can drag the button to any page, design it and adjust its content any way you’d like. Once your shoppers click the Stripe Button, they will be directed to complete their purchase through Stripe’s checkout page.

To encourage future sales and increase brand identity, you can redirect your shoppers to a custom Thank You page, built in Elementor after a successful purchase. To redirect to a dedicated page upon purchase completion, choose a page from the list, or insert the appropriate URL in the Stripe Button widget’s Additional Options (when inserting a URL, you should include the http:// or https:// of the URL for the redirect to work).

In case of an error when shoppers try to make a purchase, you can customize the error message by switching on the Custom Error Message toggle under the Style Tab, and inserting the message you’d like to display.

How to Test It:

  1. Insert your Stripe’s account Live Secret key in the Stripe section under Elementor Integrations area (WP dashboard -> Elementor -> Settings -> Integrations)
  2. Drag the Stripe Button widget, and set your transaction’s settings: Product name, transaction currency, price per product, quantity of products and shipping price.
  3. Ensure your checkout session meets Stripe’s minimum transaction amount (Checkout session includes the total of price, quantity and shipping).
  4. Fill in the text for your Custom Error Message
  5. When a site's visitor clicks on the Stripe Button, they are directed to Stripe’s checkout page, where they can complete the payment.
  6. Setting a Tax Rate
    • Head over to your Stripe account -> Products -> Tax rates.
    • Create a new tax rate - we recommend including a description too.
    • Head back to the editor, and refresh the page.
    • The Tax rates you created will appear under the Tax rate dropdown.
  7. Test your Stripe Button’s set up by using Stripe test mode:
    • Make sure you insert your Stripe Test Secret key in the Elementor Integrations area.
    • Turn on the ‘Stripe test environment’ toggle under the Additional Settings section in the Content tab of the widget
    • Please note that Tax Rates for Stripe Test mode is created separately and will appear only if a valid Test Secret key was inserted and the ‘Stripe test environment’ toggle is switched to “on”.
    • Once all the checkout settings associated with the button have been set up, when clicking the Stripe button on the site’s preview mode, it should redirect to Stripe’s mock Checkout page. In this page, you can insert mock payment details, shipping and billing details. Then, upon success you will be redirected to the page you defined.
  8. Validate your Stripe integration by reviewing the Error Messages - turn the Custom Error Message toggle off - to see Stripe’s specific error, and troubleshoot any issues.

Updating and Improving Existing Widgets

Leverage Dynamic Content Anywhere You’d Like


This beta version introduces over 100 new Dynamic Tag fields across 24 widgets, to further extend your capabilities in creating rich content websites. These new Dynamic Tag fields allow you to display content in a personalized manner to your site visitors, and so create a more engaging user experience.

Below are three examples of how you can use the new Dynamic Content capabilities

Forms - Improve your registered visitor’s experience by assigning Dynamic Tags to fields in your form, and pulling customer data such as the Name, Last Name, and Email among others to dynamically populate their information.

Add to Cart - Increase your design flexibility and create additional Add to Cart flows from any page using buttons or links, and assigning the new WooCommerce ‘Add to Cart’ tag to them.

Product Content - Dynamically populate content fields with Product Content from WooCommerce using the new dynamic ‘Product Content’ tag, without having to use the dedicated ‘Product Content’ widget.

Design Sleek Online Stores with New WooCommerce Capabilities and Improvements


Elementor continues to add and improve Ecommerce capabilities, empowering you to efficiently design unique online stores.

WooCommerce Transactional Widgets

Create Beautiful Templates to Display in the Cart’s Empty State and in the Dashboard Tab

Facilitate a branded experience on the empty state of the Cart’s page and in the My Account’s Dashboard Tab, instead of showing WooCommerce’s default displays. To do so, design a custom template for each of those assets, and choose the relevant template from the template dropdown in the Cart and My Account widgets.

Determine Where to Display the Coupon Code Field

With the Coupon Code enabled in your WooCommerce Settings, you can determine if you would like to include the coupon code field in the Cart page, Checkout page, or both.

WooCommerce Products Widgets

Improve Your Design Workflow with new Queries in the Products widget

The Products widget now includes three additional query options - Related Products, and Upsells, which previously existed as separate widgets, as well as Cross-Sells - a new query option. As a result, you no longer need to design the appearance of your Product Archive, Related Products, or Upsells separately, rather you can use the Products widget to design all those components, and adjust the query to show the relevant products, based on your business needs. You can still use the Related Products and Upsells widgets if you’d like.

New Controls to Align the Design of your Products

Note: These controls have also been added to the Related Products, and Upsells widgets. Button alignment options have also been added to the Checkout and Cart widgets.

Leverage New Controls To Unify the Appearance of Your Posts


When designing your Posts and Archive Posts, ensuring that the visual appearance is consistent throughout the pages is imperative to increase your visitor’s trust and create a positive experience with your brand.

To enable you to unify the visual appearance of these pages, this version includes two new controls to the Posts and Archive Posts widgets:

Choose Custom Icons in the Nav Menu widget


Using the dropdown layout in the Nav Menu, customize the toggle button icon. Choose a Custom SVG or an icon from the library for the Normal or Active Menu states.

