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Clan YEN SINK idea #113

Open SatoGojo opened 2 years ago

SatoGojo commented 2 years ago

Idea credit to Yuji

Player buys own clan for x amount of Yen (A Large amount) Thinking 100k-500k Yen Automatically appointed leader Gets to choose Elder 1 and Elder 2 <- does away with challenge feature since this is an individually bought clan

levimeahan commented 2 years ago

I'm leaning towards thinking that custom clans are the way to go and BL clans can be scrapped. Will consider this more.

levimeahan commented 2 years ago

Would love to hear what your list of "things I want to get out of a clan" is

SatoGojo commented 2 years ago

General ideas would be Add Hyperlinks to profile, view village clan that lets users view a clan Basic reward boosts PVP wins add to clan reputation other then missions Clan signatures (2:1 ratio banners) Brief description area of what the clan is about (also viewable by other players)

PrincessSuper commented 2 years ago

I think, on the other hand, bloodline clans are the best way of doing it, and I will step in and add flavour to each clan.

What the yen sink should be is instead Clan Compounds. Have you invest in your clan to build a mansion, guard it and so on. As a clan's compound grows larger, bonuses are added to people (perfect place for non-pvp stuff like regen boost or maybe even something like a scout range bonus if you're in the village) and more complex and rewarding clan missions are made.

You know I am perfectly capable of crafting a story for each clan and a unique mission string for them all, I think that's probably better than custom clans. Custom clans seem cool in theory, but in practice it just divides the players up. We already have teams for that. Clans should be bigger than the whims of individual players.

unownram commented 2 years ago

Agreed with Princess. Teams are the customisable player element, Clans provide opportunities for backstory/pve. That said, could be a thing to add like a team base that's upgradable with yen n stuff

ViscaBarre commented 2 years ago

This could be renamed into Clan Rework.

I see two options here judging from prior discussion: custom clans (separate bloodlines from clans) or lore-friendly bloodline-related clans.

Thought about this for a good while, and decided I prefer the combination of the two.

This is written on phone, will take a second look when I'm done moving. Bit of an assortment of ideas atm.

3-4 Pre-made Clans Per Village

These pre-made clans have their own backstories, own goals, own "political leaning" (I couldn't think of better word), and especially own NPC clan head, possibly with an NPC retainer. They are lore-friendly and work as expanding the lore and the setting. Worldbuilding.

These clans have no relation to bloodlines. Bloodline is no longer something dependant on your clan.

Player chooses a clan for themselves that they feel most interested in. They can first meet with the clan head and have a brief discussion on what kind of members the clan fosters, what are clan's goals, what is the clan head like. Joining a clan is not a must. One doesn't have to join one.

NPC clan enables several things:

Clan Skill Tree

Not yet finished with this thought. Could be added later. Ideally each clan would have a skill tree with different...branches? The tree can be shared for all. Unlock skills through spending clan points. Clan points are earned by all player members belonging to said clan.

However, the clan head NPC is the one deciding what to invest clan points in. This is dependant on the "goal" of the clan head that affects which skill they weigh more important. This gives clans further identity.

The chosen path could be displayed for say next 5 skills the clan head NPC will unlock.

The heads of Branch Families could be given a bartering ability to negotiate with the retainer of the clan head about other skills to unlock instead in exchange for branch family loyalty. How many branch family heads are required to agree could depend on percentage or set number based on number if branch families. Alternatively, the clan head could be swayed with a "donation" of yen.

Player-customizable Branch Families

A clan has a main family who hold the power. It can also have subsidiaries and branch families. Branch families are the solution for highly requested player customizable "guild feature." A clan can in theory have as many branch families as players want to create.

Once a player has racked up enough total clan points earned as well as enough yen, they can request to found their own branch family. No other requirement necessary?

Branch Families operate under orders of their clan head, but retain certain level of autonomy to themselves.

They can have their own:

While clan members rack up clan points, branch family members also earn loyalty. Clan points are spent by the clan head, but loyalty is spent by the branch family head at will.

What loyalty can be spent on will become clearer over time. But if I see another suggestion of "regen/scout/yen/train boost" I'll yeet.

Loyalty could provide ranks (Subordinate -> Trusted -> Sworn, have fancy ones, maybe tailored per clan/village) to the branch families and they in turn more sway with bartering.

EDIT: Bartering should cost loyalty. You are going against the will of your clan head after all, questioning their decision.

Clan Family Tree

For a while now I've thought about "Chronicles" of Shinobi Chronicles. To me that means recording the present into preserved history. I've got Chronicler idea waiting.

I would like to see a clan "family tree" added that would display the clan hierarchy and branch families. Can make a mock-up later.

unownram commented 2 years ago

3-4 Pre-made Clans Per Village To expand on the 'competition between clans'. I would assume all the clans would be at least neutral to clans of the same village, but what about those of other villages? Sister clans, clans that have reluctantly allied to achieve a common goal, and allowing their members to (temporarily?) complete missions together.

Clan Skill Tree Buildings. There could be all the normal stuff that could be upgradable via yen/clan points like a clan hall and training arena, and would be part of every clan. Then we could have speciality buildings specific to the clan/clan type. Skills could require an upgrade level of building/s to acquire via clan points, or be unlocked simply by having said upgrades to building. As Chi said "the clan head NPC is the one deciding what to invest clan points in" but "The heads of Branch Families could be given a bartering ability". This could be done by the NPC limiting which building/s can be upgraded, and the Branch heads could simply pour funds towards the one that is favoured. Loyalty/yen could be spent to be able to upgrade a building outside of the current available.

Loyalty Ranks Achieved upon reaching a certain number of points or have to be purchased? Does rank go down if you spend too much loyalty?

ViscaBarre commented 2 years ago

Loyalty Ranks Achieved upon reaching a certain number of points or have to be purchased? Does rank go down if you spend too much loyalty?

I'd say achieved when reaching certain mumber of loyalty. De-ranking is actually an interesting thought. I considered having a weekly loyalty cost to weed out inactive branch families: once loyalty is like -100, the clan head will disown the branch family, ceasing its existence.

Imma sleep but I am interested in your first point also about clan relations. I think those should be druven by the clan heads as well. I'll get back to this one later after giving it more thought!

ViscaBarre commented 2 years ago

It has been suggested the Kage must convince the clan heads to agree to a War when a war is about to be initiated (majority vote, so 3 clan heads).

This may work well considering Branch Families are able to barter and influence with the Clan Head and this in turn is a way for the villagers to make their own voices heard.

ViscaBarre commented 1 year ago

Recent additions:

o Three clans per village, with each their own "specialization:"

These affect the clan skill trees, with each clan having their own skill tree. Specialization skills unlocked in the tree apply to everyone, not only the clan members.

Clan skill tree ideas

ViscaBarre commented 1 year ago

Event idea based on NPC-led clans: