Open dmeagor opened 5 years ago
tried again with a .5 sec delay but same error.
Thanks @dmeagor. Working on a "Debugging mode" when exporting for easier debugging, but could you please try the following in Advanced Tab:
If that alone doesn't allow the export to complete, please try:
Increase the delay if still not completing.
I'm not yet convinced with the change I've done from the old GitHub deploy method (single-commit) to this one, in order to allow for incremental deploys. The advantage of this one is that if you can complete an export, subsequent ones will be much faster.
Deployment batch size is already set to 1 and api request delay is 0.5
Hi @dmeagor, sorry, I read it properly now and see the:
That may be unrelated to the API issue, but is worth looking into. What it means is that the plugin has failed to rewrite a local link on the original site properly.
It uses this PLACEHOLDER.wpsho
first, as a way to normalize all URLs for later being more easily able to rewrite to the Destination URL.
When I implement the Debugging Mode option, we'll be able to see each action/request logged in order, so in this case, we're failing on a particular file, we'll know exactly which one it failed on.
I'm groping in the dark a bit until then, but this hints that it may be trying to send an empty file to the GitHub API:
I can give you a cpl of lines to paste in and get the exact file that's causing it, one minute...
Using the attached build, once export is done/failed, check the Export Log in the Logs tab and it should end at the failed file when using a Batch Size of 1
@dmeagor, I've started the Debug Mode work with this build. If you check "Enable Debug Mode" in Advanced Tab, then check/refresh the Export Log, you should see the API responses from GitHub for the Create/Update requests.
If you're not seeing any hints from those, the 502 may be coming from the other GH API request, which is hitting the GraphQL endpoint to check if a file exists remotely. Anyway, I'll keep expanding the debugging verbosity across the plugin to help with these kind of issues.
@dmeagor, one more recent version here worth trying.
Please let me know what the Debug Mode outputs.
Hey @leonstafford , I am encountering the same issue with version 6.5.1
This was the error
API response code 200 API response body {"data":{"repository":{"object":null}}} Creating public/xxx/index.html in GitHub API response code 422 API response body {"message":"Invalid request.\n\n\"sha\" wasn't supplied.","documentation_url":""} BAD RESPONSE STATUS FROM API (422) Deployment: error encountered Exception: BAD RESPONSE STATUS FROM API (422)
Hi @kencanak,
Your issue seems a little different, as you're getting a 422 response code with a particular message from GitHub.
What I think is happening, is it's expecting a 'sha' value. The plugin, for this file, seems to be trying to do a CREATE, but an existing file was found in the repo and so it needs an UPDATE. Either the deploy cache from a previous deploy is incorrect or changes have been made to the repo outside of the plugin.
Please try these steps to troubleshoot:
failing that:
If you can email me the export log at this point, I may be able to deduce what's happening:
Working on this. Delayed due to a different/unrelated issue with our server. I'll send over the log details as soon as I can.
no worries, @dmeagor, delay was probably a blessing as a few bugfixes went out in the meantime
Hey @leonstafford , I am encountering the same issue with version 6.5.1
This was the error
API response code 200 API response body {"data":{"repository":{"object":null}}} Creating public/xxx/index.html in GitHub API response code 422 API response body {"message":"Invalid request.\n\n"sha" wasn't supplied.","documentation_url":""} BAD RESPONSE STATUS FROM API (422) Deployment: error encountered Exception: BAD RESPONSE STATUS FROM API (422)
Hey @leonstafford , sent the log to you on Tuesday :)
With the latest build 6.5.3 I am getting a 500 error when uploading to Github.
Creating public/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/Article-768x403.jpg in GitHub
API response code 500
API response body
Deployment: error encountered
Exception: BAD RESPONSE STATUS FROM API (500) in /home/guff/public_html/wp-content/plugins/static-html-output-plugin/library/StaticHtmlOutput/SitePublisher.php:2
Stack trace:
#0 /home/guff/public_html/wp-content/plugins/static-html-output-plugin/powerpack/GitHub.php(14): StaticHtmlOutput_SitePublisher->checkForValidResponses(500, Array)
leonstafford/wp2static#1 /home/guff/public_html/wp-content/plugins/static-html-output-plugin/powerpack/GitHub.php(2): StaticHtmlOutput_GitHub->createFileInGitHub()
leonstafford/wp2static#2 /home/guff/public_html/wp-content/plugins/static-html-output-plugin/powerpack/GitHub.php(2): StaticHtmlOutput_GitHub->upload_files()
leonstafford/wp2static#3 /home/guff/public_html/wp-content/plugins/static-html-output-plugin/powerpack/GitHub.php(14): StaticHtmlOutput_GitHub->__construct()
leonstafford/wp2static#4 /home/guff/public_html/wp-content/plugins/static-html-output-plugin/library/StaticHtmlOutput/Dispatcher.php(2): require_once('/home/guff/...')
leonstafford/wp2static#5 /home/guff/public_html/wp-content/plugins/static-html-output-plugin/wp2static.php(17): require_once('/home/guff/...')
leonstafford/wp2static#6 /home/guff/public_html/wp-settings.php(305): include_once('/home/guff/...')
leonstafford/wp2static#7 /home/guff/public_html/wp-config.php(90): require_once('/home/guff/...')
leonstafford/wp2static#8 /home/guff/public_html/wp-load.php(37): require_once('/home/guff/...')
leonstafford/wp2static#9 /home/guff/public_html/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php(22): require_once('/home/guff/...')
leonstafford/wp2static#10 {main}
log sent privately.