More Improvements

Make An Impact: Share Feedback Before Features Are Released

We’re always looking to get to know Elementor customers on a deeper level. If you’re interested in meeting with our team and sharing your insights, feedback, and feature requests you’re welcome to sign up for some quality time with us here. Or download Elementor’s Dev Edition. Talk soon!

How to Install the Beta Version

If you still haven't enabled beta testing in Elementor, please follow these steps:


For bugs and remarks, please reply with a comment on this issue here on GitHub.

Please keep this related to the current beta only! For any other issue or feature request, feel free to open a new issue.

Designated time for release: May 10th, 2022 (Estimated)

Many thanks for your support and help!

Cheers, Elementor Team

fabigrafo commented 2 years ago

Great so far! One question, what is with the submenu indikator? This need custom icons too. Is this possible? That's at least as important like the burger menu.

Button in blog widget is so bad and ugly. Why not use the normal button options that we can find in all other widgets?

And it’s a shame, the blog widget has no filter options like the pro gallery. Why? This is indispensable.

Otherwise, I am eagerly waiting for the Custom Loop Builder, Elementor Presets and Conditional Form. But the rest of what was presented in 3.7 Pro is very cool. Thank you!

79ho3ein commented 2 years ago

Great update! Thanks elementor team.

It's great that different WooCommerce queries are integrated into the products widget. But it would be great if you could add more queries to this widget. like the : 1- best sellers 2- most visited 3- specific ID 4- recently viewed

It will also be great to be able to display products as a carousel in this widget. (The product grid widget in the jet woobuilder plugin has this feature)

Of course, I will definitely register a new issue for it. thanks again

zeinnicholas commented 2 years ago

Notes Experiment


I don't know if this is on purpose, but every time I add a Note, instead of staying in the place I pinned it, it pins itself at the top right corner of the element I was hovering. From what I remember, this wasn't an issue when testing the Developer Edition version. When I tested it with the Developer Edition it always pinned exactly where I clicked.


See details:

