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✅ Elementor v2.6 Beta 3 Release #8431

Closed bainternet closed 4 years ago

bainternet commented 4 years ago




Elementor 2.6 BETA is finally here!

It's been a while since we last released a new major version. Since Elementor has such a wide users base, we prefer collecting several features and releasing them together after proper beta testing. It was well worth the wait.

There are many new features as well as many new tweaks, and we would appreciate it if you dive into it and test them out…

Feast your eyes on this ICON-IC RELEASE!

This release knocks off many of your requests and focuses on 3 major aspects of handling icons in Elementor.

Meet The New Icon Library (#110)

We've completely redesigned the way you work with icons and Elementor.


With this version, we created an entire React based interface that will make picking icons much easier, faster and way more fun. Click on the Icon Library button that appears on any widget with icon controls, and voila - the new icon library interface will pop up.

The relevant icons will automatically show according to the widget you are using. Until now, you could only select between a few pre-set icons. From now on, you can click on the Icon Library button, and the Library will appear and let you pick recommended icons. If you're the picky type, you can browse through the entire library and choose your desired icon.

You can also filter icons by searching a keyword, or scroll through the icons and use your very own optical tools (AKA eyes). The Icon Library includes a left panel, where you will see the different sets of icons, and filter them (more on this later).

Test flow:

Introducing Font Awesome 5 Library Integration (#4430)

The long-anticipated Font Awesome 5 library finally arrives in Elementor!


It took time to release this feature because we wanted to make sure everything works smoothly. This includes backward compatibility and removing Font Awesome 4 dependencies.

With this update, your basic font library has just gotten a lot bigger. Until v2.6, you had to make do with only 675 icons, now have access to 1,534 amazing Font Awesome 5 icons (including an icon of the Elementor logo!).

Font Awesome 5 is not just about more icons. It brings faster performance and faster page speed, which can benefit your SEO and page load speed. With this library, only the CSS and fonts of the icon family you actually use are loaded. Faster load time means better SEO results for you and your clients!

FA5 comes included with 3 main icon families: Solid, Brand and Regular. These families are filterable and let you stay consistent with a certain design language throughout your site.

Please note that due to minor design changes made to some FontAwesome 5 icons, some of your old FontAwesome 4 icons may look a bit different.

Test flow:

Introducing SVG file library (#5570)

Version 2.6 includes more than just FontAwesome 5. The new Icons control also lets you enjoy the power of SVG files.

So What is SVG and what is so special about it? Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animation.

SVG files work in a similar manner as icons. You can scale them up or down without any loss of resolution or blurriness. They are extremely lightweight and keep your pages lean.

Important security notice! Uploading SVG files from unknown sources may pose a potential security threat. We recommend you upload files only from a trusted source and enable this feature after you understand and accept the security risks involved.

Elementor's SVG module will do it's best to sanitize the files uploaded to your site, but it is best to upload SVG files only from known and trusted sources.

Once you upload an SVG file, Elementor sanitizes the file, removes any possible malicious code, and leaves only the skeleton of the required image. After the upload is done, you are able to preview the image and filter it using the native WordPress media library, only showing SVG files. The SVG is inserted into the page as inline code.


We recommend uploading SVGs without any inline styling, in order to take advantage of the full capabilities of the Elementor's styling controls.

Test flow:

Chrome Firefox Safari Opera Edge Internet Explorer
Supported Supported Supported Supported Supported* Partially Supported

Better User Experience

An ever-expanding interface like Elementor can get overwhelming at times. This is why we constantly think of innovative ways to help you in every step of your design process. Elementor v2.6 brings two new such tools: Navigator Indicators and Help Buttons.

1. Navigator Indicators (#2180)

The Navigator feature has become an indispensable editing tool in Elementor. It's like Waze, you wonder how you ever managed without it. Now, we are making it even better, with Navigator Indicators.

Every time you use Elementor's Custom Positioning on any certain element, you will be able to see an indication of this customization in the Navigator panel.

For example, if I use an absolute position for a title, the Navigator will show a blue indicator with a drag icon next to the title.


In the upcoming Pro release, we will also add two other indicators for Motion Effects and Custom CSS.

