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🚀 Feature Request: Font Awesome 6 #18723

Open thejaydip opened 2 years ago

thejaydip commented 2 years ago


What problem is your feature request going to solve? Please describe.

Upgrade Icon Library From Font Awesome 5 to Font Awesome 6. So we can use the new Thin icon style.

Describe the solution you'd like

Please Font Awesome library updated to 6

Describe alternatives you've considered

No response

Additional context

No response

frm1001xplrr commented 2 years ago


oceandiveloper commented 1 year ago

yes please

adamjacobi commented 1 year ago

Font Awesome 6 has been out for months. Is this even committed to by Elementor?

hitsgee commented 1 year ago

Any news on this? Also adding Googles open source icons would be great.

crispee2000 commented 1 year ago

Yes. Can't believe this isn't in.

mettrodigital commented 1 year ago

Yes please!

jxpx777 commented 1 year ago

Looks like there is a stalled PR to upgrade: https://github.com/elementor/elementor/pull/18546/files

pan-athen commented 1 year ago

I'm not aware of the underlying tech here, so I'm sorry if what I propose cannot be done. I'm just pitching the high-level idea.

I would like to add that the rest of the icon styles that come out of beta would also be nice to be included. Like the newer "Sharp Solid" which looks beautiful. Here's a preview: https://fontawesome.com/search?s=solid&f=sharp&o=r

In general, Font Awesome seems committed to producing many different styles. The Sharp family is going to get extended soon. See here: https://fontawesome.com/docs/web/dig-deeper/styles

A future-proof solution for Elementor would be to include styles that come out of the beta track of Font Awesome as soon as possible. Can this be made at least for those who use the pro version of FA and kits?


EdwardBlack commented 1 year ago

Half a year later.... come on elementor!

hitsgee commented 1 year ago

It's ridiculous! Elementor thinks they're cutting-edge, but they are behind the game now.

As a developer, I have missed out on so many opportunities to create incredible designs with the new thin, thick styles etc. Along with having to design a ridiculous amount of Covid-19 info pages during the pandemic without a Covid Icon available due to lack of updates!

As you can see from the dates above, Elementor indeed were aware of FA6 and could easily have implemented the library update during the Alpha/Beta stages and released it to us in the first update after the official FA release.

It's also worth noting FA is now on 6.2.1 with five updates since the official release, so it's got to be stable!

Come on, Elementor, get your act together!

pan-athen commented 1 year ago

As you can see from the dates above, Elementor indeed were aware of FA6 and could easily have implemented the library update during the Alpha/Beta stages and released it to us in the first update after the official FA release.

It's also worth noting FA is now on 6.2.1 with five updates since the official release, so it's got to be stable!

Come on, Elementor, get your act together!

Second that. This is mandatory for modern and visually appealing websites. I'm stuck with uploading files with any icon I need and using it via the media gallery, which is something I would gladly do in the 90s.

adamjacobi commented 1 year ago

I submitted a support ticket and asked to be escalated to someone who could give a direct answer, and just got this stock response:

Hi Adam,

Thank you for contacting Elementor. I’m Nitesh from Tier 2 Customer Experience.

Font Awesome 6 implementation request has been submitted to the product development team for review already.

Unfortunately, we can’t provide any ETA, I suggest keeping an eye on the Changelog to know when it's released. https://elementor.com/pro/changelog/

I hope it helps. Please don't hesitate to create a new ticket from your Account if a new issue arises.

We'd be glad to help.

Have a great day/evening.

Best Regards,

lllopo commented 1 year ago


teaqueue commented 1 year ago

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FA6 pls ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

poliquinp commented 1 year ago

Adding my name to the request for update! I'll stay tuned for the release of the feature.

Carl-Wilhelm commented 1 year ago

Well come on Elementor! This is just stupid by now!

tobias992 commented 1 year ago

Yes, welcome on board. This company is really a joke. Prefer to implement something buggy instead of first taking care of elementary basic functions. Just embarrassing. And for this s*** i pay money.

aalandes commented 1 year ago

+1 Having to manually upload FA6 icons is tedious af! Come on Elementor we need this already :|

CarterStevens1 commented 1 year ago


lllopo commented 1 year ago

I was really surprised that they need to do something manually about it at first place. Even if they need some metadata that is not present in the FontAwesome download, Elementor is a company big enough to strike some deal with these guys to receive the necessary info like tags for the search etc, so they can automate the updates with each FA release. Honestly ... I don't get it why the manual work at all ... and the end result - those huuuuuuge delays that are (rightfully) pissing off everyone.

adamjacobi commented 1 year ago

I'm beyond frustrated with this company's lack of responsiveness -- they just do not seem to care. I am starting to consider finding a different builder platform for my site and abandon Elementor altogether. Perhaps if we all started leaving negative reviews on Google, the Wordpress plugin site, etc. - relative to Elementor's lack of customer service on this issue, perhaps they would take notice? I've worked with dozens of tech companies, and this one, by far, is the most uncompassionate, particularly with this issue.