System Info ``` == Server Environment == Operating System: Linux Software: nginx/1.18.0 MySQL version: (Google) v5.7.36 PHP Version: 7.4.26 PHP Memory Limit: 128M PHP Max Input Vars: 1000 PHP Max Post Size: 51M GD Installed: Yes ZIP Installed: Yes Write Permissions: All right Elementor Library: Connected == WordPress Environment == Version: 5.9.3 Site URL: https://elementor.nzein.com Home URL: https://elementor.nzein.com WP Multisite: No Max Upload Size: 50 MB Memory limit: 512M Max Memory limit: 256M Permalink Structure: /%postname%/ Language: en-US Timezone: 0 Admin Email: ************************** Debug Mode: Inactive == Theme == Name: Hello Elementor Version: 2.5.0 Author: Elementor Team Child Theme: No == User == Role: administrator WP Profile lang: en_US User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/100.0.4896.75 Safari/537.36 == Active Plugins == Activity Log Version: 2.8.3 Author: Activity Log Team Elementor Version: 3.6.3 Author: Elementor.com Elementor Pro Version: 3.7.0-beta1 Author: Elementor.com == Elements Usage == footer : 2 heading : 2 social-icons : 1 header : 2 button : 1 nav-menu : 2 theme-site-logo : 1 theme-site-title : 1 wp-post : 8 text-editor : 8 wp-page : 4 form : 1 gallery : 1 heading : 4 icon-box : 2 icon-list : 2 image : 1 image-carousel : 1 portfolio : 1 social-icons : 1 spacer : 1 text-editor : 2 single-post : 1 button : 1 post-navigation : 1 theme-post-content : 1 theme-post-title : 1 landing-page : 0 form : 1 heading : 3 icon-list : 1 image : 2 text-editor : 1 error-404 : 1 button : 1 heading : 1 text-editor : 1 == Elementor Experiments == Optimized DOM Output: Active by default Improved Asset Loading: Active by default Improved CSS Loading: Active by default Inline Font Icons: Active Accessibility Improvements: Active by default Import Export Template Kit: Active by default Additional Custom Breakpoints: Active by default Hide native WordPress widgets from search results: Active by default : Inactive by default Flexbox Container: Active Default to New Theme Builder: Active by default Hello Theme Header & Footer: Active by default Landing Pages: Active by default Color Sampler: Active by default Favorite Widgets: Active by default Admin Top Bar: Active by default Page Transitions: Active by default Notes: Active by default Form Submissions: Active by default Scroll Snap: Active by default == Log == Log: showing 20 of 212022-03-12 16:37:52 [info] elementor-pro::elementor_pro_updater Started 2022-03-12 16:37:52 [info] Elementor Pro/Upgrades - _on_each_version Start 2022-03-12 16:37:52 [info] Elementor Pro/Upgrades - _on_each_version Finished 2022-03-12 16:37:52 [info] Elementor data updater process has been completed. [array ( 'plugin' => 'Elementor Pro', 'from' => '3.6.2', 'to' => '3.6.3', )] 2022-04-12 23:23:00 [info] Elementor data updater process has been queued. [array ( 'plugin' => 'Elementor', 'from' => '3.5.6', 'to' => '3.6.3', )] 2022-04-12 23:23:02 [info] Elementor data updater process has been queued. [array ( 'plugin' => 'Elementor Pro', 'from' => '3.6.3', 'to' => '3.6.5', )] 2022-04-12 23:23:02 [info] elementor-pro::elementor_pro_updater Started 2022-04-12 23:23:02 [info] Elementor Pro/Upgrades - _on_each_version Start 2022-04-12 23:23:02 [info] Elementor Pro/Upgrades - _on_each_version Finished 2022-04-12 23:23:02 [info] Elementor data updater process has been completed. [array ( 'plugin' => 'Elementor Pro', 'from' => '3.6.3', 'to' => '3.6.5', )] 2022-04-12 23:23:05 [info] elementor::elementor_updater Started 2022-04-12 23:23:05 [info] Elementor/Upgrades - _on_each_version Start 2022-04-12 23:23:06 [info] Elementor/Upgrades - _on_each_version Finished 2022-04-12 23:23:06 [info] Elementor data updater process has been completed. [array ( 'plugin' => 'Elementor', 'from' => '3.5.6', 'to' => '3.6.3', )] 2022-04-12 23:23:07 [info] Elementor data updater process has been queued. [array ( 'plugin' => 'Elementor', 'from' => '3.5.6', 'to' => '3.6.3', )] 2022-04-12 23:24:10 [info] Elementor data updater process has been queued. [array ( 'plugin' => 'Elementor Pro', 'from' => '3.6.5', 'to' => '3.7.0-beta1', )] 2022-04-12 23:24:13 [info] elementor-pro::elementor_pro_updater Started 2022-04-12 23:24:13 [info] Elementor Pro/Upgrades - _on_each_version Start 2022-04-12 23:24:13 [info] Elementor Pro/Upgrades - _on_each_version Finished 2022-04-12 23:24:13 [info] Elementor data updater process has been completed. [array ( 'plugin' => 'Elementor Pro', 'from' => '3.6.5', 'to' => '3.7.0-beta1', )] PHP: showing 3 of 3PHP: 2022-03-12 16:40:35 [notice X 3][/mnt/customers-man/customers-el-10531-22981-nzein-wordpress-pvc-622c54967c8409001fd4cc81/wp-content/wp-content/plugins/elementor/core/common/modules/ajax/module.php::171] Undefined index: data [array ( 'trace' => ' #0: Elementor\Core\Logger\Manager -> shutdown() ', )] PHP: 2022-03-12 17:13:57 [notice X 1][/mnt/customers-man/customers-el-10531-22981-nzein-wordpress-pvc-622c54967c8409001fd4cc81/wp-content/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/template-library/classes/class-import-images.php::186] Undefined index: url [array ( 'trace' => ' #0: Elementor\Core\Logger\Manager -> shutdown() ', )] PHP: 2022-03-12 17:35:48 [notice X 3][/mnt/customers-man/customers-el-10531-22981-nzein-wordpress-pvc-622c54967c8409001fd4cc81/wp-content/wp-content/plugins/elementor/includes/managers/image.php::87] Trying to access array offset on value of type bool [array ( 'trace' => ' #0: Elementor\Core\Logger\Manager -> shutdown() ', )] == Elementor - Compatibility Tag == Elementor Pro: Compatible == Elementor Pro - Compatibility Tag == ```
avivu commented 2 years ago

Great so far! One question, what is with the submenu indikator? This need custom icons too. Is this possible? That's at least as important like the burger menu.

Button in blog widget is so bad and ugly. Why not use the normal button options that we can find in all other widgets?

And it’s a shame, the blog widget has no filter options like the pro gallery. Why? This is indispensable.

Otherwise, I am eagerly waiting for the Custom Loop Builder, Elementor Presets and Conditional Form. But the rest of what was presented in 3.7 Pro is very cool. Thank you!

Hi @fabianenzensperger

Thank you for the suggestions. All of the things you wrote are on our list, and we will continue to improve current features by adding more custom icons options and so on.

Great update! Thanks elementor team.

It's great that different WooCommerce queries are integrated into the products widget. But it would be great if you could add more queries to this widget. like the : 1- best sellers 2- most visited 3- specific ID 4- recently viewed

It will also be great to be able to display products as a carousel in this widget. (The product grid widget in the jet woobuilder plugin has this feature)

Of course, I will definitely register a new issue for it. thanks again

Thank you @79ho3ein. We will continue to add more query options in the future.

Notes Experiment


I don't know if this is on purpose, but every time I add a Note, instead of staying in the place I pinned it, it pins itself at the top right corner of the element I was hovering. From what I remember, this wasn't an issue when testing the Developer Edition version. When I tested it with the Developer Edition it always pinned exactly where I clicked.


See details:

System Info

Hi @zeinnicholas Yes, this is on purpose. The note will stick to the right-top corner of the element.