Test flow:

2. Help Buttons


Comprehensive documentation has always been a top priority for us. That said, it's not always easy to find the exact doc, at the exact moment you need it.

This is why we have now added a help button at the end of each editor panel. Click on it, and a new tab will open with the relevant documentation needed.

Test flow:

More Improvements

How to Install the Beta Version

If you still haven't enabled beta testing in Elementor, please follow these steps:

You can also download the new version here: https://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/elementor.2.6.0-beta3.zip


For bugs and remarks, please reply with a comment on this issue here on GitHub.

Please keep this related to the Current beta Only! any other issue or feature request, feel free to open a new issue.

Designated time for release: July 9, 2019 (Estimated)

Many thanks for your support and help!


Elementor Team

shilo-ey commented 4 years ago

Please keep this related to the Current beta Only! any other Issue Report or Feature Request feel free to open a new issue.

Thanks again to everyone.

drawcard commented 4 years ago

Very exciting to hear we can now use custom icons!

bentalgad commented 4 years ago

Very Exciting, although a lot of features are still missing! BTW - The file link is broken.

black-eye commented 4 years ago

Haven't tried it yet, but before I do so - is there a recommended way, how to deal with already installed plugins for SVG support (in my case https://cs.wordpress.org/plugins/svg-support/)?


sbc640964 commented 4 years ago

Some things:

  1. Recommend that you can add the svg icons in a new library in the Font Awesome library window.

  2. For now there is no control over the colors of the svg icons, which is a shame.

Urgent, arrange the absolute / fixed position for RTL, - this is more important than icons ... :)

stevew00dy commented 4 years ago

Updated without a problem Initial look on site - no obvious challenges on the front end

On the backend - the Need help is a small red text line and not the clean button that I saw in the preview above.

Also alignment icons missing, as is dynamic cog

A few icons missing from the bottom nav

Screenshot 2019-06-27 at 15 31 57

Text editor icon only element icon missing

Dragging the icon does not open the element settings, it just hangs on the blue insert line.

Easier to just record a video


stevew00dy commented 4 years ago

Updated to FA5 in the tools in Elementor and now can't access page builder backend at all - offers option to launch in safe mode but won't work. Had to roll back to get it working again. Disabled all plugins and also theme - still not working. Only on existing templates - new ones are ok

ericadyson commented 4 years ago

Cannot select an icon. SVG works like a dream but I can't select any icons. There is no button or anything to OK/Accept a selection. So it's currently useless - for me at least. Nothing!

ericadyson commented 4 years ago

Don't know if this is connected with the beta release but I cannot see any details of the change log of any plugin!

Kishorchandth commented 4 years ago

Some bug i found -

  1. Menu icon ( Bars) turn into list icon (not toggle) Hamburder menu

  2. After toggle Screenshot_4

  3. Pop up settings icon is missing Screenshot_5

  4. No Button icon/custom SVG icon alignment Button pseudo icon

infinity-web-italy commented 4 years ago

Beautiful! I look forward to the update.

Only the possibility of adding custom icon packages and reCAPTCHA v3 is missing

siggibecker commented 4 years ago

Since years for the first time the allmighty "No content found" displayed. Even no safe mode possible. Reverted back to 2.5. :-(

Jorihlen commented 4 years ago

Cannot select an icon. SVG works like a dream but I can't select any icons. There is no button or anything to OK/Accept a selection. So it's currently useless - for me at least. Nothing!

Is active on hover in the lower right margin of the list of icons ... the green button

Jorihlen commented 4 years ago

Icon alignment option to icon list is not working at all. Navigator Indicator (for Absolute position) for Heading don´t work neither.

STEVEGC commented 4 years ago

Basket icon is now missing from the Menu Basket element for custom headers.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Hi, The new icon library doesn't work. When I click on Icon libary to choose another icon, I can, but nothing happens. Is there a Ok - Update button in the new icon pop up? When I choose one and just close the window, nothing change and it stay on the old icon.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Hi, The new icon library doesn't work. When I click on Icon libary to choose another icon, I can, but nothing happens. Is there a Ok - Update button in the new icon pop up? When I choose one and just close the window, nothing change and it stay on the old icon.

Oh I just figure out the button "Insert" is invisible. Only visible when you hover with your mouse where the button is.

