elements-at / ProcessManager

Manage processes in Pimcore
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Cronjob not working for pimcore commands #136

Closed utkarsh-sharma-511 closed 2 years ago

utkarsh-sharma-511 commented 2 years ago

I am trying to schedule a command to run from cron but it is not working. Though the next run command time is correct but it is not running at that time and the time is not getting updated. I am able to execute the cpmmand manually. Screenshot_5 Screenshot_6 .

ctippler commented 2 years ago

Hi, have you set up the cronjob

as mentioned in https://github.com/elements-at/ProcessManager/blob/master/doc/installationAndUpdates.md ?

This should trigger the execution.

Regards, Christian

utkarsh-sharma-511 commented 2 years ago

Hi Christian, Yes I have added the cron.

NiklasBr commented 2 years ago

Can reproduce this issue as well, with the following example command which generates some thumbnails, no errors appears as far as I can find.

class AssetThumbnailGenerationCommand extends AbstractCommand
    use ExecutionTrait;

    protected function configure()

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $monitoringItem = $this->initProcessManager(3600);

        // Real command has multiple folders and multiple sets of thumbnail configs, this is simplified
        $monitoringItem->setTotalSteps(1)->setMessage('Starting process')->save();

        $phpPath = (new PhpExecutableFinder())->find() ?? Console::getPhpCli();
        $folder = Asset\Folder::getByPath("/");
        $arguments = [
            PIMCORE_PROJECT_ROOT . '/bin/console',

        $output->writeln("{$this->getName()} starting command: " . implode(' ', $arguments));
        $monitoringItem->setMessage("Processing {$folder->getFullPath()}")->setCurrentStep(1)->save();

        $process = new Process($arguments);
        $output->writeln("{$this->getName()} processing {$folder->getFullPath()}");

        $resultCode = $process->run();
        $process->stop(10, $resultCode);

        $monitoringItem->setMessage('Job finished')->setCompleted();
        return self::SUCCESS;
NiklasBr commented 2 years ago

@utkarsh-sharma-511 did you resolve this? What was the solution?

betterapp commented 1 year ago

@utkarsh-sharma-511 I have the same issue. Process Manager stuck and do nothing since 5 days now. image