3l3mentor commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this new version, this is cool. Dynamic tags sounds very promising. I am looking forward next steps :)

perks98 commented 2 years ago

@avivu I completely agree with @zeinnicholas. As seen in the video below since it pins the note to the top right corner the container of some widgets can span the full width of the content area, making pinning to the corner not viable or scalable in my opinion.


perks98 commented 2 years ago

Also please allow the facility to be able to send a custom guest link to customers without the need to log in as that will help the design process for me greatly so they can add notes or provide feedback.

About 80% of my customers don't like or know how to use WordPress so I provide a support process, so I can see this tool being great for customers that don't know how to articulate what changes they want so now they can click on the element and suggest a change for me to do for them.

Also side note, I appreciate adding a dynamic tag for product content, but please allow the ability for a dynamic tag of template content so we can pull in templates in to tabs or accordion widgets for example rather than use shortcode.

Michaelgimii commented 2 years ago

Excellent update @avivu , Do you plan to separate my cart, checkout and account widgets in future updates? Currently, each of these pages has only one widget.

Custom Icons in Nav Menu At first I was very happy to see this feature. I thought that now we can insert custom icons for nav menu items ... Please consider this. It really matters > https://prnt.sc/N6_C8Ilt2Tf3

fabigrafo commented 2 years ago

@avivu I completely agree with @zeinnicholas. As seen in the video below since it pins the note to the top right corner the container of some widgets can span the full width of the content area, making pinning to the corner not viable or scalable in my opinion.


This is because your button use the full container/section width.

perks98 commented 2 years ago

@avivu I completely agree with @zeinnicholas. As seen in the video below since it pins the note to the top right corner the container of some widgets can span the full width of the content area, making pinning to the corner not viable or scalable in my opinion. 2022-04-13.09-05-20.mp4

This is because your button use the full container/section width.

All widgets span the full width of the container/section by default, video below, unless you manually make it either inline or custom width option under the advanced tab. If I made the heading and button widget inline they would be on the same line but the notes pin would be more accurate, but you probably wouldn't want them on the same line so you would leave them default so their widget would span full width to keep them on separate lines, but then the pin gets put in a none ideal location.


fabigrafo commented 2 years ago

@avivu I completely agree with @zeinnicholas. As seen in the video below since it pins the note to the top right corner the container of some widgets can span the full width of the content area, making pinning to the corner not viable or scalable in my opinion. 2022-04-13.09-05-20.mp4

This is because your button use the full container/section width.

All widgets span the full width of the container/section by default, video below, unless you manually make it either inline or custom width option under the advanced tab. If I made the heading and button widget inline they would be on the same line but the notes pin would be more accurate, but you probably wouldn't want them on the same line so you would leave them default so their widget would span full width to keep them on separate lines, but then the pin gets put in a none ideal location.


Okay, yeah it's true. So Elementor need a solution for this. I have tried it on an Full packed website, and it's a mess.. 🙈

avivu commented 2 years ago

@avivu I completely agree with @zeinnicholas. As seen in the video below since it pins the note to the top right corner the container of some widgets can span the full width of the content area, making pinning to the corner not viable or scalable in my opinion.


@zeinnicholas @perks98 Thank you for the video. We will check this issue again.

Also please allow the facility to be able to send a custom guest link to customers without the need to log in as that will help the design process for me greatly so they can add notes or provide feedback.

About 80% of my customers don't like or know how to use WordPress so I provide a support process, so I can see this tool being great for customers that don't know how to articulate what changes they want so now they can click on the element and suggest a change for me to do for them.

Also side note, I appreciate adding a dynamic tag for product content, but please allow the ability for a dynamic tag of template content so we can pull in templates in to tabs or accordion widgets for example rather than use shortcode.

@perks98 We will examine your suggestions, and check if we can add them.

Excellent update @avivu , Do you plan to separate my cart, checkout and account widgets in future updates? Currently, each of these pages has only one widget.

Custom Icons in Nav Menu At first I was very happy to see this feature. I thought that now we can insert custom icons for nav menu items ... Please consider this. It really matters > prnt.sc/N6_C8Ilt2Tf3

Hello @Michaelgimii, How are you? At this point, we are not going to separate the cart, checkout, and my account widgets into various components.

Regarding the additional dynamic tag - we will examine it.

fabigrafo commented 2 years ago

Excellent update @avivu , Do you plan to separate my cart, checkout and account widgets in future updates? Currently, each of these pages has only one widget.

Custom Icons in Nav Menu At first I was very happy to see this feature. I thought that now we can insert custom icons for nav menu items ... Please consider this. It really matters > https://prnt.sc/N6_C8Ilt2Tf3

I think we won't see that until the Mega Menu update at the earliest.

perks98 commented 2 years ago

Excellent update @avivu , Do you plan to separate my cart, checkout and account widgets in future updates? Currently, each of these pages has only one widget. Custom Icons in Nav Menu At first I was very happy to see this feature. I thought that now we can insert custom icons for nav menu items ... Please consider this. It really matters > https://prnt.sc/N6_C8Ilt2Tf3

I think we won't see that until the Mega Menu update at the earliest.