Found a workaround by exporting to a static folder and doing git commit/push from the command line. which has reduced the deployment time from about 90 mins to about 4 and is much more secure.
Unfortunately relative urls are broken so I'm again at an impasse (listed as a separate issue.)
2021-03-27 01:01:53 2021-03-26 07:31:53
OS VERSION Windows NT NITINS-PC 10.0 build 19042 (Windows 10) AMD64
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WP SITEURL http://localhost/wordpress
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WP ADDRESS http://localhost/wordpress
SERVER SOFTWARE Apache/2.4.46 (Win64) OpenSSL/1.1.1h PHP/7.4.13
2021-03-27 01:01:53 Active plugins:
2021-03-27 01:01:53 addons-for-elementor/addons-for-elementor.php
2021-03-27 01:01:53 all-in-one-wp-migration/all-in-one-wp-migration.php
2021-03-27 01:01:53 astra-sites/astra-sites.php
2021-03-27 01:01:53 elementor/elementor.php
2021-03-27 01:01:53 static-html-output-plugin/static-html-output-plugin.php
2021-03-27 01:01:53 wpforms-lite/wpforms.php
2021-03-27 01:01:53 Plugin options:
2021-03-27 01:01:54 additionalUrls:
2021-03-27 01:01:54 baseUrl:
2021-03-27 01:01:54 baseUrl-bitbucket:
2021-03-27 01:01:54 baseUrl-bunnycdn:
2021-03-27 01:01:54 baseUrl-github:
2021-03-27 01:01:54 baseUrl-gitlab:
2021-03-27 01:01:54 baseUrl-netlify:
2021-03-27 01:01:54 baseUrl-s3:
2021-03-27 01:01:54 baseUrl-zip:
2021-03-27 01:01:54 baseUrl-zip:
2021-03-27 01:01:54 basicAuthPassword:
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2021-03-27 01:01:54 bbBranch:
2021-03-27 01:01:54 bbRepo:
2021-03-27 01:01:54 bbToken:
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2021-03-27 01:01:55 bunnycdnPullZoneAccessKey:
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2021-03-27 01:01:55 bunnycdn_api_host:
2021-03-27 01:01:55 cfDistributionId:
2021-03-27 01:01:55 completionEmail:
2021-03-27 01:01:55 crawl_delay:
2021-03-27 01:01:55 crawl_increment:
2021-03-27 01:01:55 crawlPort:
2021-03-27 01:01:56 delayBetweenAPICalls:
2021-03-27 01:01:56 deployBatchSize:
2021-03-27 01:01:56 excludeURLs:
2021-03-27 01:01:56 ghBranch:
2021-03-27 01:01:56 ghCommitMessage:
2021-03-27 01:01:56 ghRepo:
2021-03-27 01:01:56 ghToken:
2021-03-27 01:01:56 glBranch:
2021-03-27 01:01:56 glProject:
2021-03-27 01:01:56 glToken:
2021-03-27 01:01:56 netlifyHeaders:
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2021-03-27 01:01:56 netlifyRedirects:
2021-03-27 01:01:57 netlifySiteID:
2021-03-27 01:01:57 removeConditionalHeadComments: 1
2021-03-27 01:01:57 removeHTMLComments: 1
2021-03-27 01:01:57 removeWPLinks: 1
2021-03-27 01:01:57 removeWPMeta: 1
2021-03-27 01:01:57 rewrite_rules:
2021-03-27 01:01:57 rename_rules:
2021-03-27 01:01:57 s3Bucket:
2021-03-27 01:01:57 s3Key:
2021-03-27 01:01:57 s3Region:
2021-03-27 01:01:57 s3Secret: ***
2021-03-27 01:01:57 selected_deployment_option:
2021-03-27 01:01:57 targetFolder:
2021-03-27 01:01:57 useBasicAuth:
2021-03-27 01:01:57 Installed extensions:
2021-03-27 01:01:58 Core,bcmath,calendar,ctype,date,filter,hash,iconv,json,SPL,pcre,readline,Reflection,session,standard,mysqlnd,tokenizer,zip,zlib,libxml,dom,PDO,bz2,SimpleXML,xml,xmlreader,xmlwriter,apache2handler,openssl,curl,fileinfo,gd,gettext,mbstring,exif,mysqli,pdo_mysql,pdo_sqlite,Phar,ftp
2021-03-27 01:02:05 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /ads.txt
2021-03-27 01:02:06 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /astra-2/
2021-03-27 01:02:07 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /astra-3/
2021-03-27 01:02:10 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /astra-4/
2021-03-27 01:02:11 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /astra-5/
2021-03-27 01:02:12 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /astra-6/
2021-03-27 01:02:13 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /astra-7/
2021-03-27 01:02:14 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /astra/
2021-03-27 01:02:26 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /favicon.ico
2021-03-27 01:02:28 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /hestia/
2021-03-27 01:02:32 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /robots.txt
2021-03-27 01:02:38 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /twentytwentyone/
2021-03-27 01:02:40 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /wordpress/
2021-03-27 01:02:41 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /wordpress/2021/
2021-03-27 01:02:43 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /wordpress/2021/03/
2021-03-27 01:02:44 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /wordpress/2021/03/25/
2021-03-27 01:02:47 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /wordpress/astra-2/
2021-03-27 01:02:48 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /wordpress/astra-3/
2021-03-27 01:02:50 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /wordpress/astra-4/
2021-03-27 01:02:52 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /wordpress/astra-5/
2021-03-27 01:02:53 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /wordpress/astra-6/
2021-03-27 01:02:54 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /wordpress/astra-7/
2021-03-27 01:02:57 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /wordpress/astra/
2021-03-27 01:03:04 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /wordpress/hestia/
2021-03-27 01:03:14 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /wordpress/twentytwentyone/
2021-03-27 01:03:46 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): /wp-content/uploads/2019/06/feature3-free-img.png
2021-03-27 01:03:59 Failed saving /wp-json/ to C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress/wp-content/uploads/static-html-output/\/wp-json/index.
