elementor / elementor

The most advanced frontend drag & drop page builder. Create high-end, pixel perfect websites at record speeds. Any theme, any page, any design.
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✅ 🚀 Feature Request: Nested sections/Tabs/Accordions/Toggles Drag and Drop editing #2587

Closed DomGrieco closed 10 months ago

DomGrieco commented 6 years ago


When using Tabs/Accordions/Toggles the editor assumes that you want to store text within these widgets. Scratch this default and make it work as a section, or column, where you can drop other widgets into these areas.

I think it would be best to automatically have 1 column inside of the Tabs/Accordions/Toggles making it so users quickly realize this area is open to bringing other widgets into. All previous version of elementor would take currently used Tabs/Accordions/Toggles and convert them into Tabs/Accordions/Toggles with a text editor widget inside a 1/1 column with the current data inside to prevent issues with previous users and their widgets.

It may be easier to just create "Advanced Tabs/Accordions/Toggles that have this functionality and make it PRO version only. That way you do not need to worry about issues with previously used Tabs/Accordions/Toggles and it makes PRO more enticing.

Steps to reproduce

Add Tab/Accordion/Toggle widget to page. Drag and drop any other widget into the Tab/Accordion/Toggle widget.

black-eye commented 6 years ago

+1 for this one. Plain text element as the only content could be quite limiting sometimes. (I know we could use shotcodes, but the section would be much more flexible.)

bainternet commented 6 years ago

The Tabs, Accordion and Toggle widgets are widgets and not containers/wrappers like column or section.

Creating a drop-zone inside these widgets (Tabs,Accordion and Toggle) is a real challenge and we are exploring a few solutions (maybe) to it.

But like @black-eye said currently you can use shortcodes inside these widgets which wont give you the same editing experience but will give you the desired results (in 99% of the cases).

I'll leave this open for now so we'll know to get back to it.

thanks for the feedback.

smile00000 commented 6 years ago

Agreed. https://www.self.com/ <---- This is a perfect example. I love how at this site the search bar, menu bar, and login bar all open from the top. Would love to be able to choose the direction of how it opens.

And yes they do have plugin content within each one (search, menu icons and links and login form)...would be great for our plugins! Would love you to add this.

They are coded as "drawers" in their code.

tristanleboss commented 6 years ago

Elementor really lack this feature. Sections should be able to be nested.

We should be able to code blocks with a section inside it allowing users to add blocks inside. The WYSIWIG control is not a solution...

Webnik commented 6 years ago

+1 for this. I came to this thread from another one that was for a similar (nesting) feature for columns.

I too came to Elementor from Thrive Content Builder / Architect and love Elementor. But one thing lacking is the ability to nest columns (and in this thread, toggles/etc.). Would be great to have this feature.

batnyam commented 6 years ago

+1 we need multiple rows in one section

ionlantern commented 5 years ago


markhagemann commented 5 years ago


ghost commented 5 years ago

Is this the right place for Nested Columns? I ask as (elsewhere) it's said that Columns are not actually a Widget - they're a Section.

However, my point in adding to this thread is to add my weight to the need to have a way of nesting columns more than is currently possible.

Columns don't have to be nested indefinately ... there will be a diminishing number of people who want 4, 5, or 6 levels ... but one more than current (so, 3rd level) would be great.

There are a couple of videos on YouTube which show the limited nesting available, but as others have said, modern page designs need more. There are a number of threads about nesting other components, or placing them side-by-side ... nested columns would answer many of these requests too.

+1 for nested columns

MarcelHeiniger commented 5 years ago

+1 for nested columns

As a developer (and Thrive user), I would recommend doing it, just like thrive do it with their "content box element" what is nothing else as a

You can place everything inside a div :-)

Great job elementor team

rbabayoff commented 5 years ago

@bainternet where can I find the list of shortcodes for elementor widgets and the attributes they accept?

ghost commented 5 years ago

+1 for nested sections/columns and being able to add widgets into Accordions

starshunter88 commented 5 years ago


diegox80 commented 5 years ago

+1 for nested sections/columns

Codevz commented 5 years ago


Deltachi commented 5 years ago

+1 for nested columns

diegovogel commented 5 years ago

+1 for nested columns. Just a couple more levels would be fantastic.

davidefiorio commented 5 years ago

+1 for this one. This is the only one thing missing from Elementor. :)

zrk4444 commented 5 years ago


notrealdev commented 5 years ago

+1 billion

marka33 commented 5 years ago

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Need to do nested columns 3 -4 levels deep ASAP. HELP.

steffanhalv commented 5 years ago

Is it planned yet?

m2sahin commented 5 years ago
muchadesign commented 5 years ago

+1 for Nested Columns.

Really needed that today on a project.

Gozubohca commented 5 years ago

Elementor has become a stack of templates. In fact it is possible to do most things without using templates. tabs, accordions, toggles, even slide and popup. (example: brizy.io)

Elementor must solve this urgently.