Capture d’écran 2019-06-27 à 09 32 15
ericadyson commented 4 years ago

AH! Now I see it. I would never have found that on my own. Guess it will be made visible at all times!

shilo-ey commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone, For those with the missing button / icons / other CSS related issues - Please try to clear the cache in your server / website (or try to add a parameter ?123 to the url)


michaelbourne commented 4 years ago

Love the new feature.

Quick feedback: the Social Icons controls have no background color selector, so when you choose a custom icon, you get a white icon (default css from E) on a white background. Could we add a bg color option?

SniffleValve commented 4 years ago

Hi, The new icon library doesn't work. When I click on Icon libary to choose another icon, I can, but nothing happens. Is there a Ok - Update button in the new icon pop up? When I choose one and just close the window, nothing change and it stay on the old icon.

Oh I just figure out the button "Insert" is invisible. Only visible when you hover with your mouse where the button is.

Capture d’écran 2019-06-27 à 09 32 15

Seems to happen only in Chrome (Win 10) as it's there in FF and Opera :)

parfilov commented 4 years ago

If you don't see "Insert", clear browser cache

parfilov commented 4 years ago

@shilo-ey @bainternet in this https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/4430 issue I asked about Viber and Facebook messenger icons. Please, insert them to recommended icons for Social Icons widget and make their official colors.

KiQdev commented 4 years ago

2 bugs for me so far. CTA widget, if choosing Dynamic for anything, the closing x is gone, so no way to change to not dynamic without creating a new. All pages and templates says This is just a draft...., saving it and coming back again it shows This is just a draft...

wpsumo commented 4 years ago

Font Awesome 5 is not just about more icons. It brings faster performance and faster page speed, which can benefit your SEO and page load speed. With this library, only the CSS and fonts of the icon family you actually use are loaded. Faster load time means better SEO results for you and your clients!

Thanks Elementor! great feature! Having access to 1500+ icons but only load what is used is great and 2019! Please introduce the same for all CSS and js and code loaded for widgets. The frontend is compiled upon saving and regenerated. And frontend only loads CSS and JS from widgets that are used.

How will it work with custom icon packs? Can I upload it to the new icon manager and it will work the same way? Previously used fontello and https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-icons-for-elementor/

Please make sure icons and fonts uses font-display: swap;

parfilov commented 4 years ago

Where are the Clear crosses in dynamic fields?

parfilov commented 4 years ago

Can you please add the brake to vertical alignment option and marker in Carousel widget. Words in some languages are longer than English and it spoils the UX. Yes, we can stretch the editor panel but in's inconvenient on small screens.

Снимок экрана 2019-06-28 в 11 05 07
stevew00dy commented 4 years ago

I’m seeing some very very strange behaviour.

Some CSS styles are broken on the front end but not on the backend. Removing some elements or sections sometimes reverts the front end style but there is no set patter, all cache disabled and from multiply devices / networks.

Sometimes something as simple as editing a word in a text element fixes the style, othertimes it takes restoring back to a previous version. I can make an edit and save and it breaks but normally the first save is ok, it’s only additional save since the update that break things.

Very hard to explain and no way to lock down a pattern yet

RemPro commented 4 years ago

on the Icon window the set it button only appears on rollover at the bottom right corner

stevew00dy commented 4 years ago

Anywhere Elementor Pro Templates won't load in 2.6 - Edit in Elementor just hangs.

afroniquely commented 4 years ago

So far updating to the beta had no issues, and the drag and drop functionality works seamlessly. Icons loaded up fine as well.

stevew00dy commented 4 years ago

Screenshot 2019-06-29 at 12 03 05

Can't get past this screen - tried to disable ALL plugins except Elementor. Tried using blank Astra Theme. Not working for me.

I can access some templates but not others. New ones are ok but not pre built ones.

This is the console from trying to load a single post template

Screenshot 2019-06-29 at 12 08 22

tristanleboss commented 4 years ago

If you are a FontAwesome Pro customer, how to replace FontAwesome Free in Elementor by FontAwesome Pro?

The best would be to be able to dequeue the FontAwesome Free JS/CSS by Elementor and add the one from FA Pro. Maybe you can give us WP filters so we can hook and change the FA CSS/JS location?

