elevenlabs / elevenlabs-js

The official JavaScript (Node) library for ElevenLabs Text to Speech.
MIT License
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Issues with some missing exports #7

Closed BolajiAyodeji closed 4 months ago

BolajiAyodeji commented 5 months ago

Hi! Thanks for creating a JS equivalent of the Python SDK.

I was giving it a quick spin and tried to test in a local TypeScript environment but kept getting the error: Module '"elevenlabs"' has no exported member 'play'. The same applies to stream.

Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 09 54 34

For the apiKey argument:

Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 09 55 23

Even the generate property does not exist:

Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 09 56 41

The same error occurs even when the SDK is imported into a Reactjs environment. Is there something I'm missing or some type definitions we need to install for the SDK? Everything seems to be set up correctly on my end.

keyesdav commented 4 months ago

I'm also seeing this. Renders the api pretty much unusable, unless we have docs out of sync with the api or something... looking.

BolajiAyodeji commented 4 months ago

Could you help here, please, @dsinghvi? Any thoughts?

dsinghvi commented 4 months ago

@BolajiAyodeji thanks for tagging me directly -- the SDK has been regenerated and we have published 0.1.5. You should see the correct exports come through in the SDK. Feel free to reopen up this issue if you still have problems!