I'm not sure if I'm remembering this right as I think I heard it from a Facebook post or an Elementor video but I don't think they will fully explore the mega menu feature until the containers (flexbox) experiment is in a better place as it inherits features from that experiment, but I could be completely wrong though.

One thing that makes me still use the Astra theme for e-commerce or complex sites is the mega menu and inbuilt features like hooks and product feed styling that looks nice. So when they do release a stable mega menu feature I will be making a few more sites with hello theme.

Michaelgimii commented 2 years ago

Hello @Michaelgimii, How are you? At this point, we are not going to separate the cart, checkout, and my account widgets into various components.

Regarding the additional dynamic tag - we will examine it.

hi @avivu , thank you :-) I did not mean to separate shopping cart widgets, etc., this version. But also in future updates. About dynamic tags, I did not talk about dynamic tags. I just talked about the menu items custom icons. (Perhaps mega menu)

fabigrafo commented 2 years ago

Excellent update @avivu , Do you plan to separate my cart, checkout and account widgets in future updates? Currently, each of these pages has only one widget. Custom Icons in Nav Menu At first I was very happy to see this feature. I thought that now we can insert custom icons for nav menu items ... Please consider this. It really matters > https://prnt.sc/N6_C8Ilt2Tf3

I think we won't see that until the Mega Menu update at the earliest.

I'm not sure if I'm remembering this right as I think I heard it from a Facebook post or an Elementor video but I don't think they will fully explore the mega menu feature until the containers (flexbox) experiment is in a better place as it inherits features from that experiment, but I could be completely wrong though.

One thing that makes me still use the Astra theme for e-commerce or complex sites is the mega menu and inbuilt features like hooks and product feed styling that looks nice. So when they do release a stable mega menu feature I will be making a few more sites with hello theme.

The problem is that the container element is not yet available in a stable version and the nested elements are not yet integrated into Elementor. These 2 functions will be the basis of the mega menu.

Nested Elements seems to be coming in 3.7 Core (dev). I'm very excited about that.

And with all this new stuff, hopefully we're finally ready for custom loops. WE NEED THIS. 😅

79ho3ein commented 2 years ago

I think it would have been much better if we could have chosen empty cart template from this section. For different reasons. First of all, this section in the site settings is for WooCommerce and the empty cart is also part of WooCommerce. The important reason is that many users may create their own shopping cart using other plugins such as jet woobuilder. (Because it might be a better option than elementor right now) In this case, users can not customize the empty shopping cart, because they did not build their shopping cart with elementor! I do not know, maybe I'm wrong, but it seemed to be much better than it is now.

avivu commented 2 years ago

Excellent update @avivu , Do you plan to separate my cart, checkout and account widgets in future updates? Currently, each of these pages has only one widget. Custom Icons in Nav Menu At first I was very happy to see this feature. I thought that now we can insert custom icons for nav menu items ... Please consider this. It really matters > prnt.sc/N6_C8Ilt2Tf3

I think we won't see that until the Mega Menu update at the earliest.

@fabianenzensperger You are correct - this is part of the Mega Menu, but we will continue improving the Nav menu widget.

Excellent update @avivu , Do you plan to separate my cart, checkout and account widgets in future updates? Currently, each of these pages has only one widget. Custom Icons in Nav Menu At first I was very happy to see this feature. I thought that now we can insert custom icons for nav menu items ... Please consider this. It really matters > prnt.sc/N6_C8Ilt2Tf3

I think we won't see that until the Mega Menu update at the earliest.

I'm not sure if I'm remembering this right as I think I heard it from a Facebook post or an Elementor video but I don't think they will fully explore the mega menu feature until the containers (flexbox) experiment is in a better place as it inherits features from that experiment, but I could be completely wrong though. One thing that makes me still use the Astra theme for e-commerce or complex sites is the mega menu and inbuilt features like hooks and product feed styling that looks nice. So when they do release a stable mega menu feature I will be making a few more sites with hello theme.

The problem is that the container element is not yet available in a stable version and the nested elements are not yet integrated into Elementor. These 2 functions will be the basis of the mega menu.

Nested Elements seems to be coming in 3.7 Core (dev). I'm very excited about that.

And with all this new stuff, hopefully we're finally ready for custom loops. WE NEED THIS. 😅

@fabianenzensperger and @perks98 And you will get it :) you are correct - the foundation for all of these features is the container. From there, we will continue to the others.

I think it would have been much better if we could have chosen empty cart template from this section. For different reasons. First of all, this section in the site settings is for WooCommerce and the empty cart is also part of WooCommerce. The important reason is that many users may create their own shopping cart using other plugins such as jet woobuilder. (Because it might be a better option than elementor right now) In this case, users can not customize the empty shopping cart, because they did not build their shopping cart with elementor! I do not know, maybe I'm wrong, but it seemed to be much better than it is now.

@79ho3ein my friend, To be honest, we want users to use our widgets, so it makes sense to include it as part of the Elementor Cart widget. We continuously thinking about global implementation in Site Settings, so maybe we will include this suggestion in the future.

ConsultMePL commented 2 years ago

Why neither in 3.6.5 stable not in 3.7 Beta 1 an issue with jumping site has not yet been eliminated?