pan-athen commented 1 year ago

Even with big budgets, companies still have limited resources, and being a company owner myself, I can say that we can never know what makes something possible or impossible when we're on the outside. I don't think that Elementor people are uncompassionate or that they don't care. I'm sure that they understand by now that many people like this feature to be enhanced. I believe that constructive criticism and continuous posting in this thread will gather more focus from the decision-makers within Elementor. So, I propose to share this issue with as many web developers and designers as you know that use Elementor and explain to them the features of Font Awesome and this integration. Let's try to convince by numbers.

lphaweb commented 1 year ago

I completely second this... and I hope it will soon be implemented. I've bought fontawesome pro thinking it would be well supported by Elementor, as it was advertised... what a shame it was to discover there are plenty of pro icons you can't use... even with Elementor Pro... because Elementor uses an old (and pretty outdated) icon set.

pan-athen commented 1 year ago

I completely second this... and I hope it will soon be implemented. I've bought fontawesome pro thinking it would be well supported by Elementor, as it was advertised... what a shame it was to discover there are plenty of pro icons you can't use... even with Elementor Pro... because Elementor uses an old (and pretty outdated) icon set.

Yes, and the new styles from Font Awesome are so cool and contemporary.

okeydoak commented 1 year ago

Come oooonnnnnnnnnn!

markbosky commented 1 year ago


Also, if FA6 is not supported, there should be a notice next to the FontAwesome Kit ID field in Elementor Settings stating so to avoid futile troubleshooting.

adamjacobi commented 1 year ago

This — and the clearly dismissive attitude of the support reps I’ve submitted tickets to on this issue — has left such a bad impression of Elementor, that I’ve been slowly but surely converting all my Elementor pages to Wordpress blocks (Gutenberg), and finding they load SO much FASTER. I lose a little flexibility, but blocks have come so far AND I have found one that supports FA 6. I’m looking forward to nonrenewing my Elementor Pro license and saying farewell to a disappointing company.

Apfelbiss commented 1 year ago

I'm also waiting for this to get fixed!

jarimustonen commented 1 year ago

The current version of Font Awesome is 6.4.0. It's totally inexcusable that Elementor does not support this. I just bought Font Awesome license just to learn that I can't use the icons I want as Elementor does not support this. How is this even possible?

tobias992 commented 1 year ago

The current version of Font Awesome is 6.4.0. It's totally inexcusable that Elementor does not support this.

Elementor is the most buggy page builder on market. They only release buggy new features to keep the fanboys happy. In every new release discussion i read "what a great update" - i always start laughing when i read this. The 3.14 should be a bugfix release - no new features or anything else. Here are hundreds of open issues - but elementor is not interested in customer feedback. Only buggy new features are important to make more money. In my eyes, this whole company has now become a big joke.

masseym commented 1 year ago

Add my vote here too.

vgstef commented 1 year ago

Any ETA about when Font Awesome will be updated?

jarimustonen commented 1 year ago

Here's a workaround: Register to Font Awesome as paying customer, download the icons as SVG, and use Elementor Icon's Upload SVG option.

Here's the button to download the SVG:

Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 8 41 00

And here's the location to upload it:

Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 8 42 31

I hope this helps.

pan-athen commented 1 year ago

Here's a workaround: Register to Font Awesome as paying customer, download the icons as SVG, and use Elementor Icon's Upload SVG option. I hope this helps.

I really appreciate the workaround and the time you took to post it, and I've used it a lot.

But as a paying customer of Elemenbtor and FA, I find it really strange that something like this cannot happen, especially in the span of time that people post here.

Since this feature request was posted, we have discovered AI in content creation, Elementor can get written text and produce an image, and hosting services have become half the price and 5x the speed. Font Awesome introduced tools to compose your own icons using icons from the library and include them in your kit.

I really understand the way a company moves with updates and features as I own a software company for 12 years, but this looks like it's an easy task.

Can any of the Elementor people comment on why this is not happening? Where is the problem? It seems that everybody would benefit from this; icons are a main element of visual communication and FA seems to have accomplished more than any other icon development company.

SteidleSolutions commented 11 months ago

Well over a year now and still no Font Awesome 6 support. This is insane.

