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Bingo Book & Bounty Hunter Occupation (ANBU) #160

Open ViscaBarre opened 2 years ago

ViscaBarre commented 2 years ago


This contains details and ideas on ways to implement Bingo Book and Bounty Hunter Occupation. Bounty Hunter would and should not be PVP-only - there are ways to provide PVE content with it.

New travel page is being re-designed in a way to take tracking as well as bounty hunting into consideration. As much future-proofing as there can be. New travel page can be added beforehand without these features.

I'll use Anbu as placeholder for clarity's sake, it's a familiar term for many. It'll need its own name, possibly one for each village.


o Provide more things to do o Add one of the most beloved occupations and the one with most badass factor in the series o Add PVE content but in a way that it also supports PVP gameplay o Add more flavour and worldbuilding o This is hella cool boyos

Becoming a Bounty Hunter

o Unlock Bounty Hunter occupation at Jounin with content continuing to Sennin

o Each village would have their own Anbu headquarters in Village Menu where they'd apply for the position

o The Anbu headquarters would contain an Anbu NPC, personalized to fit each village, with whom the player interacts as a member

o The headquarters acts as the place of managing both the Bingo Book and Bounty Hunter occupation related things

o Player would have their own Bingo Book to keep track of ongoing and successful hunts when outside of village


o Targets to hunt would involve NPCs to choose from to give PVE options if there are not enough players around, or for fun

o Hunting for NPC targets could involve actual tracking by finding signs in the wilds

o Not all targets require killing. After weakening the target, player could be presented with options "capture, interrogate, kill."

o Player targets are available and could be displayed in headquarters' bounty board using their avatar

o Bounty hunter occupation gives access to enhanced tracking (tie to level) to be used on player targets once leveled enough

Being a Bounty Hunter

o Succesful hunts provide experience towards player's Bounty Hunter level

ViscaBarre commented 2 years ago

Adding to

Being a Bounty Hunter

o Succesful hunts could reward ninja headbands (bounty hunter currency) to exchange for bounty hunting equipment and other items such as

Some of the NPC Targets could have ties to the NPC Heads of Clans.