elgatito / plugin.video.elementum

Elementum add-on for Kodi. Development of this addon has been stopped!
MIT License
466 stars 157 forks source link

Xbox Support #1047

Open Dodo21odoD opened 1 month ago

Dodo21odoD commented 1 month ago

Can you add support for watching movies from elementium on Xbox Series X/S?

antonsoroko commented 2 weeks ago

please use search https://github.com/elgatito/plugin.video.elementum/issues?q=is%3Aissue+Xbox it was discussed many times already. the only way with xbox is to use client-server approach: you run kodi+elementum as client on xbox and then elementum as server on PC. see the end of https://github.com/elgatito/plugin.video.elementum/issues/2