elementor / static-html-output

Static HTML Output Plugin for WordPress
The Unlicense
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put files to s3 is not working with wp-cli #26

Closed rluisr closed 4 years ago

rluisr commented 5 years ago

generate and deploy is succeed without error. but there are no files in s3 bucket.

wp wp2static generate then wp wp2static deploy

$ wp wp2static options list

| Option name                   | Value                                          |
| additionalUrls                |                                                |
| allowOfflineUsage             |                                                |
| baseHREF                      |                                                |
| baseUrl                       | https://hoge.com/static |
| baseUrl-bitbucket             |                                                |
| baseUrl-bunnycdn              |                                                |
| baseUrl-folder                | https://hoge/static/b                |
| baseUrl-ftp                   |                                                |
| baseUrl-github                |                                                |
| baseUrl-gitlab                |                                                |
| baseUrl-netlify               |                                                |
| baseUrl-s3                    | https://hoge.com/static |
| baseUrl-zip                   |                                                |
| baseUrl-zip                   |                                                |
| basicAuthPassword             | *******************                            |
| basicAuthUser                 |                                                |
| bbBranch                      |                                                |
| bbPath                        |                                                |
| bbRepo                        |                                                |
| bbToken                       | *******************                            |
| bunnycdnStorageZoneAccessKey  | *******************                            |
| bunnycdnPullZoneAccessKey     | *******************                            |
| bunnycdnPullZoneID            |                                                |
| bunnycdnStorageZoneName       |                                                |
| bunnycdnRemotePath            |                                                |
| cfDistributionId              | E2EFHW....                                 |
| completionEmail               |                                                |
| crawl_delay                   | 0                                              |
| crawl_increment               | 1                                              |
| crawlPort                     |                                                |
| debug_mode                    |                                                |
| detection_level               | homepage                                       |
| delayBetweenAPICalls          | 0                                              |
| deployBatchSize               | 1                                              |
| excludeURLs                   |                                                |
| ftpPassword                   | *******************                            |
| ftpRemotePath                 |                                                |
| ftpServer                     |                                                |
| ftpPort                       |                                                |
| ftpTLS                        |                                                |
| ftpUsername                   | ftp                               |
| ghBranch                      |                                                |
| ghCommitMessage               |                                                |
| ghPath                        |                                                |
| ghRepo                        |                                                |
| ghToken                       | *******************                            |
| glBranch                      |                                                |
| glPath                        |                                                |
| glProject                     |                                                |
| glToken                       | *******************                            |
| netlifyHeaders                |                                                |
| netlifyPersonalAccessToken    | *******************                            |
| netlifyRedirects              |                                                |
| netlifySiteID                 |                                                |
| removeConditionalHeadComments | 1                                              |
| removeHTMLComments            | 1                                              |
| removeWPLinks                 | 1                                              |
| removeWPMeta                  | 1                                              |
| rewrite_rules                 |                                                |
| rename_rules                  |                                                |
| s3Bucket                      | prd                                  |
| s3Key                         | AKIAJ....                           |
| s3Region                      | ap-northeast-1                                 |
| s3RemotePath                  | hoge                            |
| s3Secret                      | *******************                            |
| selected_deployment_option    | s3                                             |
| targetFolder                  | /mnt/efs/DocumentRoot/static                   |
| useActiveFTP                  |                                                |
| useBaseHref                   |                                                |
| useBasicAuth                  |                                                |
| useRelativeURLs               |                                                |
rluisr commented 5 years ago

resolved. before execute generate site, delete deploy cache from "GUI -> Advanced Option -> delete deploy cache".

@leonstafford Is there any way to delete deploy cache from shells script? or support it via wp-cli.

leonstafford commented 4 years ago

🙇 sorry, didn't ever reply to this, but the deploy_cache delete (--force to not prompt) option now available in WP_CLI commands