Tofandel commented 5 years ago

I just discovered elementor and was hoping to switch from Visual Composer to it (which is terrible in performances and UX) But sadly as long as this is not implemented that won't be possible

I also wanted to create some kind of shortcode builder with it, as a plugin but because it doesn't allow for containers/nested containers it is not possible I've made a shortcode mapper interface that can map shortcodes to visual composer and elementor based on which is installed, but it doesn't work if the shortcode must have nested shortcodes or content inside.

Is this open to pull request, If I have some time to dive in I'd be happy to start working on this feature

Tofandel commented 5 years ago

My approach would be the following Create a Container_Base that extends the Widget_Base Create a Content control that will not directly be shown on the sidebar but will be used to allow drag and drop on the builder

Overload the container base to always have a content control added

tristanleboss commented 5 years ago

Hey guys,

They sent an email asking what features we want in Elementor. Maybe we should send this one ;) If they ask by email, it does mean this "features tracker" is not really used... because it's full of great features that deserve being implemented for years (this one is 1.5 years old!). The problem is that the users of this "features tracker" are geeks... not lambada users. We need our voice to be heard so lets blend in with the lamba users!


Tansael commented 5 years ago

Nesting sections/inner-sections can solev vertical menu (fixed,scrollable) too.

wujekbogdan commented 5 years ago

It would be great if there was a container-like element that could be extended using the API.

It would be even greater if child components could receive data from a parent component (like components received data via props in Vue or React)

Thanks to this feature we would be able to perform queries by parent components and pass down the data to child components.


gwmbox commented 5 years ago


When creating and using Tabs and Accordions there is currently no 'easy' way to use content widgets within them. This is a major feature that needs to be fixed so they can be used as content areas.

Just like adding content widgets to a page content, those same widgets should be allowed to be used in Tabs and Accordions as if they were pages in their own right.

The only way for now is to create a section template, which is not the correct solution.

I am surprised this is not already available.

Look forward for this to be available very soon.

wpalani commented 5 years ago


Much needed!!

autumncorvus commented 5 years ago

+1 Amazed this isn't already a feature.

andrijanasv commented 5 years ago

+1 also very surprised, amazed and annoyed this isn't already a feature!

bentalgad commented 5 years ago

+1 This is a very basic feature. the current "choose template" way is unpagebuildery and it makes our back end work really slow and the front end performance really slow either.

Btw it works great in oxygen and brizy.

kaoecoito commented 5 years ago

+1 This is a very basic feature. I create many components for my use and not having the option of a nested component is very bad

taoguangc commented 5 years ago

+1 This is the biggest shortcoming of elementor! Templates are created to increase efficiency, not slow down.

bentalgad commented 5 years ago

See how easy it is in Brizy builder (even columns inside...): 2019-05-30 10 51 03

And you can have unlimited nested columns and tabs (heaven).

beezio commented 5 years ago


wasbone commented 5 years ago

So many people require, Focus please.

On Thu, 30 May 2562 at 15:07 beezio notifications@github.com wrote:


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wujekbogdan commented 5 years ago

If you finally implement it, please implement it as a general purpose solution - I mean not only for the modules mentioned in this ticket name but for all the modules.

I'd like to be able to register a custom component that already has a drag-n-drop area but I failed. I tried to achieve it extending the \Elementor\Element_Column but it turns out that this class is not supposed to be extended.

starshunter88 commented 5 years ago

+1 all the content fields should be widgetized, having just text fields limits the power of elementor widgets? :)

aspoonemore commented 4 years ago

+1 - This is a huge deal for me

ghost commented 4 years ago

A big +1

I also need this for a project I'm working on. Tabs with different content, like already possible with this plugin, but I don't like the responsiveness of this plugin. https://www.templatemonster.com/demo/69512.html

So it should be able to add columns and different kinds of content under each widget.

luiszg commented 4 years ago

Hello, I'm really excited about Elementor. I have the pro version but not having this feature has made me return to my old visual composer. I think I have lost my license purchase since it is absurd that this great plugin does not have this issue solved. Definitely the TABS and Accordions should be containers and should be able to accommodate rows and columns there.

For now, I'm giving up on Elementor and I will return to this topic in a few months to see if they have already made this improvement.

ghost commented 4 years ago

I am struggling with this problem so much atm. I have a page that uses tabs as a cool way to view content but creating 20+ templates for one page is crazy and definitely not best practice or optimized for future editing! Please add this feature!!!

@shilo-ey is this still something being worked on?

m2sahin commented 4 years ago

When will this feature come? We're tired of waiting.

Gozubohca commented 4 years ago

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ProtoThemes commented 4 years ago

+1 please ! This is essential! We are waiting since 2017.

antoine-piarou commented 4 years ago

+1 basic need