Basically everytime you change a scroll direction while having sticky header, a page jumps. It was confirmed around 3 weeks ago by the support staff that Dev team is aware of the issue. I was told that the issue is related to the 3.6+ Pro and was recommended to downgrade to <3.6 Pro till it's fixed. Well, I couldn't do it. I started using containers and the impact on the code and flexibility in designing is amazing. Elementor Pro below 3.6 is not fully compatible with Elementor main 3.6 IF containers are enabled. For example, most of the features from Motion Effects are gone, including the most needed sticky option.

Any chance to deal with this? It's quite serious issue. By looking the Pro changelog, it seems there were many problems with sticky, but this bug has not been fixed yet. Any ETA?

creativeart commented 2 years ago

It seems that the Woocommerce checkout widget is still missing translation for coupon code explanation and login. We already post there a long time ago, here are some example: https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/18172 https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/17575 It's very important for multilingual websites. 160118270-4ee54f2d-1a9d-4ea1-a1cf-b5095decdbb2

nreljed commented 2 years ago

I hope this beta will finally fix the conflict with the wysiwyg family I added other data as much as possible to avoid this problem the new discovery I made is the accent color that causes this unwanted coloring and of course it is not possible to remove it


pauserratgutierrez commented 2 years ago

Wow, amazing. I like the new dynamic additions!

fabigrafo commented 2 years ago

What I have noticed since the developer version of Notes is that the panel does not have a dark mode. Is that on purpose? In order to ensure a constant design, it makes sense to integrate the dark design.

@avivu What do you think about it? I know, not the most important thing, I just noticed it. I look forward to your opinion.

Look at my feature request a few days ago: #18386

Joliamendi commented 2 years ago

@fabianenzensperger You are correct - this is part of the Mega Menu, but we will continue improving the Nav menu widget.

hi @avivu, I'm sorry this question is not related to this beta. But I'm very excited about Megamenu ... I just wanted to ask if Megamenu will be a new widget, or will it be integrated into the navmenu widget? Also, is it clear in which version it will be published? 3.8 or 3.9 or more? thanks again

fabigrafo commented 2 years ago

@fabianenzensperger You are correct - this is part of the Mega Menu, but we will continue improving the Nav menu widget.

hi @avivu, I'm sorry this question is not related to this beta. But I'm very excited about Megamenu ... I just wanted to ask if Megamenu will be a new widget, or will it be integrated into the navmenu widget? Also, is it clear in which version it will be published? 3.8 or 3.9 or more? thanks again

As far as I know it will be a new widget and it will come as soon as the containers and nested elements are stable. I don't know any more, and I'm in the Mega Menu Test program, which hasn't started yet. 😅

Joliamendi commented 2 years ago

Great, I hope it comes soon😍

Bovelett commented 2 years ago


You know I love you. And I am sorry for shouting with a capitalized heading. But that's fueled by me (and so many others) feeling unheard about accessibility issues for a long time. As much as I appreciate you fixing the "Share buttons not accessible for keyboard navigation", with every beta I get my hopes up that this version would also fix more of the longstanding accessibility issues. The audience you market towards, being people WITHOUT CODING KNOWLEDGE don't stand a chance to make their site accessible the way things are now, even if they get everything else they CAN do, right.

Just one example: focus state

Can't edit or add focus state: #13553 This is a pressing matter. For example: The inability to set your own focus state design on the menu or on regular links is a big issue. Sure, in the sub menu of the nav widget you hard-coded in a dark gray background with white text as a focus state, but a no-coding user has no influence on that whatsoever. This results in users asking in the Elementor Facebook Community how they can "remove the ugly blue lines" or how to get rid of the sub menu focus colors you set for them. And others happily humoring them by telling them to set outline to 0, and offering scripts to remove focus state, rendering a site keyboard inaccessible.

note for non-coders reading along

The focus state is what a focusable element, such as a link, button, form field, menu or sub menu item looks like when someone uses the keyboard to navigate and / or uses a screen reader. Visitors using the keyboard to tab through a menu or a page that contains links, can't see where they are at when the focus state is missing or has been made invisible deliberately. And that's not just disabled people. That's also you when you break your mouse, and me when my right shoulder is inflamed again. Just sayin'.

Dear Elementor...

You are doing so great in all the marvelous possibilities you create for styling of WooCommerce. Every time I see that, my heart sings. But the issues with inaccessible output actually drags down a web shop's potential sales.

