elevenlabs / elevenlabs-js

The official JavaScript (Node) library for ElevenLabs Text to Speech.
MIT License
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Ways to set stream to false when using elevenlabs.textToSpeech.convert #40

Open ashbuilds opened 1 month ago

ashbuilds commented 1 month ago

Hi, I was trying below code, but its always streaming is there a way to pass down some props to fetcher so that we can also get a normal response?

const audio = await elevenlabs.textToSpeech.convert(voice.voice_id, {
    model_id: 'eleven_multilingual_v2',
    output_format: 'mp3_22050_32',
    voice_settings: {
      stability: 0.1,
      similarity_boost: 0.3,
      style: 0.2,

Thank you!