elevateweb / elevatezoom

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How can use Two gallery with only one div show #180

Open mohandes opened 6 years ago

mohandes commented 6 years ago

I have product page with gallery of product so first i use this code:

$('#Pic').elevateZoom({ zoomType: 'inner',responsive: true, gallery:'productGallery', cursor: 'move', galleryActiveClass: 'active'});

And i have second gallery for product color , if customer click another color to buy ,show that color of product. with this code:

$('#Pic').elevateZoom({ zoomType: 'inner',responsive: true, gallery:'productColors', cursor: 'move', galleryActiveClass: 'active'});

All this action work. but when i click pic inside productGallery and try to zoom it, Unfortunately show pic's from productColors Galley.

How can define two galley?