elementor / elementor

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fix: check for elementor.settings.page in isScrollSnapActive [ED-14910] #27353

Open m1ga opened 2 weeks ago

m1ga commented 2 weeks ago

PR Checklist

PR Type

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This PR can be summarized in the following changelog entry:

Fixes: https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/19345

Uncaught TypeError: elementor.settings.page is undefined when trying to open the Elementor Editor


An explanation of what is done in this PR


Test instructions

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Quality assurance

Fixes #

Benlola commented 2 weeks ago

image Only Elementor, Elementor Pro and Hello Elementor Theme, no possibility to edit something is give error: "Uncaught TypeError: e.O is not a function"

m1ga commented 2 weeks ago

@Benlola wrong place to post this. This is a PR and not related to the e.O is not a function issue.