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NetRocks: Lack of ProxyJump option for sftp/scp #1790

Open ds-voix opened 1 year ago

ds-voix commented 1 year ago

OpenSSH client can transparently use ssh proxy. I can write in "/etc/ssh/ssh_config" something like this:

Host *.xxx.local
    ProxyJump user@host.yyy.local

And now, ssh sets up connections to xxx.local using proxy command: ssh -l user -W [target.xxx.local]:22 host.yyy.local

But NetRocks still has no such option. And ignores it in "/etc/ssh/ssh_config", even when I write the exact path in protocol settings.

icesvz commented 1 year ago

thats strange it works for me for a year+ my config is

Host local.local
HostName remote.remote
ProxyJump user@jump.jump:2202
User user
IdentityFile "/home/ice/.ssh/identity"
ds-voix commented 1 year ago

Latest release 2.5.1-beta.

# cat /etc/ssh/ssh_config
Host host1.xxx.local
HostName host1.xxx.local
ProxyJump myname@gate.yyy.local
User myname
IdentityFile /home/myname/xx

Test with ssh:

# ssh host1.xxx.local
Enter passphrase for key '/home/myname/xxx':
Last login: Mon Aug 14 15:38:33 2023 from <gate>

# ssh host2.xxx.local
ssh: connect to host host2.xxx.local port 22: No route to host

Ok, "host2.xxx.local" has now no config for ProxyJump (been an "control group").

FAR2L → "host1.xxx.local": Screenshot_20230821_122203

vasya-r7 commented 1 year ago

JumpHosts OpenSSH configuration(~/.ssh/config) not working with NetRocks. On MacOs it gives error like this.


SSH and SFTP connections via OpenSSH and FISH via Midnight Commander from macports are working just fine.

Just as an example a snip from ~/.ssh/config

Host xxyyzz
    Port            22

Host ap-lab
    Port            22
        ProxyJump       _yyy@xxyyzz
    PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms ssh-rsa
    HostKeyAlgorithms   ssh-rsa

OpenSSH connections are working by name and by IP but NetRocks doesn`t work neither way.

P.S.: I use ssh-agent auth by keys.

unxed commented 11 months ago

try shell protocol instead?