The online shop that saw a 37000% increase in ANNUAL turnover by being accessible

Even at Tesco (UK) they figured out the importance of online accessibility over 10 years ago. By making an accessible shop, their annual turnover increased by 13 million GBP. At that time, they invested 35000 GBP to make that happen, no page buider there. That's over 37000% ROI (Return On Investment). See: https://www.w3.org/WAI/business-case/archive/tesco-case-study


Anne-Mieke Bovelett Accessibility & Possibility Advocate

79ho3ein commented 2 years ago

Unlike version 3.6, this version seems to have very few bugs. But please fix this bug in version 3.6 so that we can migrate to 3.7. Many users are still in 3.5.4. like me thank you

ConsultMePL commented 2 years ago

Unlike version 3.6, this version seems to have very few bugs. But please fix this bug in version 3.6 so that we can migrate to 3.7. Many users are still in 3.5.4. like me thank you

Well, that's a big issue for me. I alresdy switched to Containers, which are amazing. But if I have contsiners enabled, I can't go back below 3.6 Pro as it's not compatible with 3.6 main when containers are enabled. It changes some settings and for example sticky is not available at all.

xxHeartFirexx commented 2 years ago

Please tell me issue #17767 is going to be fixed in this release. It's been going on far to long.....

hitsgee commented 2 years ago

In the slides widget various options are now dynamic. However, I am unsure why the ability to dynamically set the image is missing? Was this intentional?

avivu commented 2 years ago

In the slides widget various options are now dynamic. However, I am unsure why the ability to dynamically set the image is missing? Was this intentional?

Hello @hitsgee We are aware of the missing dynamic option on the image. For this dynamic to work, we also need to release a tweak to the Core version. After that, we will add the dynamic tag to the image.

iqbalmauludy commented 2 years ago

@avivu when dynamic link set on image widget, width 100% not working anymore. Please check it too if possible.

datgausaigon commented 2 years ago

@avivu when dynamic link set on image widget, width 100% not working anymore. Please check it too if possible.

@iqbalmauludy Hi, currently I hot-fix by add Custom CSS for Image Widget like this:

selector a {
    width: 100%;

I hope this is helpful for you.

perks98 commented 2 years ago

@avivu when dynamic link set on image widget, width 100% not working anymore. Please check it too if possible.

@iqbalmauludy Hi, currently I hot-fix by add Custom CSS for Image Widget like this:

selector a {
    width: 100%;

I hope this is helpful for you.

If @iqbalmauludy issue is the 'a' link in the image widget then this has been an apparent issue since ±v3.2.*, if you see #16058 @shilo-ey mentions this.


avivu commented 2 years ago

Hey all, We just released a new beta version, please update your version to Pro v3.7.0 Beta 2.

Thank you!

ConsultMePL commented 2 years ago

Hey all, We just released a new beta version, please update your version to Pro v3.7.0 Beta 2.

  • Tweak: Added a filter for conditions cache query in Theme Builder
  • Fix: Checkout button background color is not working as expected in Cart widget (🐞 Bug report: Elementor PRO (Woocommerce) Widgets styling not applied #18289)
  • Fix: My Account styling affects the dashboard custom template styling in WooCommerce My Account widget
  • Fix: Editor forced to reload with loading issues when clicking the update button in various WooCommerce widgets
  • Fix: UI glitches in WooCommerce My account widget
  • Fix: Customizations lost on Ajax refresh in WooCommerce Cart widget
  • Fix: Cart styling affects the empty cart custom template styling in WooCommerce Cart widget
  • Fix: Empty cart template duplicates on every original template change in WooCommerce Cart widget
  • Fix: Hello theme Header and Footer experiment is not working when WooCommerce plugin is active
  • Fix: Color controls are not working as expected in Checkout widget
  • Fix: Color controls are not working as expected in My Account widget
  • Fix: Empty state widget preview in the editor is disappearing in various widgets
  • Fix: Align button to bottom control causes height changes in Posts and Archive Posts widgets
  • Fix: Post Image position is not working in Posts and Archive Posts widgets

Thank you!

Are you fuc**** joking ?!

How come issue #17767 is still not fixed? It's been almost fuc* 11 weeks since it was reported. It seems to be the biggest bug currently available in Elementor. How come you don't care and you don't fix it?! How the *** are you justifying raising base prices by 5 TIMES ?!

avivu commented 2 years ago

Hello all,

We are aware of this issue https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/17767, and working on a stable solution. We will release a patch with this fix.

Please keep this thread related to the Current beta Only.

Thank you!

ConsultMePL commented 2 years ago

Hello all,

We are aware of this issue #17767, and working on a stable solution. We will release a patch with this fix.

Please keep this thread related to the Current beta Only.

Thank you!

I don't care whether it's beta or stable - it has to work. It impacts user experience sooo much... im wondering who de hell do you have as devs if it takes you at least 3 months to make a fix..

rayedgar commented 2 years ago

Why neither in 3.6.5 stable not in 3.7 Beta 1 an issue with jumping site has not yet been eliminated? Very annoying. It's the reason i am still in 3.5 I see there is no fix for this yet. Site is unusable with the update since 3.6

perks98 commented 2 years ago

@avivu would you be able to look into having the notes marker a lot closer to the element itself before release? maybe it could detect if the element container doesn't have a custom width and flex alignment (which is the default) and therefore spans the full width of the parent container, maybe it could detect the alignment set i.e the default alignment for text and buttons are on the left so put the marker on the left?

iqbalmauludy commented 2 years ago

@avivu when dynamic link set on image widget, width 100% not working anymore. Please check it too if possible.

@iqbalmauludy Hi, currently I hot-fix by add Custom CSS for Image Widget like this:

selector a {
    width: 100%;

I hope this is helpful for you.

