I run the instance command "python3 experiments.py evaluate configs/CartPoleEnv/env.json configs/CartPoleEnv/DQNAgent.json --train --episodes=200". It can work, but after 2 episodes, do not continue run. I wait for long time. It still not continue run. I check out directory. There is also 2 mp4 files. What's wrong with environment or configs?
This is because by default, only a few episodes are rendered (so that training is faster).
After training, you can visualise the trained policy by replacing --train by --test --restore.
I run the instance command "python3 experiments.py evaluate configs/CartPoleEnv/env.json configs/CartPoleEnv/DQNAgent.json --train --episodes=200". It can work, but after 2 episodes, do not continue run. I wait for long time. It still not continue run. I check out directory. There is also 2 mp4 files. What's wrong with environment or configs?