elevateweb / elevatezoom

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Image zoom with thumbnails on Rails #171

Closed htorohn closed 6 years ago

htorohn commented 6 years ago

Hello, first of all, congratulations on the excellent work. I'm developing a rails commerce application and I'm using elevate zoom to create a zoom on the product's images. so far is working very good with just the main image, but I cannot make it work when selecting different thumbnails and changing the main image when I click on a thumbnail (keeps zooming the first image).

I went through the examples with the galleries and the complexity of my application is when generating the thumbnails.

Can you please help me!


Here is the code to generate the thumbnails:

<% if (@product.images + @product.variant_images).uniq.size > 1 %>

<ul id="product-thumbnails" class="product-slider thumbnails list-inline" data-hook> <% @product.images.each do |i| %> <div class="item"> <li class='tmb-all tmb-<%= i.viewable.id %>'> <%= link_to(image_tag(i.attachment.url(:mini), class: "thumbnail", 'data-zoom-image' => i.attachment.url(:large)), i.attachment.url(:product)) %> </li> </div> <% end %>

<% if @product.has_variants? %>
  <% @product.variant_images.each do |i| %>
    <% next if @product.images.include?(i) %>
   `<div class="item">`
   `<li class='vtmb tmb-<%= i.viewable.id %>'>`
      <%= link_to(image_tag(i.attachment.url(:mini), class: "thumbnail", 'data-zoom-image' => i.attachment.url(:large)), i.attachment.url(:product)) %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>


<% end %>