If @iqbalmauludy issue is the 'a' link in the image widget then this has been an apparent issue since ±v3.2.*, if you see #16058 @shilo-ey mentions this.


You're right. I hope Elementor will fix it soon.

79ho3ein commented 2 years ago

hi @avivu Sorry, this suggestion is partly related to the custom empty cart feature in this issue ...

In this version we can now create a custom empty cart for the cart page and that's great. But please add the possibility of creating a custom empty cart to the menu cart widget. It will be really great. Two examples of this feature : 1- https://prnt.sc/83OdYYew6i-d 2- https://prnt.sc/LSxfBEE_EcBH

Again, I apologize for stating this here.

avivu commented 2 years ago

@avivu would you be able to look into having the notes marker a lot closer to the element itself before release? maybe it could detect if the element container doesn't have a custom width and flex alignment (which is the default) and therefore spans the full width of the parent container, maybe it could detect the alignment set i.e the default alignment for text and buttons are on the left so put the marker on the left?

Hey @perks98 We are working on a solution regarding this issue, and it will be part of the Beta. Stay tuned for new updates. Thank you!

hi @avivu Sorry, this suggestion is partly related to the custom empty cart feature in this issue ...

In this version we can now create a custom empty cart for the cart page and that's great. But please add the possibility of creating a custom empty cart to the menu cart widget. It will be really great. Two examples of this feature : 1- prnt.sc/83OdYYew6i-d 2- prnt.sc/LSxfBEE_EcBH

Again, I apologize for stating this here.

Hi @79ho3ein , We are aware of the empty cart template for the menu cart. We are working on that, and I believe it will be released in later versions, but it will not be part of Pro v3.7.0. Thank you!

datgausaigon commented 2 years ago

Hi @avivu in this version new improvements:

"Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Media Carousel widget". But this is only for single item, not list of images. We only dynamic tag for only one item, one by one, slide by slide. Can you add dynamics tag for Image"s"? I have a list of images (in a Gallery Field) and I want to attach it by dynamic tag. This is useful.

"Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Slides widget". This version the image of Slide does not have Dynamic Tag. Can you add this too?


avivu commented 2 years ago

Hi @avivu in this version new improvements:

"Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Media Carousel widget". But this is only for single item, not list of images. We only dynamic tag for only one item, one by one, slide by slide. Can you add dynamics tag for Image"s"? I have a list of images (in a Gallery Field) and I want to attach it by dynamic tag. This is useful.

"Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Slides widget". This version the image of Slide does not have Dynamic Tag. Can you add this too?


Hi @datverse, Media Carousel dynamic tags - At this point, we are not supporting dynamic tags for a list of images, but we will investigate the issue, and check how can we implement it.

Slides widget dynamic tag - We are aware of the missing dynamic tag for images. To implement this specific dynamic tag, we should release a fix to the next core major release. After that, the dynamic tag for the image will work.

Thank you!

datgausaigon commented 2 years ago

Hi @avivu in this version new improvements: "Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Media Carousel widget". But this is only for single item, not list of images. We only dynamic tag for only one item, one by one, slide by slide. Can you add dynamics tag for Image"s"? I have a list of images (in a Gallery Field) and I want to attach it by dynamic tag. This is useful. "Tweak: Added dynamic tag controls to Slides widget". This version the image of Slide does not have Dynamic Tag. Can you add this too? Thanks

Hi @datverse, Media Carousel dynamic tags - At this point, we are not supporting dynamic tags for a list of images, but we will investigate the issue, and check how can we implement it.

Slides widget dynamic tag - We are aware of the missing dynamic tag for images. To implement this specific dynamic tag, we should release a fix to the next core major release. After that, the dynamic tag for the image will work.

Thank you!

Thank for your reply.

The notes feature not work on beta 2. Can you check it? I use macOS, FireFox, Shift + C, Click Hamburger in Editor Panel and don't see the Notes. Thanks

avivu commented 2 years ago

Hey all, We just released a new beta version, please update your version to Pro v3.7.0 Beta 3.

Thank you!

perks98 commented 2 years ago
  • Tweak: Changed marker placement in Notes feature

@avivu The positioning is a lot better for the notes in my opinion now, thanks for looking into it.

I still think for better client collaboration as mentioned earlier in the thread I think a guest link facility to share notes access in a confined way would be perfect in at least my customer interaction. I would also say maybe some extra controls on the notes are needed like private notes (so for the eyes of the person creating it only) and responsive controls of the note so you can view in tablet and mobile view, with the ability to hide (ghost) notes that are marked not relevant to that view i.e. add a note that shows on all views then tick if is it not for the desktop view then while viewing on desktop it still appears but faded so you know a note it there. But that's just my opinion, depends on what other people think.

zeinnicholas commented 2 years ago

I agree about the notes @perks98. They're a lot better now. But the guest link is where I draw the line. I can't even imagine the security risks of having something like that, considering notes are stored in our databases... I think simplicity is what makes them easy to use. Nothing more than a simple meeting to teach your customers how to use it would be enough to deal with the barrier of the login.

Btw @avivu please let's make sure the Notes are very secure to use. 🙏