eleurent / twitter-graph

Fetch and visualize the graph of your Twitter friends and followers.
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Implementation of the clustering? #28

Open nadesai opened 2 years ago

nadesai commented 2 years ago

This may be a stupid question. But in the README.md, it says that the Louvain method and https://arxiv.org/abs/0812.1770 were used for performing the clustering analysis. Where is the code that invoked these methods?

nadesai commented 2 years ago

I discovered https://github.com/taynaud/python-louvain, which networkx also points to for people looking for a Louvain implementation. The implementation also contains a resolution parameter corresponding to the "timescale" from Lambiotte et al.

eleurent commented 2 years ago

The script in this project only implements data collection, and all these graph-related methods for layout, node ranking and clustering, etc. are already provided by Gephi . I just thought I would mention them in the Readme for completeness.

eleurent commented 2 years ago

But thanks for the reference, it would also be worth having a full python-based pipeline for generating the final graph, so that the process is fully automated.