What about the extra icons Pro version add? Can we have a filter to toggle Pro icons on/off? or a filter to add them manually?

avermat commented 4 years ago

When I add an icon to a button, there is no longer any "Icon Spacing" option or "Icon Position" option. Was this moved somewhere else?


shilo-ey commented 4 years ago

@stevewoody82 , @ericadyson , @Kishorchandth Seems like your styles didn't reload properly, try clearing your cache or entering your page editing with a parameter in the URL (yoursite.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=1234&action=elementor&v=123456)

@Kishorchandth @Jorihlen @avermat - Thanks for noticing the missing controls and icons.

@infinity-web-italy - on the way ;)

@siggibecker - Please provide more details, system info etc...

@michaelbourne - We're looking into it, thanks.

@parfilov - we will add the missing icons, but we are thinking on a broader soluting with the ability to select any icon you wish (and its colors). missing dynamic remove icon will be patched in the next version of E-Pro. As for vertical alignment - we will take care of that.

@stevewoody82 - It seems like a conflict with one of your other plugins. try deactivating all of the plugins and switch to hello theme or twenty-seventeen.

@alriksson Elementor Pro V2.6.0 will allow you to add custom Icons sets to the new Icon manager.

@tristanleboss As for Font Awesome Pro users, Elementor Pro 2.6.0 Will have an integration with Font Awesome Pro which will load all of the pro Icons for each of the styles: Regular, Solid and Brands. As well as the additional Light style.

Thanks everyone. If you find any other issues, please be as detailed as possible and add your system info in order that we could identify the issue properly.

Please keep this related to the Current beta Only! any other Issue Report or Feature Request feel free to open a new issue.

Thanks again to everyone!

wpsumo commented 4 years ago


Elementor Pro V2.6.0 will allow you to add custom Icons sets to the new Icon manager.

It will? I can not see where? Please show me, that would be great. Then we have all we need! Will it also only be loading icons and styles that are used?

And secondly, you guys missed FA icons light. You have solid, regular, brand but not light.

bainternet commented 4 years ago

@alriksson commented on Jun 30, 2019, 11:26 AM GMT+3:


Elementor Pro V2.6.0 will allow you to add custom Icons sets to the new Icon manager.

It will? I can not see where? Please show me, that would be great. Then we have all we need! Will it also only be loading icons and styles that are used?

It will once we actually release Elementor Pro 2.6.0!!

And secondly, you guys missed FA icons light. You have solid, regular, brand but not light.

We didn't miss anything, Font Awesome light style is only available for Font Awesome Pro subscribers.

stevew00dy commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the reply.

I removed all plugins, cleared cache used WP core theme and still can’t access the Icons or backend. Have no custom functionality in place which is really strange

On 30 Jun 2019, at 10:49, Raz Ohad notifications@github.com wrote:

@alriksson commented on Jun 30, 2019, 11:26 AM GMT+3:


Elementor Pro V2.6.0 will allow you to add custom Icons sets to the new Icon manager.

It will? I can not see where? Please show me, that would be great. Then we have all we need! Will it also only be loading icons and styles that are used?

It will once we actually release Elementor Pro 2.6.0!!

And secondly, you guys missed FA icons light. You have solid, regular, brand but not light.

We didn't miss anything, Font Awesome light style is only available for Font Awesome Pro subscribers.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

shilo-ey commented 4 years ago

@stevewoody82 From your screenshot it seems that Elementor scripts are not loading. this may be caused by various reasons. I suggest you to try eliminating other possibilities for this JS errors (server MU plugins, custom code, external resources...)

stevember commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am using the Astra theme, and the new beta 2.6.

The backend will appear to load, then when I go to the widgets, they will not load just ever spinning circle. I have disabled all plug-ins and any cache on the site.

Is there anything I can tell you that will help you to diagnose? I have cleared my browser cache.

in debug mode I'm getting ob_end_flush(): failed to send buffer of zlib output compression (0)

stevew00dy commented 4 years ago

I hear you @shilo-ey unless it's a server issue (Using Cloudways) there is basic caching fro (cloudflare) but I used a clean install with TwentyNineteen and no other plugins.

There is nothing else I can do to strip back the install sorry.

