elenamer / ecg_classification_DL

ECG arrhythmia detection
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init of the cpsc2018 dataset #7

Open speculaas opened 1 month ago

speculaas commented 1 month ago

Dear Ms. Elena,

Can you help me understand what this following line is doing?

sex, age, sig = loadmat(path+os.sep+"TrainingSet"+os.sep+idx+".mat")['ECG'][0][0]

(https://github.com/elenamer/ecg_classification_DL/blob/099fdd07e8ebf0220d5e2ade8942122fe39ca68d/datasets/cpsc2018dataset.py#L56 )

I think the fields, sex and age , are in the .hea files. (Can you confirm this for me?)

but what does sig stands for?

And also, I just found out that cpsc2018dataset is no longer available at the original challenge website: http://2018.icbeb.org/Challenge.html

I got mine from kaggle: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/bjoernjostein/china-physiological-signal-challenge-in-2018/data

Is it possible that kaggle changed the format?

Thanks again for the repo, and your help!

speculaas commented 1 month ago

I just saw the uml from your paper, and I guess maybe sig in


means the signal as illustrated in the cpsc2018 uml? image