elena-ecn / pick-and-place

A pick-and-place application with the Franka Panda robot simulated in ROS and Gazebo.
MIT License
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Object slides from the gripper after (3-5 seconds) picking #1

Closed illusionsoftruth closed 2 hours ago

illusionsoftruth commented 3 hours ago

I'm running the robot simulation as per the given instructions:-

roslaunch pick_and_place panda_world.launch works perfectly without any errors.

roslaunch panda_sim_moveit sim_move_group.launchroslaunch pick_and_place panda_world.launch works perfectly with these two warning given below:-


process[move_group-1]: started with pid [155254] [ WARN] [1727052931.009233766]: Falling back to using the move_group node's namespace (deprecated Melodic behavior). [ INFO] [1727052931.026474605]: Loading robot model 'panda'... [ WARN] [1727052931.026710274]: Skipping virtual joint 'virtual_joint' because its child frame 'panda_link0' does not match the URDF frame 'world'**

And this warning when it starts planning:-

**You can start planning now!

[ WARN] [1727055478.025842456, 169.125000000]: Empty quaternion found in pose message. Setting to neutral orientation. [ WARN] [1727055478.034582161, 169.131000000]: Empty quaternion found in pose message. Setting to neutral orientation. [ INFO] [1727055478.211543612, 169.272000000]: Combined planning and execution request received for MoveGroup action. Forwarding to planning and execution pipeline.**

rosrun pick_and_place object_detector.py runs perfectly fine.

rosrun pick_and_place pick_and_place_state_machine.py run perfectly with the following warnings:-

[ INFO] [1727052051.213208387]: Loading robot model 'panda'... [ WARN] [1727052051.214718438]: Skipping virtual joint 'virtual_joint' because its child frame 'panda_link0' does not match the URDF frame 'world' [ INFO] [1727052051.214765938]: No root/virtual joint specified in SRDF. Assuming fixed joint

and this:-

[ INFO] [1727052051.213208387]: Loading robot model 'panda'... [ WARN] [1727052051.214718438]: Skipping virtual joint 'virtual_joint' because its child frame 'panda_link0' does not match the URDF frame 'world' [ INFO] [1727052051.214765938]: No root/virtual joint specified in SRDF. Assuming fixed joint [ INFO] [1727052052.388884919, 39.780000000]: Ready to take commands for planning group panda_arm. [ INFO] [1727052052.895104359, 40.245000000]: Ready to take commands for planning group hand. [INFO] [1727052052.965490, 40.312000]: GripperInterface: Waiting for gripper action servers... [INFO] [1727052054.169970, 41.370000]: GripperInterface: Gripper action servers found! Unknown tag "hardwareInterface" in /robot[@name='panda']/transmission[@name='panda_tran_1']/actuator[@name='panda_motor_1'] Unknown tag "hardwareInterface" in /robot[@name='panda']/transmission[@name='panda_tran_2']/actuator[@name='panda_motor_2'] Unknown tag "hardwareInterface" in /robot[@name='panda']/transmission[@name='panda_tran_3']/actuator[@name='panda_motor_3'] Unknown tag "hardwareInterface" in /robot[@name='panda']/transmission[@name='panda_tran_4']/actuator[@name='panda_motor_4'] Unknown tag "hardwareInterface" in /robot[@name='panda']/transmission[@name='panda_tran_5']/actuator[@name='panda_motor_5'] Unknown tag "hardwareInterface" in /robot[@name='panda']/transmission[@name='panda_tran_6']/actuator[@name='panda_motor_6'] Unknown tag "hardwareInterface" in /robot[@name='panda']/transmission[@name='panda_tran_7']/actuator[@name='panda_motor_7'] Unknown tag "hardwareInterface" in /robot[@name='panda']/transmission[@name='panda_leftfinger']/actuator[@name='panda_finger_joint1'] Unknown tag "hardwareInterface" in /robot[@name='panda']/transmission[@name='panda_rightfinger']/actuator[@name='panda_finger_joint2'] [WARN] [1727052054.722831, 41.889000]: PandaArm: Frames changing not available in simulated environment [INFO] [1727052054.727167, 41.893000]: GripperInterface: Waiting for gripper action servers... [INFO] [1727052054.727654, 41.894000]: GripperInterface: Gripper action servers found!

The robot picks the object but the object slides off from the gripper eventually falling down. I also played around with the friciton coefficients but didnt work either

The video is posted in the link below:-


Copu paste the above link on a new tab to view the video.

illusionsoftruth commented 2 hours ago

Actually I figured it out. I changed the friction properties to 0.2 both, added linear and angular damping to inertia 0.1 to both, increased the mass to 0.2kgs, added restitution coefficient 0.1 to bounce properties and I believe damping did the job perfectly.