2021-03-27 01:03:59 BAD RESPONSE STATUS (400): /wp-json/oembed/1.0/embed
2021-03-27 01:04:01 Failed saving /wp-json/wp/v2/categories/6 to C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress/wp-content/uploads/static-html-output/wp-json/wp/v2/categories/6/index.
2021-03-27 01:04:03 Failed saving /wp-json/wp/v2/pages/5 to C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress/wp-content/uploads/static-html-output/wp-json/wp/v2/pages/5/index.
2021-03-27 01:04:07 Failed saving /wp-json/wp/v2/pages/540 to C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress/wp-content/uploads/static-html-output/wp-json/wp/v2/pages/540/index.
2021-03-27 01:04:08 Failed saving /wp-json/wp/v2/pages/541 to C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress/wp-content/uploads/static-html-output/wp-json/wp/v2/pages/541/index.
2021-03-27 01:04:09 Failed saving /wp-json/wp/v2/pages/6 to C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress/wp-content/uploads/static-html-output/wp-json/wp/v2/pages/6/index.
2021-03-27 01:04:11 Failed saving /wp-json/wp/v2/pages/7 to C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress/wp-content/uploads/static-html-output/wp-json/wp/v2/pages/7/index.
2021-03-27 01:04:12 Failed saving /wp-json/wp/v2/posts/712 to C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress/wp-content/uploads/static-html-output/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/712/index.
2021-03-27 01:04:14 Failed saving /wp-json/wp/v2/posts/766 to C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress/wp-content/uploads/static-html-output/wp-json/wp/v2/posts/766/index.
2021-03-27 01:04:15 Failed saving /wp-json/wp/v2/users/1 to C:\xampp\htdocs\wordpress/wp-content/uploads/static-html-output/wp-json/wp/v2/users/1/index.
So what's the issue here?
2019-01-23 01:10:14 PHP VERSION 7.2.13 OS VERSION Linux 2.6.32-896.16.1.lve1.4.49.el6.x86_64 leonstafford/wp2static#1 SMP Fri Jan 5 05:15:23 EST 2018 x86_64 WP VERSION 5.0.3 WP URL WP SITEURL WP HOME WP ADDRESS PLUGIN VERSION 6.3 VIA WP-CLI? STATIC EXPORT URL SAVING URL: FILE IS EMPTY /favicon.ico BAD RESPONSE STATUS (404): http://PLACEHOLDER.wpsho/ BAD RESPONSE STATUS FROM API (502) Deployment: error encountered Exception: BAD RESPONSE STATUS FROM API (502) in /home/wpstagep/ Stack trace:
0 /home/wpstagep/ StaticHtmlOutput_SitePublisher->checkForValidResponses(502, Array)
leonstafford/wp2static#1 /home/wpstagep/ StaticHtmlOutput_GitHub->updateFileInGitHub() leonstafford/wp2static#2 /home/wpstagep/ StaticHtmlOutput_GitHub->upload_files() leonstafford/wp2static#3 /home/wpstagep/ StaticHtmlOutput_GitHub->__construct() leonstafford/wp2static#4 /home/wpstagep/ require_once('/home/wpstagep/...') leonstafford/wp2static#5 /home/wpstagep/ require_once('/home/wpstagep/...') leonstafford/wp2static#6 /home/wpstagep/ include_once('/home/wpstagep/...') leonstafford/wp2static#7 /home/wpstagep/ require_once('/home/wpstagep/...') leonstafford/wp2static#8 /home/wpstagep/ require_once('/home/wpstagep/...') leonstafford/wp2static#9 /home/wpstagep/ require_once('/home/wpstagep/...') leonstafford/wp2static#10 {main}