On Sun, 30 Jun 2019 at 14:48, stevember notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi, I am using the Astra theme, and the new beta 2.6.

The backend will appear to load, then when I go to the widgets, they will not load just ever spinning circle. I have disabled all plug-ins and any cache on the site.

Is there anything I can tell you that will help you to diagnose? I have cleared my browser cache.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/8431?email_source=notifications&email_token=ABH33HVQZTWGVSNZ3N4ADZ3P5C2TZA5CNFSM4H33TUFKYY3PNVWWK3TUL52HS4DFVREXG43VMVBW63LNMVXHJKTDN5WW2ZLOORPWSZGODY4MRSQ#issuecomment-507037898, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABH33HWEZDOKJUSQUZQF7VDP5C2TZANCNFSM4H33TUFA .

stevew00dy commented 4 years ago

Hope this helps - https://www.loom.com/share/0f21e9d8d2fe4c1fa580890fb8a85716

On Sun, 30 Jun 2019 at 14:50, Online Mastery info@onlinemastery.co.uk wrote:

I hear you @shilo-ey unless it's a server issue (Using Cloudways) there is basic caching fro (cloudflare) but I used a clean install with TwentyNineteen and no other plugins.

There is nothing else I can do to strip back the install sorry.

On Sun, 30 Jun 2019 at 14:48, stevember notifications@github.com wrote:

Hi, I am using the Astra theme, and the new beta 2.6.

The backend will appear to load, then when I go to the widgets, they will not load just ever spinning circle. I have disabled all plug-ins and any cache on the site.

Is there anything I can tell you that will help you to diagnose? I have cleared my browser cache.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/8431?email_source=notifications&email_token=ABH33HVQZTWGVSNZ3N4ADZ3P5C2TZA5CNFSM4H33TUFKYY3PNVWWK3TUL52HS4DFVREXG43VMVBW63LNMVXHJKTDN5WW2ZLOORPWSZGODY4MRSQ#issuecomment-507037898, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABH33HWEZDOKJUSQUZQF7VDP5C2TZANCNFSM4H33TUFA .

Kishorchandth commented 4 years ago

@shilo-ey i did what you have ask. Added ver=12345 to download fresh data or i guess Ctrl+F5 but it didn't work.

When i go to inspect elements and see the css rule. I found out content property should be "\e816" (eicon-menu-bar)but the content property is set to "\e814" which refer to (eicon-editor-list-ol).

Please see the screenshot Screenshot_12 and it does same to pop up too

siggibecker commented 4 years ago

@shilo-ey Resolved! Classic cache prob. Sorry.

unclerom commented 4 years ago

Very cool elementor!

Suggested roadmap 2.7.0






I've been waiting too long :)

tristanleboss commented 4 years ago

@unclerom You're a dreamer by wishing some features to be implemented by Elementor ;) The Icon Library is a 3 years old feature request and the FA one is a 1 year old feature request... and they are clearly easy to implement compared to some others.

RudiVL commented 4 years ago

You might think that a major update will include major feature requests... But again, NONE OF THAT ALL!


stevew00dy commented 4 years ago

this is not the place to vent @rudi. We all get frustrated mate but please direct it towards the social media channels.

On Mon, 1 Jul 2019 at 09:14, Rudi notifications@github.com wrote:

You might think that a major update will include major feature requests... But again, NONE OF THAT ALL!

4440 https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/4440

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/elementor/elementor/issues/8431?email_source=notifications&email_token=ABH33HRFAWIADX7R45ZNNWTP5G4HBA5CNFSM4H33TUFKYY3PNVWWK3TUL52HS4DFVREXG43VMVBW63LNMVXHJKTDN5WW2ZLOORPWSZGODY5LJHA#issuecomment-507163804, or mute the thread https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ABH33HUBD34AP2I4JHSEP2LP5G4HBANCNFSM4H33TUFA .

shilo-ey commented 4 years ago

We just released a new beta version, please update your version to v2.6.0 Beta 2.

This beta release includes:

Please keep this related to the Current beta Only! any other Issue Report or Feature Request feel free to open a new issue.

Thanks again to everyone.

stevew00dy commented 4 years ago

Is there a link for Beta 2 or is it just upgrade via the plugin updater ?