eleurent / twitter-graph

Fetch and visualize the graph of your Twitter friends and followers.
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Applying Filters #4

Open uBadRequest opened 3 years ago

uBadRequest commented 3 years ago


Nice project! Would it be possible to add the ability to apply filters to the graph, such as keywords in bio, or number of followers/followings?

eleurent commented 3 years ago

Hi @uBadRequest,

That is a great idea, and it is actually already supported:

  1. all the fields returned by the Twitter API are saved by default
  2. thus, they are also loaded in Gephi, see e.g. the first few rows of the Data Laboratory Capture3
  3. these attributes can in turn be used in the Filters section of Gephi's Overview panel

For instance, here is the graph of my Twitter friends,

uBadRequest commented 3 years ago

I was also really interesting in getting all the twitter accounts that are followed by at least x number of people that I follow, but i'm not currently following them.

If someone's following like 15,000+ accounts, then I don't really care to fetch the list of everyone they follow. It could be like 3 people I follow are following a specific account, and fetch all the information about them.

I could try to add this myself, seems pretty easy haha.