JoeHana commented 11 months ago

By the time FA6 gets finally integrated, Font Awesome will already release FA7...

adamjacobi commented 11 months ago

This issue was the last straw that cost Elementor my business as a user of their product as well as subscriber to their pro plan. I have fully converted several sites to Wordpress’ block builder, and noticed a considerable speed improvement, as well… not to mention Font Awesome 6 support. What was most telling to me was the dismissive attitude of their tech support and developers when I raised this issue. As a consumer and as someone who runs a business and consults, I am making purchasing choices more and more based on company values and how they are manifest in that company’s employees and attitudes. Farewell, Elementor.

classbasics commented 11 months ago

If you go to your Font Awesome 6 Pro portal and create a kit with no icons. image then you have a Kit with all the FA6 icons. In Elementor, Settings, Integrations add your FA pro key and Kit number image then Save image in Elementor, Icon image go to Icon Library image

pan-athen commented 11 months ago

If you go to your Font Awesome 6 Pro portal and create a kit with no icons ... then you have a Kit with all the FA6 icons.

No, you don't, where is the:


Even in your screenshot, you can see only a part of the icon families included in the FA Pro tier. That is what people say here, we need a true integration with FA which doesn't exist.

classbasics commented 11 months ago

You are right. I got the information from FontAwesome and thought it worked. I have emailed them your findings and hope they will fix their Kit setup to include all styles.

pan-athen commented 11 months ago

I have emailed them your findings and hope they will fix their Kit setup to include all styles.

Thanks for reporting back!

It would be really great to see a solution to this finally :-)

lllopo commented 11 months ago

I think FA support should be re-worked totally. What "FA {put version here} support" means at all ?!?! FA has an API and Elementor should just use it and work with the latest and greatest available and that's it. I don't know how these guys from Elementor implemented the FA support, but it is definitely not good by design. I won't even start about the lack of any reasonable reaction in this thread and the fact that the (still but not for long as it seems) leading page builder for the leading CMS system refuses to offer proper support for the leading icon library ... it would have been ridiculous if it wasn't so tragic.

classbasics commented 11 months ago

FontAwesome said "Most likely what is happening is that while you have added your Pro Kit to Elementor, with the kit's version set to v6, Elementor's icon chooser doesn't yet know to include icons that are new to v6 among the available options. Last I knew about how Elementor had implemented their Font Awesome integration, they were not using our GraphQL API to determine the available icons for discovery in their icon chooser, for the particular version of Font Awesome that your kit uses. I think they used a snapshot of the icons list from a previous version of Font Awesome. If that's the case, then their list of available icons and styles is simply out of date, and could only be brought up to date by releasing a new version of their plugin. So any icons that were added after their snapshot of the icons list would not show up. And any styles that were added wouldn't show up there either. For example, the Thin style was added in v6, and it probably is not yet available in the Elementor icon chooser.

You still have access to all of the v6 icons and styles with your Kit on your WordPress site, even if they won't show up in Elementor. For example, with your kit installed, you could add an icon by adding the raw HTML tag to a page

If this seems like what's going on, I would recommend letting Elementor know that you'd like to see all icons and styles available through your kit in their icon chooser. That could help them assess the value of improving this feature in their software."

lllopo commented 11 months ago

@classbasics Ow ... they know what we all are asking for very well ... they simply don't do it, not even reacting on it.

Apfelbiss commented 11 months ago

I also think Elementor itself should know best what to do.

The changelog for version 3.1.0 from 2021-02-13 says: "Tweak: Upgraded Font Awesome Pro library to v5.15.1" This should be the current snapshot of the Font Awesome Icon Library.

Either Elementor needs to update this snapshot to support new icons and styles. Or better yet, they add proper support for the Font Awesome API so that you don't always have to wait for an Elementor update after a new versions of Font Awesome.

But after so long, I've given up hope for that. Probably not without reason they refrain from a concrete advertisement of Font Awesome support on the Elementor website ...

classbasics commented 11 months ago


classbasics commented 11 months ago

Maybe there is something in the new Elementor, but at least you can use the sharp FA6 icons if you need to via HTMl. image

Apfelbiss commented 11 months ago

Yeah, RAW HTML is possible, but that doesn't work for all the different Elementor widgets with icon support. The only workaround is to upload the icon as SVG. But then you don't even need support for Font Awesome by Elementor.

classbasics commented 11 months ago

Yes you can upload all the SVG to Media. The problem is the different syles have the same name. You would have to rename each icon with a relevant style prefix to upload them all. image

classbasics commented 11 months ago

I tried Elementor's DEV version without improvement. It may be possible to put the FA6 icons into the format of Fontello, IcoMoon or Fontastic as Elementor can upload this.

Another option is flaticons. https://www.flaticon.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYESmNhDxM0 The youtube video also shows a technique that could be used to upload one of the styles from FA6 to the Media folder. Or put a style appropriate prefix on all the FA6 icons and upload them all to the Media folder. image Maybe multiple folders in the Media folder would help. e.g. via a plugin https://www.joomunited.com/news/how-to-manage-media-with-folders-in-elementor-widgets#:~:text=In%20order%20to%20create%20a,automatically%20create%20the%20new%20subfolder. I will try these later, but there does seem to be a variety of work-a-rounds.